Amber's speech was directly in the common language of the elves of the Thousand Star Empire, so these Roma people could understand it without the need for translation.

But the problem is, these furballs can understand every word he says, but when combined together, it makes them confused.

fighting? KPI?

How are these two things related?

Seeing the "hungry for knowledge" eyes of each of these Roma people, Amber thanked another famous private military company in distant time and space in her heart.

Their combat KPI management model has been of great help to Amber.

Amber asked the instructors to bring in a mobile holographic projection device, and then showed a simulated animation of attacking a difficult battle.

“Let’s take the battle of fortification as an example.

In combat missions, in addition to your daily salary, when encountering such a difficult nut to crack, the company will adopt a KPI assessment method to calculate additional bonuses for you.

If this position is successfully captured, the company will give a bonus of 30,000 psychic points to the team participating in this battle.

If there are no casualties in the team participating in the battle, an additional 5,000 points will be awarded while the original bonus remains unchanged.

But during the battle, if there are casualties, not only will the extra bonus be gone, but every additional person killed will be deducted from the bonus of 30,000 power points!

If this battle is not a battle of annihilation, but requires keeping a few live traps to collect intelligence, then for every prisoner captured, there will be an additional 1,000 power points! "

Amber's gentle explanation, coupled with the animation, gradually made these Roma people understand what the combat KPI assessment he was talking about was.

But his words did not end there, the holographic projection device also presented a new picture.

“Each of you has been trained by the company before officially taking up the job, so each of you is a unique and valuable asset of the company.

Compared to you, weapons, ammunition, and equipment are nothing more than cheap and mature industrial products.

So I hope that you can put your own safety first during the battle, and don't always charge headlessly with passion.

Therefore, based on the battle records recorded in your respective personal terminals, the company will provide additional rewards based on your use of technical weapons and tactical equipment in battle, or calling for rear fire support.

In other words, if you use these equipment according to reasonable tactical arrangements, the final reward you will receive will be higher than your own physical charge.

At the same time, in addition to bonuses, these will also be included in the annual KPIs of each of you and each team.

The top three teams and individuals with KPI rankings each year will be awarded the titles of ‘Excellent Team’ and ‘Excellent Employee’.

For groups and individuals who win awards every year, the company will increase your pensions and pensions."

Taking this opportunity, Amber briefly explained the KPI assessment framework of Atlas Private Military Company.

The Roma people opposite him were stunned. They had never thought that they could have such twists and turns while fighting hard.

But they also understood the most critical part of what Amber said.

That is to try not to cause too many casualties in the battle, use tactics and technical equipment as needed, and call in fire support as needed.

For a moment, the Roma candidates felt like they were touched by Amber.

Where can I find a boss who cares so much about the safety of his employees?

"He really made me cry to death."

Many Roma people think this silently in their hearts.

But if Amber knew what they were thinking now, it might make him a little embarrassed.

Because he actually didn't think too much in this direction. The most important thing was to consider the company's operating costs.

These Roma Marines take time to train. The basic adaptive training alone takes three months, not to mention other specialized training later.

This is a time cost.

And if they are killed in battle, according to the protection system of Atlas Private Military Company, his immediate family members will receive a high pension.

This is an economic cost.

On this basis, Amber naturally hopes that these Roma Marines, who have invested a lot of money in training, can create more value for the company.

Rather than just entering the battlefield, he was beaten into a sieve on the way to a brainless charge.

Compared with their training costs, the cost of industrial products such as weapons, ammunition and even technical equipment has long been driven down by the proliferation of military-industrial enterprises.

Especially the most basic individual weapons and exoskeletons are simply cheap.

And what he just said is actually not original in this world.

Other large PMCs have already set assessment KPIs for their mercenaries based on traditional daily salary settlements.

However, their assessment method is more at the battle level.

KPI calculations also focus more on the annual combat participation rate and combat attendance rate of these mercenaries.

But with the help of Lilith, Amber has the capital to refine the KPI assessment to every battle of every employee to achieve truly refined management.

This allows the company to connect the underlying logic from top to bottom, align information granularity, and create a set of combinations to ultimately form a perfect closed loop.

He had already discussed this with Lilith.

The latter also said that there was no problem at all, and only needed to provide a dedicated server for data storage.

My Li is great, no need to say more.

After the attack training, the fur balls, who were confused by the big cakes painted by Amber, followed the instructors to continue training with a happy face.

Looking at these neatly arranged and disciplined Roma people, who had long lost the loose and free atmosphere when they first came to Babel Tower.

Standing next to Amber, Alanita couldn't help but say:

"I never thought I would see Roma people in this posture."

"Why? Did you treat them as harmless fur balls before?"

"Hahaha, not completely, but almost"

Alanita smiled, then turned to look at Amber.

"The Elf King Court also knows Atlas, and they have already paid attention to you, a human who recruited Roma to fight."

"Is this a good thing or a bad thing?"

Amber also turned around and stared straight into the female elf's green eyes.

"That depends on the future development of Atlas."

The smile on Alanita's face became playful. After thinking for a moment, she continued:

"It's not that I want to be a riddler, but now it's really impossible to guess what the Elf King's Court is thinking. Don't worry, I will definitely inform you as soon as possible if there is anything. Atlas is also an industry I invested in anyway."

"I feel relieved with your words~"

Since Alanita had other arrangements, she said goodbye to Amber and the others after observing the training.

According to her, the second batch of Roma candidates, also 100 people, will arrive tomorrow.

So Amber asked Baninger to divide the instructor group into two groups, and the old sergeant continued to train the first batch of fur balls.

And Amber will take a few instructors to personally train the second batch.

After arranging these matters, Amber returned to her office and put on a network infiltration device.

This thing, which looks similar to a certain "game that kills people", allows the wearer to immerse himself in cyberspace or games.

Of course, Amber is not going to surf the Internet or play games now.

After his consciousness passed through a void, he soon came to a bright space, which was Lilith's "home" in the virtual world.

When the picture in front of him was completely clear, Amber's forehead crossed several black lines.

Because he found himself in an empty classroom.

And Lilith, wearing a student uniform, was leaning on a desk, looking at him with a smile.

"Master~ You are finally here!"

"No, you use so much computing power just to render this?"


Lilith did not answer Amber's question directly, but pulled him to sit on the chair, and sat on Amber's legs.

Then she put Amber's hand on her thigh.

When this LSP touched the low-D black silk, his hand slid involuntarily.

It can be seen how thoroughly Lilith has studied Amber XP during this period.

"Cough, forget it, then I won't entangle these."

Amber sat up straight with a little embarrassment, posing a posture of "I want to talk about business".

But his hand did not stop.

This time he came to Lilith, touching the black silk was secondary, the most important thing was to ask about a company.

Trident Heavy Industry, a company specializing in the production of individual equipment.

This company has related products as long as it can be used by infantry.

However, their most famous products are individual exoskeletons and power armor, and they also accept customization.

There are a series of dungeon rewards in the game, all of which are exoskeleton systems produced by Trident Heavy Industry, and the reputation among players has always been very good.

Later, some player guilds simply found this heavy industry to spend a huge amount of money to "customize" for their own guilds.

Although this is also a way for game operators to "recycle resources" from players, the products of this company are indeed beyond reproach.

So when Amber was thinking about equipping the Roma, she immediately thought of this heavy industry.

"Lilith, have you contacted the "Trident Heavy Industry" that you asked me to find before?"

"No, there is no such company~"


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