After the major shareholders agreed to the decision to recruit Roma people into the company, the subsequent related matters were handled very quickly.

I have to say that Ellenita is indeed a true 'egalitarian'.

She saw the public opinion effect that this recruitment of Roma people might bring, and simply decided to add fuel to the fire.

Ellenita helped put the recruitment notice out through her channels, and asked the companies under the Yuge family distributed in various galaxies to set up temporary recruitment points for preliminary selection.

Only Roma who meet Amber's recruitment requirements can advance to the next round of interviews.

As much as Amber wanted to protest, this behavior was putting herself and the company on fire.

However, Ellenita said that she would cover all expenses in the entire recruitment process and would fund the construction of a special land warfare training ground near the manor.

What else can I say?

Amber is a very vulgar person, and at this time, she can only bow to the wealthy forces.

While the recruitment work is in full swing, Amber is also arranging the recent training subjects for others.

According to his plan, these soldiers who escaped from Robert IV with him will become the core combat force of Atlas Private Military Company for a period of time.

After all, no one else can use it.

Amber's idea is to use these people as the backbone to cultivate a multi-purpose infantry unit similar to 'orbital paratroopers', and serve as the company's rapid reaction force in the future.

With the help of the fleet that will gradually grow in the future, we can achieve 'real-time order taking, real-time dispatch, and real-time deployment' to provide employers with the best quality services.

Everyone, including Randall, the former Navy lieutenant colonel, had full trust in Amber after they followed Amber to the Thousand Planets Empire, participated in the operation to kill Adam, and finally opened a company.

The pie that Amber drew before escaping from Robert Four may have been illusory.

But now the shares they hold are real.

No one doesn’t want to get more money, and everyone also wants to get a little more when dividends are distributed at the end of the year.

Therefore, they are the group of people who most hope that the company's profits will become higher and higher.

As a private military company, it definitely needs to improve its business capabilities first.

Therefore, no one had any objections to the training tasks assigned by Amber, and many people even increased the amount of training for themselves.

Especially Murat and another pilot, Louis, worked hard to practice their driving skills and improve their physical fitness.

Because in the simulated battle with Amber after serializing the data of the two HCPs, whether it was a ground battle or a space battle, they were tortured by Amber in various ways.

Although Amber said that it is good for two rookies to persist in playing so many games with him.

But the two pilots still felt that they were holding back the entire team.

Not to mention other marines, at least they can directly compete in all subjects of infantry combat.

But if the two of them encountered a space battle, it would be unreasonable for Amber, who was supposed to be sitting in the command seat, to go out and fight.

Of course, if Amber heard the voices of these two people, she would definitely say, "You don't have to think so."

We’ve all come to this world, what’s the point if we don’t drive big robots?

He now wants to train a reliable captain, and then he can go out every day to dismantle battleships and poke cockpits.

Ellenita also quickly completed the primary selection and gathered the candidates who participated in the second round of interviews to enter the second round of testing.

In order to ensure the so-called 'purity', the standing army of the Thousand Stars Empire are all elves, and the Roma are at best involved in some outsourced material transportation work.

Therefore, it is difficult to find a Roma who has received combat training in the entire Thousand Stars Empire.

The Roma who have passed the primary election are all ordinary people with clean backgrounds, no bad records, and excellent physical fitness.

In their perception, private military companies are basically a business of exchanging lives for money.

But that doesn't stop them from wanting the job.

Because Amber and the others gave too much.

The salary offered by Amber to combatants, when there are no combat missions, the basic salary can reach 3-4 times the average Roma salary.

This is just the most basic marine. If the position is promoted or you can get a position on a ship, the basic salary will be higher.

When there are combat missions, you will also receive additional combat allowances based on mission rewards.

Taken together, a Roma marine who successfully joins Atlas Private Military Company will have an annual income that is 5-6 times that of the previous one.

Not to mention, if a company employee is killed in action, his family will receive a high pension.

Although Ellenita and her evaluation team once asked Amber whether to appropriately lower the salary standard and increase the personnel efficiency ratio to increase the company's profit margin.

But Amber still rejected this suggestion. After all, you have to ask others to work for you.

In the absence of the so-called charisma bonus, throwing money is the fastest way to win over people in a short period of time.

Once people start to get busy, it is difficult to stay idle again.

Amber now agrees with this sentence very much.

The work of private military companies and mining companies is not as simple as he imagined.

Although the player guild in the game also has a company-operated part, it is a game after all, and compared to reality, too many details have been omitted.

And Amber now receives a lot of trivial matters about the company's operations every day, which he needs to review or deal with.

Although Lilith had already begun to supplement the knowledge related to the company's operations under his 'force'.

But in Amber's plan, the artificial intelligence will mainly be responsible for combat.

After all, the role it can play in company operations is limited. At most, it can help with capital flow and cost control.

In addition, positions such as assistants and clerks are still vacant, so Amber has been basically leading team training and attending meetings during the day, and handling various paperwork in the office at night.

I often even spend the night in the office.

This also led to a certain female spy who opened the door to the new world and learned the taste of the marrow. She could not see Amber and go back to her room to rest for several nights.

One night, after dinner, Amber was just about to get up from her chair and go to the office to process the documents needed for the handover of second-hand destroyers and engineering ships.

Isabel grabbed her shoulders from behind and held her in her arms.

"Don't you plan to come back today?" Isabel's tone was obviously resentful.

"I definitely want to come back and rest, but didn't I agree to set off the day after tomorrow to bring the two ships back? There are still a few documents that need to be prepared."

Amber relaxed her body and leaned into Isabel's arms, the back of her head resting directly on the soft pillow.

"Let's do it tomorrow, okay~ stay and rest tonight."

Isabel whispered in Amber's ear, and finally stretched out her soft tongue and licked his earlobe.


Amber couldn't help but stood up and turned around, only to see Isabel with a charming smile on her face, slowly retreating while unbuttoning her elf-style house robe.

Amber couldn't help but widen her eyes as the robe fell down her smooth skin.

Good guy, I still have an attack speed outfit.

Isabel admired Amber's expression at this moment with great interest, her eyes moved down from his face, and then she couldn't help laughing.

"Amber, you really like this."

If this can be tolerated, Amber is no longer a man.

Let’s talk about the paperwork and everything tomorrow.

Amber stepped forward and lifted Isabel on her shoulders, then walked towards the bedroom.

"You asked for it. Don't beg for mercy like last time!"

"No way, I will make it impossible for you to get out of bed tomorrow~"

"Tsk! The demon girl must stop being so arrogant. Let me subdue the demon with my stick!"

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