Isabel's father, Earl Jonathan Irons, the contemporary head of the Irons family, never expected that he would be rescued by his daughter and a guy who was suspected of being her boyfriend.

Just like he never thought before that his incompetent brother would actually have the courage to stab him in the back.

Originally, he betrayed his family in Bierwater, which caused the mobile troops of the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs to quickly complete control of the manor, and he and his family members were placed under house arrest.

Jonathan Irons combined the recent events that his family had encountered and the rumors outside to quickly figure out the general situation.

Therefore, I have always believed that I would probably die.

Even if the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs wants to let him go, his younger brother, whose ambition has been exposed, will not let him go.

So when Isabel reopened the door to the master bedroom, his and Isabel's mother's first reaction was:

"My poor daughter, why were you captured?"

However, after their daughter's explanation and seeing the guard lying on the ground outside the door, they both realized that Isabel had actually come back to save them.

At this time, Jonathan Irons looked at the man next to his daughter, and it was not difficult to guess his identity.

Like her own daughter, Amber was labeled a 'defector'.

And looking at some of the interactions between the two, he knew that he might have to experience the feeling that every old father with a daughter would have to experience, "the cabbage that was well raised was eaten by the pig".

But no matter what, he is also the head of the Irons family, he understands the priorities of things, and he is not that small-minded.

So instead of asking about relevant matters at the moment, he followed Amber and Isabel to the main reception room.

After seeing Balot and Billwater being controlled by the royal silencer, he then looked at his uncle Jacques Cole beside the royal silencer.

That's why he had a confused reaction when he walked in the door.

"Jacques. Why are you here too?"

Since he has always had a good relationship with his elder brother-in-law, the names between the two of them have always been relatively casual.

"Hmm~ I was called here by these two people. They threatened the lives of your family members and asked me to do something for them."

Jacques Cole's voice was now relatively relaxed, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

But when he said this, the finance minister couldn't help but glance at Amber, and his eyes finally merged into one sentence:

"Why don't you call me daddy?"


Amber ignored the Chancellor's eyes and wasted no time, quickly telling Jonathan Irons the cause and effect.

Including the original plan of the regent faction, they were also revealed.

Anyway, everyone present except Isabel and his father knew these things.

The Royal Silencers will not leak this information.

These psychics, who showed their talents as children, were taken away from the Empire's special training institutions and were required not to speak since childhood.

After more than ten years of training, while their psychic skills have been continuously improved, they have also lost the ability to speak.

And after brainwashing from childhood to adulthood, they are completely loyal to the emperor and will only become a ruthless "guard machine" in accordance with the emperor's requirements.

After Amber finished speaking, the living room became quiet.

Jonathan Irons was still immersed in digesting the news. Although he thought that the regent would take action on his family, he did not expect that this gentleman actually planned to drag the finance minister into the water.

His mind is not very fast. As the third generation head of the Irons family, his qualifications are not as high as those of his father.

Not to mention his grandfather who once served as the Speaker of the Imperial Parliament.

But in the eyes of his father, Jonathan Irons' greatest advantage was his aloofness and stability.

Such characteristics can, in theory, better protect the family business.

If the current chaos in the Star Dragon Empire had not occurred, Jonathan Irons could indeed manage his family and territory well and maintain the family business passed down by his ancestors.

At least he did a good job in economic construction and preferential treatment to the people.

It's a pity that due to the party struggle within the empire, the two major forces simultaneously targeted this already somewhat marginalized family, which created today's situation.

After a moment of silence in the reception room, the head of the family finally digested the information.

He sighed softly and walked slowly to the side of his brother, Billwater Irons.

"Billwater, you disappoint me."

Billwater, whose mouth was sealed, was full of sarcasm after hearing these words, with no respect for his brother in his eyes.

"Please kindly let him speak for the time being. I want to hear what he thinks."

Jonathan looked back at Amber and Jacques Cole, who nodded, and then ordered the Royal Silencers to temporarily unblock Billwater's mouth.

"Jonathan! You loser."


As soon as Billwater said a few words, he was slapped hard by his brother.

"You haven't learned a single bit of our family's virtues of humility, compassion, justice, and kindness until now."

Jonathan Irons's voice was very cold, and Billwater, who was slapped in the mouth, found that it seemed like it was the first time he heard his elder brother speak like this.

"My father once warned me before he passed away to pay attention to your ambitions. I originally thought that giving you enough freedom and unimaginable wealth would allow you to be a playboy in peace and downplay the things in your heart. My thinking now seems that I was too naive.”

"Huh, you are indeed a good son of your father. Both of you have those pedantic thoughts in your mind."

Billwater spat out the blood foam in his mouth, and then continued:

"We are imperial aristocrats. When my grandfather was in charge, he was a first-class aristocrat. Why are we so willing to degenerate and guard this family property every day instead of thinking about getting more?"

"Get more? The first sequence? Billwater. Haven't you heard that it's hard to live in high places?"

"That's because you won't take a reasonable stand! Our family could obviously be more prosperous, but it's just because of you cowards that it's what it is today!"

Billwater's voice was excited, but Jonathan was completely unmoved in front of him.

"Are we cowards? Then what are you? A tyrant? Or an executioner?"

There was an indescribable disappointment in Jonathan's tone.

"The plans you submitted may indeed be able to revitalize the family, but they don't regard our family's subjects as human beings at all. What do you regard them as? Just a series of numbers on a report? Or can they be used at will? Taste?"

"Residents? How could these untouchables have such a good life today if they didn't rely on our family's support? This is what they owe us!"

Billwater stared at his elder brother's eyes, and then said word by word:

"If this big car of our family wants to move forward, it will always need people under the wheels to increase friction. No matter what my ending is, for the future of the Irons family, I hope you can remember this sentence."

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