"We can't fight like this. If they keep their tactics, the pension will be sky-high."

Looking at the battle video that was being played again, Amber held her head with her hands, feeling a little overwhelmed.

He actually thought that these Roma people would fight more recklessly because of the "wildness" in their blood.

But he never thought that these fur balls would fight so recklessly.

"Let's arrange another assault training tomorrow, and I will be the defender myself."

"Ah? Boss, are you going to go down in person?"

Banninger was refreshed, and his eyes lit up.

"That's right~"

Amber showed a mean smile on his face.

"I want to let these fur balls know what the art of modern warfare is~"

Looking at Banninger who was already excited, Amber turned his head and looked at the elf assistant Shikoti on the other side.

"Ms. Shikoti, please invite Ms. Yuge to come and watch, if she has time in her schedule tomorrow."

"No problem, Mr. Amber, I believe that even if there is no time, Ms. Yuge will turn down other work and come here."

Shikoti pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose, and this action made the intelligence of this elf radiate all at once.

She smiled and continued:

"Ms. Yuge is very concerned about the Atlas investment project."

Before going to bed that night, the Roma candidates received a notice about another assault training the next day.

And it was not an ordinary assault training.

Amber, the boss of the Atlas PMC.

This mysterious man who basically did not appear during their training decided to personally conduct an assault training with them, the Roma candidates, tomorrow.

And he was defending alone in the ruins of the building, facing the attack of four squads of Roma troops.

When they first heard the news, these fur balls were still a little unhappy.

They felt that this boss was too confident in himself. What can a person do no matter how strong he is? Isn't this a gift?

Originally, the furballs were not very interested in this suspected "show" assault training.

But when they heard from the instructors that no matter what kind of fighting method they used, even if it was their favorite melee.

As long as they could meet Amber, all the Roma could get a bonus of 5,000 spiritual energy points at the same time.

These furballs were immediately excited.

They quickly selected four classes with better training conditions on weekdays to participate in tomorrow's assault training.

Those who were not selected were also excited to cheer for their compatriots in these four classes.

For the Roma, these 5,000 spiritual energy points are definitely a huge sum of money.

"Isn't this a gift to us? I didn't expect the Boss to be so nice and give everyone benefits in various ways~"

Monton, with a flowing mane, said this to the other Roma living in the dormitory after the lights were turned off.

"I don't think this training is that simple. Judging from the few words the instructors usually reveal, the boss should not be such an arrogant and reckless person."

Terak, who was sleeping head to head with Monton in another bed, shook his head.

"And they offer such an attractive bonus, it's like a trap."

"Terak, you just like to think too much~"

Monton curled his lips, disdained his friend's worries, then clapped his hands suddenly, and growled in a suppressed voice:

"All 9 people in our dormitory have signed up for tomorrow's assault training. Come on, everyone, I have a feeling that I will definitely get a bonus tomorrow!"

"Come on! Get the bonus!"

Others also growled in the dark, and their ideas were similar to Monton.

I feel that even if Amber is strong, she can't stop the attack of four classes of Roma. This 5,000 psychic point bonus is simply easy to get.

"Alas, I have a feeling that we will be beaten into sandbags tomorrow."

Only Terak sighed after cooperating with Monton.

He always felt that tomorrow's assault training would definitely not be so simple.

The next day, Babel Tower Comprehensive Training Center, assault training ground.

"What did I say last night? I said we would be beaten into sandbags!"

At the entrance of the abandoned building, Terak shouted while hiding behind the wall with a training gun.

The launch of this assault training was completely beyond the expectations of all Roma people.

Whether it was the four classes that directly participated in the training or the Roma people who watched on the big screen outside the training ground, they did not expect the opening to be so "exciting".

In order to win the huge sum of 5,000 per person, a total of 340,000 spiritual energy points, these Roma candidates also took it seriously.

Before the battle began, they even divided into four groups according to the training outline: assault, cover, firepower, and security.

They also controlled the "Wasp" single-soldier drone to conduct a round of reconnaissance on the building.

After they felt that everything was ready, the 1st squad responsible for the assault flipped over from behind the bunker and rushed towards the building.

Following closely behind was the second squad that was responsible for providing cover, where Mondon and Telak were.

The remaining two squads used the cover to suppress the windows of the building.

The training guns in their hands looked like a larger electromagnetic rifle.

And they were no longer mounted under the exoskeleton arm, but were now held in a handheld position.

These training guns were all made temporarily through 3D printing.

After inserting the sound, light, and motor components, the shooting feel has been as close to the real electromagnetic rifle as possible.

Just as the Roma of these two squads kept shooting and covering the sprint of the two squads in front.

An accident happened.

A minotaur who rushed to the front stepped on the mine buried by Amber in advance.

This training mine, which is essentially an oversized stun grenade, not only makes a loud noise, but also triggers the pain simulation device worn by these Roma.

Under the impact of severe pain and stun grenades, the minotaur fell to the ground immediately.

The sudden accident made the attacking squad 1 panic.

"Disperse! Keep charging!"

In the bloody roar of the squad leader of squad 1, these Roma quickly dispersed to both sides while keeping sprinting.





The three mines that were triggered in succession directly wrote off the entire squad 1.

The 2nd squad following behind them was stunned.

What was going on? How could a squad fall before they even touched the door?

At this moment, Telak reacted.

He led the 2nd squad and rushed forward, stepping on the "corpses" of the 1st squad.

He knew that at least these places that had been bombed by mines should still be safe.

However, this young Roma still underestimated the bottom line of Amber, the "professional old six".

He also underestimated the cunningness of smart mines.

Several smart training mines arranged on both sides of the main minefield detected ground vibrations and analyzed the characteristics to find that the Roma were passing by.

Their "directional blasting warheads" were detonated.

If it was in actual combat, these furry balls might have been beaten to a bloody mess by countless sharp triangular prefabricated fragments.

However, this was just a training, so Amber did not adjust the parameters of these training mines too outrageously.

Otherwise, these Roma would have been written off before entering the building, and there would be no end to it.

Thanks to Amber's "mercy", Monton, Terak and the other two Roma from Class 2 managed to survive and rushed to the main entrance of the building.

Monton, still in shock, looked back at his companions lying in all directions on the attack route.

Suddenly, he felt that his friend Terak's worries were not unreasonable.

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