As the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Star Dragon Empire, Balot, who had always had smooth sailing under the shadow of the regent, never thought that this matter would fall into such a passive situation.

After originally trying to find a way to call Jacques Cole to the Irons family estate in Westminster, Minister Barlot felt that there was no way to get him to agree to cooperate.

Although there are Royal Guards and Royal Silencers around the other party, it is indeed difficult to fight him hard.

But solving problems through non-violent means was also Balot's original intention.

But they didn't expect that the finance minister was more stubborn than they expected.

What was even more unexpected was that this secret meeting was actually observed throughout.

The mobile troops deployed near the manor were also inexplicably infected with the electronic warfare virus, and a large number of equipment became "semi-destroyed" with the software crashing for a while.

The HCP team sent out to pursue them even fought with the target in the downtown area, and finally even set off a big firecracker directly offshore.

Originally, Balot thought that this matter would be over here.

Although the person who lurked in was not caught, and a lot of effort was spent to block the news of today's battle, at least the secrets were not leaked.

But he never expected that this guy who everyone thought had died in the HCP's self-destruction would actually come back again.

Moreover, he also brought Isabel, the eldest daughter of the current head of the Irons family.

This will, although a large number of guard troops are sent out to pursue, leaving the manor's defensive strength empty.

But being broken through so easily still made Mr. Minister feel embarrassed.

When we got here, the identity of the person in front of us became clear.

If Minister Balot hasn't figured out who he is, it can only be said that this minister is a bit too incompetent.

"Mr. Amber, what a great trick."

"We are not very good at each other in this regard."

Amber smiled politely, and then looked at Jacques Cole on the other side.

The Royal Silencers around the Imperial Finance Minister were ready to take action, and even Amber sensed the gathering of psychic energy there.

But at the last moment, he was blocked by the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

This kind of behavior undoubtedly gained a lot of favor from him.

"Hello, uncle~"

Amber smiled and said hello, and Isabel behind him blushed.

"Um, hello"

Jacques Cole responded awkwardly.

Although he also guessed Amber's identity, he still didn't understand this guy's purpose. In addition, Amber had eaten a lot of big melons before.

All in all, the finance minister always felt a little strange at this time.

"Mr. Amber, what is your purpose? You must know that what you are doing now has violated the laws of the empire and is enough to be shot ten times. But if we can have a good talk, there may be a solution."

Balot's voice came from the other side, and he could tell that Amber seemed to have a close relationship with Jacques Cole.

In this case, the situation was already somewhat unfavorable to him.

"Talk? What's there to talk about?"

Amber turned to look at Balot and Billwater, who was nearby and had his mouth covered by psychic energy.

It was like looking at two dead people.

"Isn't it clear that the cause and course of this incident are already clear?"

"What do you mean?!"

"Billwater Irons, the brother of the head of the Irons family, intends to kill his brother and seize power. Now he colludes with the Minister of the Interior of the Empire to illegally invade the Irons family fiefdom for personal gain and pervert the law. He even maliciously imprisons Irons family members and harms other families. Members falsely inherit the family master’s order”

Amber eloquently told the charges that had been made for these two people.

With every additional word he spoke, Minister Balot and Bill Water's faces grew darker.

The Star Dragon Empire has legislation to maintain the internal rules of the nobility.

And Amber obviously knew exactly what laws they had broken.

"That's enough, what do you think you are talking about!"

Minister Balot looked gloomy and interrupted Amber's speech.

"Do you think you can overturn all of this by yourself?!"

"If you're not stupid enough to come in person, I really don't know for sure."

Amber's response made Minister Balot's next words stuck in his throat.

"If, I mean if.

Members of the Irons family escape your house arrest, regain control of the family, and contact other allies.

If all this is made public, your plan will completely fail.

I believe that when you came out with the mobile unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs this time, you probably didn't go through the formal procedures, right?

Then the next development is that the Minister of the Interior of the Empire illegally led troops to invade the territory of the Imperial nobles, violently imprisoned family members, and even planned to harm the hero of the Empire - our great 'Prosperist', the Minister of Finance, His Excellency Jacques Cole. .

In this case, I believe that even the regent behind you will not want to take action to protect you.

For him, if this thing is successful, you will naturally have a great achievement.

But if it fails, it will be just a private action by the two of you and has nothing to do with the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs or himself.

When the time comes, you will surrender, change the minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and then express your apology to the nobles, and put all the previous problems on your head.

Maybe the regent will gain the favor of many nobles because of this."

After these words were finished, the expressions on the faces of Minister Balot and Bill Water were no longer so tough.

Because they know that what Amber said is very likely to happen.

And based on their understanding of the regent, this gentleman would indeed do this.

But the question is, why does Amber know so clearly?

Regarding this issue, these two people don't want to figure it out.

Because they would never have thought that Amber was not from this world.

Moreover, in Amber's world, there are a large number of fans of the Regent among the player base, including anti-fans.

Through the analysis of their various articles, the regent's acting style, trade-offs and choices were analyzed very clearly.

And Amber happens to be a person who loves to paddle on forums, so naturally she also read these analyses.

On the other side, Jacques Cole, who had been silent, knew that this wave should be stable.

Judging from the current situation, Amber is at least not from the regent's side, and she is also close to her niece.

However, the Chancellor's original plan to continue attending the theater came to nothing.

Because after Amber said this long paragraph, she looked at him.

"Ah, my dear uncle~"

Jacques Col suddenly felt the chills on his body stand up, and then heard Amber continue:

"Can you please ask the Royal Silent Man to help control our minister? Although his cultivation is much better than the one next to him, I am still worried about what he will do in a hurry. A move that benefits both parties.”

To be honest, Jacques Cole was actually reluctant to do this. Amber was obviously trying to drag him into trouble.

However, after seeing the expectant expression on his niece's face, another face appeared in Jacques Cole's mind.

He sighed helplessly and then gave the order.

The tall royal silencer is quite reliable in his work.

Under the order of the Finance Minister, not only was Minister Balot controlled, but Billwater was also given a new layer of control.

"Reliable, brother!"

Amber gave a thumbs up to the royal silencer, then bowed slightly to Jacques Cole, and then temporarily left the reception room with Isabel.

A few minutes later, Jonathan Irons, the contemporary head of the Irons family who had been imprisoned in the master bedroom with his wife, walked in from the door of the main reception room with a puzzled look on his face.

When he saw the situation in the reception room, there were more question marks on his head.

"So, what's going on now?"

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