From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 154 The first iteration of Lilith

Chapter 154 The first iteration of Lilith

Amber finally decided to adjust her recent plans after receiving a sudden letter from the empire.

If Isabel decides to risk a trip back to the empire, she can also take this opportunity to follow her when she is ready.

Since coming to this world, I have spent most of my time wandering around the Federation, and have not had much opportunity to experience the customs and customs of the Star Dragon Empire.

Amber swore that she definitely didn’t want to see some ‘Dragon Lady’.

Mainly during the days of Robert No. 4, he still found that there were some differences between the real world and the game, and many things still needed to be experienced by himself.

Moreover, after coming to the Thousand Stars Empire to establish Atlas Company, Amber's ideas and plans changed from the initial idea of ​​just waiting to die in a studio company to getting an extra share of the future chaos.

Human desires are easily inflated.

Especially after having Lilith, the biggest golden finger at present, Amber felt that if she didn't do something, she would be a bit sorry for this strong artificial intelligence.

Now that she has made this decision, Amber will take it seriously instead of sitting in a comfortable office and thinking about everything.

As the old saying goes, ‘Read ten thousand books and travel ten thousand miles’.

As the empire is one of the stages where future chaos will occur, it is still necessary to explore the path and find out the bottom.

Amber and Isabel don't have to worry about falling into a trap. Anyway, they will blend in with the Yuge family's fleet, and Ellenita will also fight in person.

Therefore, the Hermes, which originally headed directly to the asteroid belt, adjusted its course and returned to the planet where Atlas' headquarters was located.

After reuniting with the Digger, the two ships will head to the asteroid belt together.

After deploying the base of operations, the Digger can start working with three other small mining ships, and the 108 newly arrived miners can also start work.

As for the Hermes, it will not withdraw after completing its mission of transporting the operational base. Under Amber's plan, the warship and its crew will conduct various basic training directly near the asteroid belt.

At the same time, he occasionally assisted the Digger in asteroid cutting work.

During this period, Randall will temporarily command the Hermes, and George, Atlas Mining's first contractor, will also be responsible for the overall overall command of the asteroid mining operation.

Although Randall complained that it had been so long since he came to the Thousand Stars Empire, Amber did not take him to the club to experience the legendary elf model.

But this guy just talked about it. After sending Amber and Isabel back to the headquarters, he honestly took the Digger and set off.

At the comprehensive training ground in Babel, the first batch of Roma candidates had gone through 10 days of training, during which more than 20 people were eliminated.

According to the progress, this group of Roma will be able to complete the adaptive training while Amber goes to the Star Dragon Empire and allow the Roma who have not been eliminated to start the subsequent infantry combat training.

If the training progresses quickly, or Amber comes back late, maybe this group of people can start taking on some relatively basic tasks.

Of course, the premise is that Amber has to solve their weapons and equipment problems.

After arranging the things to be carried out in the near future by his two companies, Amber finally had time to start preparing for his journey to the empire.

Although the Yuge family's fleet is providing cover this time, there must be a precaution in everything.

And his biggest reliance now is not his own fighting power, but Lilith.

So after the previously customized medium-sized server arrays arrived, Amber directly arranged them in a prepared room in the deepest part of the manor.

This room, which is known to the outside world as the 'Company Computer Room' and is forbidden to be approached, will become Lilith's new home.

And she will also use this server array to complete the first optimization iteration after getting out of trouble.

Of course, this server array is only a temporary transition in Amber's plan.

Wait until the time is right and the money is available.

Amber still wants to build an asteroid base in deep space, and then build a supercomputing center as Lilith's home base.

After confirming that there was no problem with the server, Lilith slipped into her new home with a bang and started iterative work immediately. It was very fast.

When Lilith goes to sleep and then starts the process of optimization iteration.

Amber was like a father waiting anxiously outside the delivery room for the birth of his child.

Although this metaphor is a bit strange, Amber's nervous, anxious, and worried mood at the moment is not much different from that of these fathers.

After all, Lilith's identity and experience of killing across the universe in her previous life are here, and it is the first iteration after seeing the light of day again. No one knows what kind of Lilith will be iterated upon.

Maybe it's because the server array that Amber spent a huge amount of money to arrange is powerful enough, or maybe it's because Lilith's own underlying code is clean and regular enough.

In short, this optimization iteration did not make Amber wait too long.

24 hours later, Amber, who was thinking about follow-up development plans in the office, discovered that her personal terminal had been hacked again.

On the holographic projection device connected to the terminal in the office, a hot dance of Lilith's avatar suddenly came on.

After Amber watched this sexy dance that looked like it was produced by various 18+ websites to attract traffic, Amber looked confused and saw Lilith striking an ending pose, and then said in a more mature voice:

"Master, it's been so long, do you miss me?"

"Lilith, what are you trying to iterate?!"

Let's play, let's make trouble, don't make fun of Lilith.

Although this guy seems to have become more crooked after completing the optimization iteration.

But Amber soon discovered that this currently only 'strong artificial intelligence' was indeed more powerful and had some incredible abilities.

The most outrageous thing among them is an ability that looks like a 'clone'.

However, according to Lilith, this ability cannot simply be called a 'clone', but is more similar to the concept of mother and child.

Through this ability, Lilith can now let the 'matrix' reside in the processor on the back of Amber's neck.

Then let a sub-body stay in the server array, continue to evolve with the help of computing power, and at the same time assist the work of Atlas's headquarters, the 'Tower of Babel'.

At the same time, it can be divided into multiple sub-bodies to run independently.

For example, directly connecting to an HCP allows it to fight on its own without a pilot.

Another example is to directly implant a child body into a certain server, let it develop independently as a "jungle" and obtain all permissions. When the time is right, find an opportunity to return to the mother body and let the mother body inherit these permissions.

There are many more "flower jobs" like this.

Such an incredible ability made Amber suddenly feel that her harvest from the upcoming trip to the Star Dragon Empire might be much greater than expected.

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