Amber left Port Burton with two ships.

Before leaving, Lilith was asked to perform an information masking operation.

If someone specifically comes to check their relevant information, all they can check is the most basic company information and a legal person named "Ray Bill".

Even if you follow Ray Bill's search, you can only get a very clean resume, which is basically worthless.

If you look at the archives of various surveillance and biometric databases in Burton Port, as long as Amber and others are involved, there will be some strange anomalies in these archived information.

Either the surveillance picture fluctuates or even blurs, or the biometric system detects the characteristics of a group of sheep.

All in all, it's very outrageous.

At the same time that Amber entered the jump with two ships, Atlas PMC's headquarters, the Elf Manor code-named 'Babel', also welcomed new people.

The first batch of 100 Roma candidates were sent over under the arrangement of Ellenita.

Here they will first undergo a month of adaptive training.

This training is also an assessment and personnel screening. Those who fail to meet the requirements during the training process will be eliminated immediately.

The training content was designed by Amber based on the basic training of federal infantry units and psychic agents.

Mainly mental endurance and physical training.

After all, in the current stage of infantry combat, with the help of exoskeletons and tactical masks that incorporate a large number of combat auxiliary functions, the priority of weapons and equipment operation capabilities is not as high as the first two.

In Amber's prediction, 40% of those who can eventually pass adaptive training are considered good.

Most of the people who were eliminated were eliminated mainly because their mental endurance was not up to par.

Near the manor, Ellenita used her 'money power' to quickly build a super-large comprehensive training ground.

Sergeant Baninger and the other Marines who stayed behind at the headquarters were standing in line and curiously watching the Roma who got off the personnel transport vehicle.

As a survivor of the Federal Mobile Infantry who was rescued by Amber from the Battle of the Unknown Valley, Baninger followed Amber throughout the entire game on the Robert IV.

It can be said that Baninger has complete trust in his savior.

Before the battle in the space elevator base area started, the troops had a crisis of confidence in Amber because of Adam's public speaking.

He was also the first to stand up and shout, ‘Fuck this shit! 'Strength to protect Amber.

Until now, under the leadership of Amber, he had avoided the crisis of Robert IV's group destruction and actually came to the Thousand Stars Empire to open a company.

This old sergeant has evolved into Amber's 'iron fan'.

Although he has not yet seen the young elf model, the old sergeant believes that one day he can achieve this small goal under Amber's leadership.

Because Baninger has relatively rich combat experience, he previously served as a platoon sergeant in a motorized infantry platoon.

So before Amber set out to pick up the ship, he gave him the task of leading the team to receive the first batch of Roma candidates, and asked him to start the training according to the training subjects before he came back.

The old sergeant still felt pressured by such a task.

Although he also led the training of a motorized infantry platoon, there were only more than 40 people.

Now the number has suddenly increased to 100, and they are not human yet, and all of them are rookies who have not received military training.

Sergeant Baninger looked at the Roma people lining up crookedly in the square and couldn't help but frown.

It is different from the female Roma who have a body shape that is very close to human beings, but with some animal ears and tails as embellishments to prove that they are Roma.

The lycanthropic characteristics of male Roma are quite obvious.

The first is their heads, which basically have no human characteristics.

Baninger and the other Marines looked around and saw tiger heads, lion heads, wolf heads, bull heads, and horse heads of different shapes and coat colors.

Coupled with the thick hair on their bodies, they are really ecstatic.

But people's happiness is not the same, and Baninger can't be ecstatic at all now.

"Alas, this task may not be that easy."

Noticing that the old sergeant was sighing, a female elf next to him smiled and said in human common language:

"Sergeant Baninger, you don't have to worry too much. Ms. Yuge has taken into account your shortage of manpower, so our group of staff who arrived together will assist you in training."

"Thank you, Ms. Yuge, for the arrangement. I would like to ask you to help me more."

Sergeant Baninger nodded and walked up to the Marine.

"Everyone, what you see now is Atlas's new force in the future."

When he said the last sentence, Baninger couldn't help laughing, and the Marines also laughed.

The old sergeant stabilized his mood, raised his hand to stop everyone's laughter, and forced himself to be serious.

“It’s a joke, but Boss entrusts us with such an important training task, and we can’t let him down.

Don't look at these Roma people, they seem to be very undisciplined now, no different from ordinary civilians.

But I must tell everyone that these guys are naturally stronger than all of us here, whether in terms of physical structural strength, various qualities, or physical fitness.

According to Boss, we even need to undergo body modification to achieve the physical fitness of ordinary Roma people. "

Sergeant Baninger looked around at everyone. At this moment, these marines also realized something and put away their joking expressions.

"So, I hope everyone can take this training task seriously!

You are trained and combat-tested killing machines!

You are the first batch of core employees of Atlas!

Don't embarrass yourselves and the Boss!

Don’t even lose the face of us humans!

Did you hear everything clearly? "

Sergeant Baninger roared like a bell.

"Yes! Sergeant!!!"

The sudden burst of movement from the Marines also caused the Roma people opposite them to slowly quiet down.

Most of these Roma people were seeing humans for the first time.

Although they were full of curiosity about this race that they had little contact with, these marines exuded murderous intent and the smell of blood.

It still makes these big cats and lions with sensitive sense of smell instinctively alert.

After the team was completely quiet, these Roma people saw the human being who had just lectured, accompanied by a female elf, come to them and begin to speak.

Although they couldn't understand human language, there was a female elf next to them who was translating through Elven Common.

“I am Sergeant Baninger and the chief instructor for the upcoming one-month adaptive training.

First of all, welcome to this place. It means that you are stronger than everyone else who participated in the primary election together.

But I hope you know that passing the preliminary round is just the beginning. Those who fail to pass the training will also be eliminated. There is no upper limit!

If you haven't completed the assessment, get out of here!

From now on, you will have no names, only numbers from 1 to 100, and I don’t want to waste my brain cells trying to remember your awkward names!

You can only speak when asked! And every word said to me and other instructors must be added with the word 'sir'! "

From the moment Sergeant Baninger began his training, he seemed to be a different person to the other Marines.

It can be said that he is completely different from the ordinary sergeant.

"Now, you furballs, get out of here to the training ground No. 1 for the first training and assessment! Those who fail will be eliminated immediately!"

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