From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 138 Are the Roma PMCs in charge?

Chapter 138 Is there any future for Roma + PMC?

After the company gradually took shape, Amber now increasingly realized how uncomfortable it was to be short of staff.

Although in addition to Isabel and the sponsor Alanita, the company currently has 25 employees.

But the problem is that all of these people are military, either mobile infantry or mechanics in the maintenance squad.

The two naval officers, Randall and Tom, may have the highest academic qualifications and various qualities.

But even so, they can be said to have no idea about company management.

So the newly established Atlas Private Military Company is all "field operators", and there is no one who can do logistics.

There is no finance, operations, customer service, or even an assistant.

Fortunately, even if Amber and his team accept orders now, they will basically not carry out cross-border operations. In terms of undertaking tasks, they will only consider close escort and armed action escort for the time being, which are relatively less complicated.

So he can shoulder the key positions of CM (country manager), COP (country operations manager), and PM (project manager).

But even so, there is actually a serious shortage of combat personnel.

Including the signal soldiers and electronic warfare technicians, there are only 16 people who can complete infantry combat.

In this case, the company cannot operate.

So in this context, Amber, who was waiting for the ship to arrive, set her sights on the Roma in the Thousand Star Empire.

Anyway, these Roma can only work in the tertiary industry in the Thousand Star Empire.

PMC is actually a service industry to a certain extent, which is not a problem.

Of course, considering the special status of the Roma in the Thousand Star Empire, Amber decided to talk to the sponsor.

The other party is the second shareholder anyway, and the respect should be given.

"So, you plan to recruit some Roma to your company to do office work?"

"It's not impossible to do field work. In fact, male Roma have great advantages in physical fitness and are very suitable for doing the work of the Marine Corps."

Because of this matter, Alanita Yuge, who had already returned to the capital of the Thousand Star Empire, also made a special trip to the manor where Amber and his friends settled - this place was lent to Amber and Isabel by the female elf as the company address.

A private military company, with its headquarters and base in an elf manor.

For other companies, they would not even dare to think about it.

"Well, your proposal is quite novel. No one has done it before."

"That's why I came to discuss it with you."

In the meeting room of the manor, Amber made tea for Elenita after making clear her plan and waited for her advice.

The elves of the Thousand Star Empire have the habit of drinking various tranquilizing flower teas.

As a company registered in the Thousand Star Empire, Amber and his team followed the local customs.

"Based on my personal experience, your approach is indeed fine under the legal framework of the empire. I will also ask the legal department to help confirm it later."

Elenita took the hot tea brewed by Amber, blew the hot air and continued:

"But your approach is expected to cause a certain amount of social opinion and attention. If someone adds fuel to the flames, it may be pushed to the forefront."

"Are you talking about those guys from the 'equal rights faction' and the 'conservative faction'?"

Amber put down the teacup and looked at the female elf.

The equal rights faction and conservative faction he mentioned refer to two forces within the Thousand Star Empire.

As the name suggests, one side wants to speak for the Roma people and hopes to stop implicit racial discrimination, so that the Roma people can enter other industries except the service industry.

The other side belongs to the conservatives among the elves. They believe that "the laws of the ancestors cannot be changed", so they have been playing against the equal rights faction.

Of course, in addition to these two factions, there is also a third faction with the largest number of people.

The lying faction.

Including the Elf King's Court, more than 50% of the people in the Thousand Star Empire actually belong to the "lying flat faction".

In their view, it doesn't matter whether they change or not.

As for the Roma people? The elves don't really care about their ideas.

"Wow, Mr. Amber, you know a lot, don't you? Now I have some doubts, are you an elf disguised as a human."

Elenita crossed her hands on her nose and stared at Amber with interest. This action also made her eye-catching part spread on the table. Even more eye-catching.

"Yes, I now strongly suspect that after the news of you recruiting Roma people into the company is exposed, these two gangs will definitely take the opportunity to make a big fuss."

"Alas, I can't do anything, sister. I really can't recruit anyone now."

Amber sighed helplessly and began to complain.

"Although it may be more appropriate for me to continue to recruit some human employees, the problem is that you are too far away from both the Federation and the Star Dragon Empire.

If I recruit a group of human employees, I have to consider whether they will bring their families with them.

And later, maybe I have to take orders from both the Empire and the Federation. It's not good for me to use people from either side, and the Roma can perfectly avoid this problem and have no disputes with both sides."

"Hearing what you said, if we put aside the risk of public opinion, choosing the Roma seems to be a relatively reliable solution at present."

After listening to Amber's complaints, Alanita also put away her joking attitude and thought seriously.

"So how many people do you plan to recruit now?"

As soon as the female elf said these words, Amber, who was sitting opposite her, knew that something was going to happen.

He immediately presented the recruitment plan he had prepared on the holographic projection platform.

“I will not consider more professional positions such as finance and operations for now, I will think of other ways.

Based on the current situation of the company, we will definitely complete one task before taking on the next one, and will not carry out multiple tasks at the same time, so we can only recruit one assistant and one customer service staff for each of these two positions. "

Amber skipped the internal staff section and went directly to the field combat personnel establishment table he had created in the past few days.

“The main reason is that we need to recruit more people in the field, and there are still too few combat team members under the PMC.

Taking into account personnel rotation and ensuring reserve strength, I hope to directly expand to 200 people, which is enough to handle medium and low-intensity combat missions in a short period of time. "

Ellenita listened carefully to Amber's plan explanation. The female elf seemed to have no worries at all during this period. In fact, she used her free time every day to learn about the specific operation methods of private military companies.

"There aren't many people recruited in the first batch. In this case, I guess the public opinion won't be as big as we feared. Then just follow your plan. There's actually no problem on my side~"

After hearing this, Amber finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, the major shareholder, for your support. Originally, I thought it would take more effort to convince you."

Amber picked up the cold scented tea and took a sip, then heard Ellenita say with a smile.

"Haha. In fact, even if you recruit Roma people into the mining company, I will agree to it as long as there is a suitable plan."

"Then the 'ancestral law' of your elves has been broken by me. Do you have any objection?"

"Mr. Amber may not know it yet, but I am also an egalitarian~"

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