Isabel's mother was Isabel's uncle's first love?

What kind of German orthopedic drama is this?

Although Amber had heard about the chaos in the empire's aristocratic circles, he never expected that it would happen to Isabel's family.

He was still thinking about the amount of information contained in the conversation just now.

The finance minister on the other side had stood up angrily and cursed.

"Billwater, you filthy dead dog, watch your words! She is your sister-in-law, the wife of your Irons family, how dare you arrange her like this?!"

"Oh oh oh, Sir Jacques, don't be so excited~"

Billwater walked out from behind the desk with a "win-win" smile on his face.

"Don't think that the matter between you and Ms. Sophia is a secret. For the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is very simple to find out, right, Minister Balot."

Balot, who was called, stood up helplessly, and then shrugged apologetically towards Jacques Cole.

"Sorry, Sir Jacques, I actually didn't want the situation to develop to this point. Until now, I still look forward to talking to you in a more friendly way.

And please rest assured that as long as you cooperate with us, the secrets of you and Ms. Sophia will forever be sealed in the deepest part of the secret archives of the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs, and this news will only be known to the three people in this study. "

At this point, Amber finally figured it out.

Balot and Billwater, it is obvious that one is a good person and the other is a bad person.

And Bill Water is obviously very suitable for the role of 'Babyface'.

You can understand this just by looking at the expression on Jacques Cole opposite him.

The finance minister's eyes flashed with his sister's smile, and finally a look of pain appeared on his face.

When a long-buried secret in a person's heart is revealed, that is often when he is at his most vulnerable.

Billwater and Balot looked at each other and exchanged glances.

They knew that they had successfully knocked down the strongest barrier in Jacques Cole's heart, and all that was left was to pursue the victory.

"Your Excellency Jacques, I still say the same thing, a man who knows the current situation is a good man. You don't want to see me forced to marry my dear sister-in-law after I take office, right? Although she is indeed a first-class beauty.

By the way, if my niece comes back, I will have to take on the heavy responsibility of taking care of her. Alas, my niece is also a beautiful woman. This is really difficult to handle. "

"Billwater, you are such a disgusting son of a bitch!"

Jacques Cole's eyes were red, he stared at Billwater and said:

"Patricide and brother-killing are taboo, but you can really kill your eldest brother?"

"Brother? Apart from being born earlier than me, how is he like my elder brother? If I had been the head of the family all these years, our Irons family would have regained its former glory! We would have returned to the first rank of the aristocratic class! "

It seems that he has already resented his eldest brother. When he mentioned his eldest brother, Billwater almost broke his teeth.

"In my opinion, his only achievement is to complete the marriage with the Cole family, but he married your first love. Jacques Cole, don't you have any resentment against him in your heart?"

"This is none of your damn business!"

"Hahahaha, Jacques Cole, you are in a hurry"

Billwater laughed wildly, making Minister Balot on the other side shake his head. If it weren't for the cooperation of this guy this time, he would not want to act with such a 'pig teammate' anyway.

The minister of the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs was just about to speak to calm the atmosphere when he saw the irritated finance minister suddenly raise his head and his eyes swept over the two of them.

"Are you really not afraid of provoking revenge from the family behind me by doing this?"

"I believe that as long as the regent's light shines on us, we will eventually shake hands and make peace."

"Humph, Prince Regent," Jacques Cole murmured, and then said no more.

Seeing him like this, Billwater thought he had finally given up resistance, so he said:

"If you have no objections, we can discuss the details of the plan, mainly regarding the content of the motion to 'delay the final round of construction funding for the sixth man-made celestial fortress'"

"I refuse to cooperate with you."

"Of course, these details don't have to be necessary. What did you say?"

"I refuse to cooperate with you people." Jacques Cole said word for word.

"Sir Jacques, you have to think clearly before speaking. Don't be impulsive because you are temporarily angry."

Minister Balot was still trying to dissuade him, and glanced at Billwater while speaking.

"I am sober now, and I have thought clearly. How can I possibly govern this country well when I am with insects like you who only know how to study party politics?"

"What do you mean."

"What do you mean? Honor the emperor and punish traitors, and heaven will punish the traitors of the country."

While Jacques Cole was speaking, one of his eyes also changed from the normal pupil color to blue representing psychic energy.

"Fuck psychic link, this guy still has a backup plan."

While Amber was surprised, she also bent down and moved to the side.

It was obvious that the royal silencer and the imperial finance minister had established a psychic link, although it was only a simple link, and they could not share information when facing the 'black box mode' conference room.

But it is enough to issue an already agreed command in an emergency.


The next moment, the door to the study room and the armor plate inside were torn open by a burst of psychic energy.

The tall Royal Silencer walked into the study, shielding the Chancellor of Finance behind him.

In the corridor outside, the soldiers of the Royal Guard also controlled other guards.

At this moment, the mobile shield was deployed, confronting other guards who came after hearing the noise.

"This melon is so delicious to eat!"

But before Amber Dole could wait a second, he saw the Royal Silencer punch the ground violently.

A near-substantial shock wave exploded instantly, knocking away the incoming guards, as well as Balot and Billwater at the same time.

It also forced Amber to release a psychic shield in front of her.

This moment of abnormal psychic reaction caused the Royal Silent One to react immediately.

"There are other psykers in this room!"

He raised his hand and a more powerful psychic impact was thrown over him, forcing Amber to activate a thicker psychic shield.


When the loud noise and vibration caused by the psychic collision ended, Amber's figure also appeared in the study.

The whole study suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at the sudden appearance of the uninvited guest.

Minister Balot, Jacques Cole, and Bill Water looked at each other at the same time, with the same meaning in their eyes:

"You guys still have some back-up plan hiding it from me?"

Just when everyone was entangled and did not dare to act rashly, Amber had already moved to the window.

Due to the sudden intrusion of the Royal Silencers, the 'black box mode' of this study has been disabled, and the armor plates on the windows have been raised again.

"Hello everyone, I will take the first step if I have something else to do. How about you continue?"

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