"When was this message sent?"

Seeing that the number of mining companies deployed in the asteroid belt had been updated to a dazzling '1' on the star map, Amber asked angrily.

"12 Universe Standard Days ago, Master, due to the speed of information transmission, there is still some relevant information that has not been obtained yet."

"It's been so long, I guess people are getting cold. Is there any other information that can be found? If there is, summarize it and compile it into a briefing report for me."

"Master, I think you should find a dedicated assistant to handle these things. As the most powerful artificial intelligence currently, how can you do it every day?"


"I'm sorry, Master! I'll do it right now!"

During the harmonious conversation with Lilith, the Hermes and the Digger also slowly sailed into the port known as 'Swan Port' in the common language of elves.

In fact, this Swan Harbor looks like a giant red starfish.

Moreover, the structure similar to the airlock door that Amber and the others passed through were also made of some kind of biological valve.

To be honest, Amber still had a hard time imagining how the living spaceports created by those elves with elegant appearance, noble temperament and high attainments in art could outperform each other.

After docking the two ships at the long-term leased berth of the Yuge family, Amber, who had arranged basic maintenance matters, took a group of people on a flight to the surface.

In the process, Lilith has compiled all the information about this mining company that can be collected in a short period of time.


This is a mining company run by the Timler family, a noble of the Star Dragon Empire.

This family can be said to be ordinary in the Star Dragon Empire. The highest title of ancestors is Viscount, and the family fiefdom is only an earth-like planet in a remote border system.

Of course, it is still divided equally with another family.

Yes, even viscounts can get fiefdoms. This is the confidence brought to them by the Star Dragon Empire, the most powerful country in the universe in the eyes of the nobles.

All in all, the Timler family basically has no presence in the Star Dragon Empire.

The family-run Timler Mining Company is not the most important group among the family-owned industries.

The operational base arranged in this unnamed asteroid belt is even more of an existence that neither father nor mother loves.

The company's main mining fleet is now in the rich mineral area of ​​another galaxy, and is in intrigues with the mining fleets of other families.

This operational base in the nameless asteroid belt is basically equivalent to just inserting a false eye here.

If you are in a frontal team fight, will you care if a fake eye you inserted in the jungle disappears?

So from the information Lilith collected, Amber could understand the fact that the Timler family had no response to this matter.

And he estimated that most of the pirates had demanded ransom in exchange for hostages.

To these desperadoes, they don't care how much your mining base of operations and mining barges are worth.

They just want cash that they can spend immediately to keep them entertained.

It's a pity that these pirates still underestimated the lower limit of human beings.

For mining companies, they never care about the lives of workers in the mining areas.

Because those who will be assigned to stay and mine on asteroids for a long time are basically people who are heavily in debt and forced to "sell themselves".

Even though these people are not hard laborers wielding hoes to dig in the traditional sense.

Rather, they are skilled workers who can operate various types of construction machinery and understand asteroid mining processes and business specifications.

Since family planning does not exist in this world, and whether in the Federation or the Empire, except for those children with particularly high IQs, there is a hope of entering military, scientific research, finance, and social science colleges.

Children with other general qualifications will be directly transferred to the Industrial and Agricultural Technical College.

If your family has some assets, you may start some business.

There are also some people who will choose to serve in the military on alien planets.

But most people will gradually become a skilled worker or a farmer with strong professional knowledge.

This also leads to the fact that the current human society is most indispensable for workers in this basic type of work.

If you don't do it, someone else will.

Therefore, in the eyes of the mining company bosses, these people are just consumables, nothing more than a string of numbers.

Now a group of pirates show up and ask him to pay for a string of numbers?

Starting a company is not charity, and no company owner would do that.

Anyone who is willing to do this basically cannot become a company boss.

On the way to the Tower of Babel, Amber read the documents compiled by Lilith.

Although limited by the speed of information transmission, it is not known what the latest situation is, but Amber basically has a clear understanding.

Anyway, this asteroid belt was originally my target, it was just a little bit different from being a pirate.

Of course, Amber could have chosen another location to avoid possible battles.

After all, although this is an asteroid belt, it only looks small on the star map.

If you zoom in, you will find that the length of this asteroid belt has reached 0.4 astronomical units.

If he wanted to, he could completely avoid these pirates.

But Amber feels that if Timler Company really doesn’t want this operational base, wouldn’t it be too wasteful to leave it there?

I can also consider being a good person and helping them get rid of this "bad asset" without charging any fees.

"Let's do it this way"

Amber immediately drew up a plan, preparing to take some good hands to the asteroid belt here to see the situation after a day of repair in the "Tower of Babel".

When he returned to the manor with a group of people, he saw Sergeant Baninger walking up first with a look of anticipation.

"Boss, you are finally back!"

"Thank you for your hard work, Sergeant! I heard on the way that you trained those Roma very well!"

"That's all thanks to the training plan formulated by Boss, I just trained them step by step!" Baninger smiled and continued:

"Will you take over the next training yourself? After all, we can only fight and kill, and we are not very good at training."

"Well, I'm afraid you will have to take over for a while longer, Sergeant."

Amber told the situation that she was about to take people away, and saw that the old sergeant's expression suddenly became a little desperate.

"Boss, you can definitely take me with you to dig out the asteroids. Although we all came here to make money and enjoy ourselves with you, we have not lost our job and basic skills."

"That's why I asked you guys with the most combat experience to stay and train."

Amber stopped and looked at the Roma people who were running long distances on the training ground, and then looked at the old sergeant.

"I hope you and these trainers can pass on your experience and skills to these Roma people.

As I said before, they will be our new force in a short time, so it is a very important task to train them to the point where they can fight."

Even if Amber didn't say it, Baninger knew the importance of this task.

But compared to leading these fur balls in the training ground, the old sergeant might still prefer to wear an exoskeleton and hold a Gauss rifle to fight the enemy.

"Sergeant, you don't have to be too sad."

Amber's words attracted Baninger's attention.

"Whether you are the trainers or other Marines, you will still be the core force of infantry combat in the future.

New equipment and new weapons will definitely be given priority for you.

You may need training at ordinary times, but when there are more important combat missions, you "instructors" will still be on duty.

So even during the training process, you can't slack off in your training.

Don't worry, I didn't bring you out of Robert IV to lock you up in this manor and waste the rest of your life."

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