From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 143 The furballs in the greenhouse

"Hidden! Hidden!"

"Many-legged chariot! Two o'clock!"

A series of bright orange-red lines of fire swept across, and the torsos of several mobile infantrymen who had no time to hide were directly interrupted by the high-speed piercing rod fired by the Gauss machine gun.

After the running soldier was hit, his upper body rolled forward with inertia, immediately pulling out a bunch of internal organs.

"Mason! I got hit!"

The main point of view let out a cry, and raised the injured left hand to the front of the eyes while shaking.

I saw that the lower arm had been completely severed by an unknown stray bullet. The muscles at the fracture were still contracting and trembling under physiological stimulation. The broken white bone stubble was clearly visible.

This is the No. 1 training ground of the ‘Tower of Babel’ comprehensive training facility.

At this time, five temporary field tents were set up here.

There are 20 Roma candidates sitting in each tent. On the panoramic screen in front of them, a first-person battlefield video is being shown.

High definition, post-repair, without any mosaic.

"Sergeant, where do you think Boss got this video?"

"It must have gone through post-processing. It can be seen that it is a splicing of multiple videos, but this first-person view of the injury is indeed very real."

Sergeant Baninger stared at the screen, his expression becoming a little awkward.

"Don't tell me, this thing is indeed a bit bloody and exciting, and it reminded me of some bad memories."

Banninger's guess can be said to be very accurate, because the video posted above was indeed edited by Amber asking Lilith, the all-round AI, to help edit it.

Many of the materials for the video were found on the Internet, as for the first-person camera movements.

Remember the wounded who escaped with Amber?

Although most of them are still in a state of recuperation, and basically they need to install prosthetics before they can continue to participate in the battle.

But their first-person battle footage is now put to great use.

Various scenes of severed hands and legs can be found in their battle videos.

After Lilith's editing, even Baninger and other Marines who had experienced actual combat felt a little uncomfortable.

Not to mention these Roma people who have never faced war directly. The most violent thing they have done since childhood is to drink too much and fight with other people.

At first, most people still endured it. Even when they looked at the broken human bodies, they gritted their teeth and held on.

But wait until various close-ups of open wounds, penetrating injuries, and even close-ups of corpses on the ground.

These furballs, who look mighty but are actually honest and honest, can no longer hold back.

When one person got off to a good start, the other Roma people began to vomit one after another.

"Have you written down all the people who vomited?"

"It's all recorded, Sergeant."

Looking at the messy tent, Sergeant Baninger frowned.

Just after watching a battlefield documentary, nearly half of the people in this tent were vomiting uncontrollably.

It can only be said that the mental endurance of these furballs is still too low.

"To put it mildly, these Roma people are just like livestock bred in a good environment. There is no trace of wildness in them."

Hearing his words, the Marine next to him nodded in agreement.

The female elf translator, who was also standing aside, also heard this sentence word for word.

"You're right, Sergeant Baninger." The female elf turned her head to look at him,

"Under the protection of the elves, these Roma people seem carefree, but in fact they are like pets in captivity."

"Oh? It sounds like you are very dissatisfied with this situation?" Baninger asked curiously:

"So you egalitarians want to make the Roma people independent? But aren't you also an elf? Based on my humble knowledge, I guess you elves should be eager to continue to keep them in captivity?"

Facing Baninger's question, the female elf did not answer, but showed a meaningful smile.

"Oh, I'm so tired talking to you Riddlers."

Seeing that the other party was not going to continue to answer, Sergeant Baninger did not continue to struggle with this issue.

Let the big shots deal with these problems.

He just wants to live the next day well, and then wait for the Boss to fulfill the promise of the young elf model.

"Okay, let's call out all these hairballs and let the cleaning robot go in and clean them up."

After Baninger finished speaking, he turned around and walked out.

The first training test as a meeting ceremony ended with the Roma people helping each other out of the tent.

Just like Amber wrote in the notes about this part of the training in the training plan.

More than half of the Roma people could not bear the discomfort of this battlefield perspective and vomited out everything they ate on the road.

Originally, Baninger and the others were still guessing why Amber ordered so many cleaning robots.

Now, they finally understand Amber's good intentions, and even feel that Amber bought less at that time.

"You furballs! You look like you are all so tall and tall, but you are actually helping those women who have no eggs!"

Standing in front of the Roma who had re-formed the team, Sergeant Baninger taunted them unceremoniously:

"I tell you, what you saw today is just the tip of the iceberg, there are more bloody and cruel scenes that have not been shown to you!

Have you ever seen a charred corpse cut into two parts by a high-energy laser beam?

Have you ever seen pieces of meat blown to pieces by programmed shrapnel at close range? "

Whenever Sergeant Baninger's words reached the ears of these Roma people through the cold translation of the female elf, some of them would tremble involuntarily.

“You have never seen these, but what I must tell you is that these scenes will happen around you at any time in the future, and even to you!

If you can't accept it psychologically, then I can't believe that any of you here can become a qualified Marine.

I have written down all the people who vomited during training today. The same training will be carried out irregularly throughout the month.

Every time you see a scene, the level of cruelty increases to another level.

If someone vomits more than three times, that’s a shame.”

Sergeant Baninger paused, and his sharp eyes slowly swept over the Roma people.

"This shows that you are not suitable for the PMC profession at all. We will end your training early and send you home."

While Sergeant Baninger led the Marines, they began to drill these Roma people.

The two-ship formation composed of the Hermes and the Digger also broke away from the jump and arrived in the orbit of the planet where the 'Tower of Babel' was located.

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