From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 163 Your aristocratic circle is really chaotic

"Sir Jacques Cole, please don't get angry easily. Why don't you come in and talk slowly?" Minister Barlot said with a smile. As the Minister of the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs, he was not afraid of the danger brought by the Chancellor of Finance and his family. However, at this time, the minister still gave the Chancellor of Finance enough face. But the other person in the room, Mr. Billwater, did not have such a good rest. He just sneered at Jacques Cole's roar. The Chancellor of Finance had a dark face and did not speak, but he did not walk into the room directly. There was an irregular fluctuation in the air around him, and then a man wearing a black-bottomed dark gold-rimmed psychic combat uniform and a hood, and a full-coverage tactical mask, appeared beside him out of thin air. The armband of this man's combat uniform depicted an image of a star dragon that was discharging electricity. "Royal Silencer." Seeing this person appear, Amber increased the psychic supply to the elf combat uniform on his body without thinking, and turned on the highest level of stealth mode with "psychic shielding". The next moment, the Royal Silencer walked into the study, then raised one palm and pressed it down.

An invisible psychic wave spread out from his palm as the center, quickly sweeping the entire room.

After the psychic wave completely dissipated, he looked around the room, then nodded to Jacques Cole, and left the room.

At this point, the finance minister left the royal guards appointed by the emperor to protect important ministers in the corridor outside the room, and walked into the study himself.

After the door was completely closed, Bill Water, who was sitting behind the desk, skillfully moved an ornament on the desk.

The windows of the study were quickly covered by armor plates, and the entire room, like most rooms that can be used for spies, turned on the highest level of "black box mode".

Although the windows were temporarily sealed, Amber was relieved.

He did feel a little surprised when he saw the Royal Silencer just now.

After all, according to the descriptions of many documents and video materials in the game, during the heyday of the Star Dragon Empire, important ministers were indeed equipped with royal guards who were always with them.

They played a role of protection and surveillance to a certain extent.

But he did not expect that there would be a psychic master loyal to the royal family beside the finance minister.

Although the psychic level of this Royal Silencer was only level four like Amber, the training and tempering of the other party in psychic power was much stronger than Amber's body.

Experience in the use of psychic power is an advantage, but the tempering of the body with psychic power purely accumulated over time is another advantage.

At least decades later, before the time when players entered the game.

The Star Dragon Empire's Royal Silencer, the Star Dragon Fang Psychic Commando, and the Federation's Psychic Agents and other special violent organizations gathered most of the psychics above level four in human society.

And they have all undergone official systematic and scientific training, using various food supplements and drug stimulation to improve psychic strength, and have been equipped with a lot of psychic-specific equipment.

Among the inner guards of the Star Dragon Empire Emperor, there is even a sixth-level psychic who concealed his true psychic level from the outside world.

He is also the most powerful psychic in human society at this point in time.

"It seems that the Star Dragon Empire royal family attaches great importance to this finance minister."

Looking at the middle-aged man who walked into the study, dressed neatly, and had his hair and beard meticulously groomed, Amber couldn't help but think so.

However, he soon thought of the reason.

For such talents who can make money, no matter which country it is, they will give high-standard treatment.

This man, who is 35 years old, which is too young in the political arena, sat on the position of the Empire's Finance Minister amid a lot of criticism.

It took 20 years, like the big C position in some competitive games, to get a large number of imperial gold dragons from nowhere in the way of "taking money out of the crotch", and revitalized the empire's economy.

And such an achievement was achieved under the background that the empire has huge defense expenditures every year, launched several new fleets, and maintained the construction of artificial celestial fortresses, a gold-eating behemoth.

No matter from which angle you look at it, it is indeed a pillar of the country.

But not everyone can see it as clearly as Amber.

At least Mr. Billwater Irons, who is the "temporary head of the family" behind the desk, obviously does not see it very clearly.

Looking at this fool, he still maintains an expression full of contempt for the Minister of Finance.

Amber always feels that if Isabel's family really falls into his hands, it may collapse in a few years.

"Billwater, it seems that you are very familiar with the layout of the head of the family's study. Tell me, how long have you coveted this position?"

Jacques Cole also did not give him a good look, and sat down and opened his mouth directly.

"Humph, what's the point of saying this now?"

Billwater did not care about Jacques Cole's sarcasm towards him, and continued:

"I'm not going around in circles. The Regent hopes that you can help with the last construction grant for the sixth artificial celestial fortress. Operate a little bit to delay the grant. After the matter is completed, the Regent will definitely reward you handsomely."

"Billwater, do you want me to tell you again? I said that I will not interfere in your party disputes, nor will I personally participate in them. I will always be loyal to the Star Dragon Empire. Everything I do is For the prosperity of the empire!"

"Even if your biological sister and her family become victims of this party struggle?"

Billwater asked, looking closely into the Chancellor's eyes.

"The Empire is currently at war with the Federation. What you ask me to do will seriously hinder the construction of the Empire's important military strength!"

"Don't worry, Lord Jacques. Judging from the situation coming from the front line, we are not short of a delay of several months."

Minister Balot also joined the discussion and advised:

"The Regent has always admired you very much. He has always believed that you are the real pillar of the country, and he also hopes that our negotiations with you can be more pleasant. But now we have to communicate with you in this way. In fact, We are also very sad.”

"Stop saying that. The interests of the empire are above all else, even if it means sacrificing my sister, I won't hesitate."

Jacques Cole refused coldly.

But just when he was about to say something more, Billwater behind the desk sneered and launched his ultimate move.

"Jacques Cole, in your eyes, does Ms. Sophia really have the status of just a 'sister'? Or do you plan to mobilize your power later to forcibly snatch your 'first love' back from us? ?”

The younger brother of the current patriarch of the Irons family stood up with an 'I've won' smile on his face.

Just like the old students on the stage, there are flags behind them.

Amber was shocked after hearing this series of conversations.

"Why do I feel like I heard something terrible again?"

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