"Huhu. Telak, who do you think is the person chatting with the 'devil'?"

On the training ground, a lion-headed Roma man was squeezing out the last of his energy and running as hard as he could while asking his companions around him.

"Mengton, if you could use your energy for talking and save it for running, your test scores would be better."

Another lion-headed Roma man named Telak controlled his breathing rhythm and spoke calmly.

At the moment of speaking, the two of them also crossed the finish line, and then they couldn't control their bodies and were about to fall to the ground.

But the instructor who was guarding near the finish line immediately rushed over and kicked them both straight.

"Two fur balls! How many times have I told you! Don't sit down immediately after strenuous exercise! Go for a slow walk to the side!"

"Yes, sir!"

The two lion-headed Roma men immediately walked to the side with their tails between their legs. They were relieved when they saw that the instructor did not follow them.

He looked at his companion and began to fiddle with his shiny and very smooth mane.

Telak, who had trimmed his mane very neatly, shook his head and couldn't help but complain:

"Montai, are you so reluctant to part with your mane?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? An excellent male maned lion must have a perfect mane. This thing will make those little female cats crazy!"

Monte shook his mane, made a bodybuilding pose, and then looked at his companion.

"Tailaq, you haven't answered my question just now. Who is the person chatting with the devil?"

"How do I know?" Telak shrugged, and then continued in an uncertain tone:

"But it seems that the 'devil' is very respectful to him. Maybe he is the boss of this company?"

"The big boss of Atlas?"

Monte stopped and looked at that location.

More than ten days ago, he and Telak were both tavern waiters, responsible for working in a tavern opened by elves, and from time to time they were taken advantage of by some rich elves.

But now, they have become candidates for the Atlas Private Military Company.

Although the initial show of force after arriving, coupled with the training in the following days, already let the two of them know that this company did not exaggerate in the recruitment information.

If you join Atlas, your life will really be in danger and you will have to work hard for them.

But that still didn't stop the two male maned lions from making this decision.

They had had enough of the dull waiter career, and the exciting profession of mercenary had vaguely inspired the thrill-seeking and bloodthirsty nature hidden deep in the blood of the Roma people.

And they were completely convinced by these instructors who were not as physically strong as them.

At the beginning, there were naturally a few thorns in the team who were not convinced and felt that these humans were not very good at fighting.

But the chief instructor, whom they privately called the 'devil', just smiled after hearing such words.

After pointing out those who were unconvinced, he added 50 people to them.

Then he randomly selected 8 people from the instructors behind him.

Without both sides equipped with exoskeletons, a street fight was conducted in a simulated town training ground using training firearms.

Then these 50 confident Roma people were beaten into idiots by 8 elusive humans.

From beginning to end, they couldn't even hit these human instructors.

Bullets fired from unknown sources and plasma grenades exploded inexplicably above their heads turned the battle into a massacre.

After this simulated battle, the Roma put away their contempt for these instructors.

I also learned that physical fitness does not determine everything in combat.

What's more, in the subsequent training, these instructors will lead the entire training, and they will follow all the subjects themselves.

And without the aid of assistive devices, they completed all subjects better than these Roma people.

Even when they were so tired and dizzy, these instructors still had time to rush over and kick them in the feet to correct some of their 'bad habits'.

"Okay, don't think about whether these are available or not."

Telak waved his hand and pulled his companion out of his trance.

"You are not an official employee of Atlas yet. We are both just candidates. Only the one who passes the test can stay!"

"Hey~ Look what you said, we will definitely pass the final assessment! I don't want to be touched by those elves anymore."

"Damn it, these Roma are really beasts, how can they all run away so well?"

On the other side of the training ground, two instructors who were taking a break were also complaining. The intensity of the training these days even gave them the illusion that it was higher than the combat intensity.

It also forced them to maintain their own training volume so as not to be outcompeted by these Roma rookies.

"Didn't Boss and Sergeant get vaccinated from the beginning? The physical fitness of these aliens is far superior to ours."

"I already drink energy drinks and supplements like water every day. What will I do when these guys get good at it?"

One of the instructors said with a grimace, and when he was done, he took another sip of supplements.

"After the brothers who have installed the prosthetic bodies have adapted first, we will let them provide training later."

The instructor who spoke patted his companion on the shoulder and comforted:

"Then let the Roma people see the power of human technology!"

After a day of repairs at the manor, and after officially handing over the training work to Sergeant Baninger, Amber found the elf translator again.

This female elf is not only the leader of the elves who come to assist, but also one of Ellenita's confidants.

The two slightly aligned on some recent key matters, and at the same time, the elf named Shikodi also conveyed the latest instructions from Lord Ellenita.

The original words are: "I am not afraid of burning money, but I am afraid that Mr. Amber will burn out creativity."

The sponsor's father has said so, so Amber has no worries.

Finally, I asked the other party to help me pay attention to the human merchant ships that often traveled between the elves and the empire's borders to see if there was anyone who could provide supplies and spare parts for a long time.

After all, Atlas does not yet have any manufacturing capabilities, and various supplies can only be obtained through purchase for the time being.

But in the kingdom of elves, it is still a bit difficult to find supplies and spare parts that humans can use, so it is still necessary to have a reliable supplier.

At the same time, there are also purchasing channels for large server arrays.

On the one hand, it satisfies Lilith for iterative optimization, and on the other hand, it allows her to better utilize her abilities.

"It seems that the ability to be self-sufficient is also on the agenda."

"We need to consider assigning some homework related to industrial production and logistics supply to Lilith."

After arranging all the important matters, Amber took the people involved in this operation and set off for the airport again.

Considering the possible space battle, Amber specially brought two HCPs together from the ground training ground.

Along with it, there were two pilots and members of the maintenance squad.

In response, the members who stayed at the Tower of Babel expressed great jealousy.

Because for Atlas Private Military Company, this is not only the first operation after its establishment, but also the maiden voyage of the company's first warship. It has a certain commemorative significance no matter how you look at it.

Three days later, the Hermes broke away from the jump and arrived at the predetermined area.

At the same time as it exited the jump, the Dragoon-class destroyer, which was painted dark gray, turned on its optical camouflage and activated its black body, disappearing into the background of the universe.

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