From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 181 Simple mind, well-developed limbs

When Amber walked into the Tower of Babel Comprehensive Training Center, Sergeant Baninger, who had been waiting for a long time, almost pounced on Amber with several instructors who came to greet her.

"Boss, you are finally back!"

"Sergeant, be careful with your appearance. It's not good for your Roma to see you."

Looking at Baninger and several instructors who looked forward to the stars, the moon, and the sun in the mountains, Amber said with a bit of laughter and tears.

"Don't mention it, Boss, I'm going to be so angry with these Roma tactical training."

When this was mentioned, Baninger became furious.

However, he felt that he still couldn't let Amber be troubled by these things as soon as he came back, so he quickly adjusted his mood.

"Let's not talk about it for now. Boss, please rest first. After you finish resting, I will make a special report based on the training situation during this period. The time of your return is quite critical."

"It's okay, I don't need to rest. See you in conference room one in an hour."

Amber smiled and handed the two large bags she was carrying to Baninger.

"I went to several different planets this time. I brought some local specialties to you guys and distributed them to the brothers. There are still a lot of them in the car behind~"

Amber is not a person who is good at winning people over.

He was just like thousands of people in China. Under the guidance of his elders, relatives, friends, and the workplace, he actively or forcedly learned a lot about human nature and sophistication.

These things are actually very unfamiliar to the people at the bottom of the Federation and the Empire.

Because for them, after they make life plans based on the results of their own quality tests after birth, their growth trajectory has already been arranged.

After receiving basic education, they were transferred to vocational and technical colleges. After graduation, they went to corresponding positions in various factories or farms, and then lived their lives in confusion.

Or, like Baninger and others, stay in a military base on a certain planet until retirement.

There is not so much worldliness in such a life.

From their perspective, the only existence of leaders, superiors and superiors is to issue tasks and give orders to them.

Do you ask if these things exist in human society?

The answer is of course yes.

However, these 'cultures' are only eligible for middle-class residents and above.

So when Amber, as their 'Boss', showed the most basic care for them, or did what normal people would do.

In the eyes of these mobile infantry and asteroid miners, it is a strange and warm experience.

This kind of 'positive feedback' from Amber is even a bit addictive for them.

These are the reasons why these mobile infantrymen from Robert IV are willing to follow him here wholeheartedly.

Being able to survive is one reason, and the 'positive feedback' Amber gave them is another important reason.

An hour later, Amber arrived at the manor's meeting room No. 1 on time after taking a quick shower.

Sergeant Baninger and the elf assistant Shikodi, who assisted in training communication, were already waiting for him inside.

Baningree, who still maintained his military style, acted resolutely. After standing up and saluting Amber, he began to report directly.

"Boss, I won't be polite and go straight to the point."

Banninger released a video of Roma candidates performing physical training.

The screen also provides real-time data analysis based on the actions of these Roma people.

Including their speed, endurance, strength, reflexes and more.

“As you can see, these Roma people are, as you said at the beginning, possessing physical qualities that far exceed those of humans.

After the initial adaptation period, these furballs quickly showed their advantages in physical training.

We human instructors often need the assistance of drugs or exoskeletons to ensure that we are on the same frequency as them during training.

Fortunately, the wounded who came back with us have gradually adapted to the prosthetics during this time.

With the support of prosthetics, they were finally able to suppress these Roma in physical training without any other assistance. "

As Baninger described, another group of instructors appeared on the screen.

These instructors whose arms or legs have a metallic luster are the wounded who have received prosthetic modifications after being injured and amputated.

This is also a relatively unique phenomenon among federal and imperial forces.

That is, the wounded soldiers in the war are getting worse and worse.

Wounded soldiers who are forced to have their limbs amputated due to various reasons generally choose to install prosthetics in order to protect their future combat and life.

The performance of these prostheses is often relatively powerful, and some are as effective as human body modification surgeries.

Of course, the cost of surgery and prostheses will be deducted from their allowances and retirement benefits.

And this creates a new endless cycle.

Because of one round of surgery like this, the allowances and retirement benefits of general soldiers are almost deducted.

Some even owe money to the army.

Therefore, they have to choose to continue serving, increase their service years, and increase their retirement security level to a higher level, so as to protect their life after retirement.

But if unfortunately these soldiers are seriously injured again in the next battle, that's it, let's continue to extend their service years.

In this context, if you are in the army, especially in the ground combat troops, you will see a big boss who has a full body of prosthetics.

Two conclusions can be drawn.

First, this man is extremely powerful in individual combat.

Second, this man probably also owes the military a lot of money.

But Amber did not do this for the wounded in Atlas.

Firstly, he felt that this was too immoral.

Secondly, Atlas is really short of people right now, especially veterans with combat experience, who are valuable assets to the company, so installing prosthetics is a minor problem.

And these wounded people who have adapted to fully prosthetic bodies have indeed played an important role in the training of the Roma people.

"All in all, these Roma guys did a great job in terms of physical training, and no one was eliminated in this link. But the biggest problem now is the tactical training of these guys."

Baninger said as he advanced the report to the next part.

Then his expression became a little embarrassed.

“‘Well-developed limbs and simple minds’, this is the common understanding of all instructors about these male Roma people.

Because their learning ability in tactical training and tactical thinking development is really poor.

I still don’t understand why these Roma men rush to the target and fight hand-to-hand even though they have guns in hand.”

As Banninger describes it, a new video begins to play.

Here is a recent video of these Roma people conducting tactical training.

The video shows four infantry squads training to attack a half-collapsed building.

This fragmented building contains multiple hidden fire points and enemy defenders.

According to the general handling method of mobile infantry, it is natural to use individual drones to conduct reconnaissance first, and at the same time let the communication soldiers in the team conduct reconnaissance of the electromagnetic environment.

After confirming the target, the team is divided into teams with different functions such as assault, cover, firepower, and security.

Next is the standard process of sealing smoke, suppressing fire, and launching an attack by the assault team.

If the mobile infantry alone cannot chew it down, then it is necessary to call for fire support from the rear.

But the way the Roma fought was really eye-opening for Amber.

They had no investigation link at all and no grouping.

Four squads of Roma marines relied on their physical fitness to jump up directly from behind the bunker and start sprinting at high speed.

After leaving behind the 'bodies' of several unlucky people, he rushed directly into the building.

In the close combat, they changed from "firefight" to "hand-to-hand combat".

These tough men could even knock over the training dummy with one punch and die together when they were shot several times and the pain simulators they wore made them full of pain.

In the end, these four classes of Roma cleared the building with lightning speed and took less than ten minutes.

But the price is that it went from four classes to less than half a class

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