The Hermes is now like a jobber who is well-dressed on weekdays, but always has to pack a lot of bags when he goes home during the New Year.

Although other people on the ship were a little unsure about jumping with so many things.

But seeing Amber drinking Tetra Pak black tea at the captain's seat and not panicking at all, they suppressed their nervousness.

And this destroyer did not disappoint Amber, successfully entered the jump, and finally arrived at its destination-the black market in another asteroid belt.

The asteroid belt, a typical area without laws and regulations, is the most suitable place for the black market to take root.

The black market that Amber came to was considered to be a larger and more famous place among the underground forces on the border of the Star Dragon Empire.

Until decades later, it was still serving many players who were wanted by NPC forces.

However, Amber did not dock in the port. After all, the 'big and small bags' mounted on the destroyer were too eye-catching.

After contacting a clinic in the black market that could perform chip removal, Amber asked Tom and several Marines to drive an assault boat to pick up people in the black market.

He and Murat drove the HCP to a point between the Hermes and the Black Market Airport.

Then he deployed the heavy particle cannon and charged particle cannon, staring at the position of the assault boat and always preparing for emergencies.

Fortunately, the scene of a fight with someone with evil intentions in the black market did not appear.

Perhaps it was the arrival of the assault boats, but those eager guys in the black market knew that there was probably a military ship here.

It could also be that the heavily armed Marines prevented them from alerting the enemy.

In short, the assault boat finally succeeded in bringing back the clinic's doctors and related equipment.

The price of the surgery is not cheap, because there are 108 people anyway. Although it is just a simple cut through the skin and flesh to remove the chip, the workload is still relatively large.

However, Amber is not stingy with the money. "Earn what you should earn and spend it when you should" has always been one of the principles he adheres to.

If the people from Timler Company discover any clues because the chip is not cleaned properly, it will be more of a loss than a gain.

I won’t waste much time introducing the operation process. When the doctor was out of breath, he finished the operation on the last miner.

After then removing the medical assistance robotic arm and taking off the mask to reveal a sweaty face, Amber also paid the relevant fees through one of the many secure accounts opened by Lilith.

The doctor who received the reminder that the final payment had arrived immediately smiled and said that he was not tired at all, and hoped that Amber would come to him for any work in the future.

After all, it’s not that easy to come across this kind of owner who pays happily.

And those miners who had their chips removed felt in a trance until the operation was completed. To them, it all seemed like a dream.

It was only when Amber walked up to them with the formal electronic contract that the miners realized that this was not a dream.

"Okay everyone, after signing this contract, you will be employees of Atlas. Of course, you still have the opportunity to choose to regain your freedom. I will immediately arrange for someone to take you to the space port."

Before Amber finished speaking, the miners were already eagerly approaching and planning to sign the contract.

The miner who boldly asked the question twice also became the first contract employee of Atlas Mining Company.

Looking at this man who was relatively bold and active among these miners and had his own ideas, Amber couldn't help but ask when signing the contract:

"May I have your name?"

"George, my name is George Hester, boss."

This miner named George actually doesn't look too old, and the aging of his skin caused by long-term working in the asteroid belt mining area can't hide his youthful temperament.

"George. What job were you responsible for before?"

"Report to the boss, I am responsible for the overall mining schedule."

In the subsequent conversation, Amber also learned about the miner's experience.

George graduated from a certain galaxy vocational and technical college in the Star Dragon Empire and was the top student in their class majoring in asteroid mining.

In the job search process after graduation, I also gained the favor of Timler Mining Company.

Moreover, the position promised at that time was a mining technical consultant at the headquarters.

As a result, on the day that George was about to sign the employment contract, his sister was hit by an out-of-control cleaning robot on the street and was seriously injured.

Although the hospital said it could save his sister, it would require a sky-high surgical fee.

At this time, after Timler's company learned about this, they sent someone to find George and expressed their willingness to help him pay for the surgery.

But the prerequisite is that he must agree to go to the asteroid belt to serve as a mining dispatch manager and repay the debt through labor.

Desperate, George was forced to agree to the suggestion and was then 'exiled' to an operating base in the asteroid belt.

Amber sighed after hearing George's experience. This is another very typical story of having to give in after being manipulated by a big company.

Although there is no evidence, Amber even suspects that the out-of-control cleaning robot is the arm of Timler's company.

After all, it’s not like no other company has done this.

Of course, this was just an unfounded suspicion, and Amber did not say it out loud.

But he knew that if he hadn't happened to show up, sooner or later George would have been drained of the last bit of value from him by the Timler Mining Company.

Finally died on this asteroid belt and was thrown into the incinerator.

The situation of the others was similar to George's, and they were all forced to 'sell themselves' to the Timler Mining Company in desperation.

When Amber and the others finished signing the contracts for these miners, they were preparing to purchase some supplies for the miners to consume in the next period of time.

A piece of news came from Atlas's headquarters, the Tower of Babel.

Ms. Ellenita received a secret letter from the Star Dragon Empire.

The general content is about the recent situation of Isabel's family.

After her 'disappearance' aboard the Robert IV, her family and the Imperial Naval Intelligence Division were also attacked by the Regent's faction.

These nobles of the Regent faction, based on unconfirmed rumors, accused Isabel of being a spy for the Department of Naval Intelligence, but she failed to lead by example during the Battle of Robert IV and was suspected of betraying the empire.

This kind of attack involving party strife naturally triggered a reaction from the Princess Party.

A large number of nobles, including the imperial princess, also expressed support for Isabel's family and started a new round of war of words with the regent's family over this issue.

Although her family has not suffered any substantial damage so far, it has been completely pushed to the forefront.

"I might have to go back, Amber."

After reading the secret message, Isabel struggled for a long time, looked up at Amber and said apologetically.

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