From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 13 The Battle Begins (Please read! Please collect!)

"'Instinct', the heavy particle cannon's first hit!"

"Damage effect assessment at Lansford Port shows that the communication array is 70% damaged!"

Even without listening to the first mate's report, Marquis Ascania could see the fire from the explosion in the distance through the 'panoramic porthole' directly ahead.

Of course, there will naturally be no 'panoramic portholes' on the bridge, which is wrapped in thick composite laminated armor plates.

What the Marquis saw was nothing more than a panoramic image assembled through a large number of optical observation equipment on the battleship.

At the forefront of the entire fleet was a Dawn Goddess-class heavy cruiser that had just completed this surgical scalpel strike.

He was using traditional light signals to show off to the surrounding friendly forces that he had won the 'jackpot'.

Seeing this scene, Marquis Ascania's face showed a smile that said he was "under control."

"Not bad, it's a good start."

He was over fifty but still strong and strong, and suddenly stood up from the command seat.

Then with a 'crack' sound, he pulled out the command knife from his waist and pointed it straight ahead.

"Pass the order, the entire fleet, launch the artillery formation!"

"The fourth and fifth patrol formations broke away from their formation and destroyed the patrol fleet!"

"The eighth and eleventh escort formations move forward quickly to intercept civilian ships on the route."

"Send a reconnaissance boat to the predetermined area, release the second round of induction beacons, and guide the subsequent formations to enter!"

"Gentlemen, for the sake of the empire! We must win the first battle!"

Port Lansford, Operations Command Centre.

Randall, who was thrown to the ceiling in the violent vibration, was lucky enough to grab an armrest.

Prevent yourself from being thrown around like other debris.

When the shaking stopped, Randall floated back to the command seat.

He took a deep breath, and at this tense moment showed an unprecedented calmness in his many years of service in the army.

"Everyone, stay calm and listen to my orders!"

"System record! At 15:42 on August 17, 588 New Calendar, Cosmic Standard Time, the Imperial Fleet illegally invaded the territory of the Federation and opened fire on our troops!"

"Sound the alarm and activate all available ships in the port."

"The power limit of the port fusion reactor has been lifted! The port and space elevator defense weapons have fired limits!"

"Activate the deflection field generator and run at full power!"

After delivering a series of messages, Randall paused.

His brain was running wildly, trying to confirm if there were any missing parts.

But then, the communications sergeant's horrified cry made him finally realize that he had missed the most important part.

"Sir Randall! The other party has broken through the shortwave communication band, and the system has detected an electronic warfare virus!"

Randall wanted to slap himself.

He stayed at ease in the military port for so long that he neglected the deadly part of electronic warfare attacks.

Now, the Empire has breached the shortwave communication band.

Judging from the size of the opponent's fleet, the number of electronic attack ships will never be small.

The military port's control AI and anti-virus programs alone will certainly not be able to stop the opponent's flood of attacks.

In order to prevent the other party from completely contaminating the management system of Port Lansford, he must now cut off his wrist.

"Send me an order for all departments and ships in the port to turn off short-wave communication modules and conduct physical isolation."

"At the same time, activate the backup quantum encryption communication channel, and keep the content of subsequent information transmission as streamlined as possible!"

This is a helpless move. The real-time transmission volume of the quantum-encrypted communication channel is far behind that of conventional short-wave communication.

Even slightly larger content has to be transmitted several times.

The command efficiency of the entire fleet will be greatly reduced.

But compared to the other party using a virus to completely paralyze the computer room system, this situation is not unacceptable now.

Major Randall looked up at the real-time display of the optical observation equipment on the main screen.

Except for three squadrons that broke away from the main force and rushed in the direction of Robert IV.

The rest of the Imperial fleet is slowly unfolding and pointing their bows in the direction of Lansford Harbor.

After all, the most powerful weapon on the battleship is the heavy particle cannon.

It is arranged on the central axis of the battleship and is directly connected to the fusion reactor.

Obviously, the other party came here with the purpose of destroying the federal garrison fleet.

"Tell the battleships in the harbor that if you don't want to die in embarrassment, just sail out!"

Randall turned around, looked at the panicked faces in the command center, and added:

"Everyone, after guiding the warship out of the port, immediately go to the escape platform and stand by."

"We will survive."

Feeling the vibration coming from under the seat, Major Randall called up several external camera shots.

I saw that the automatic defense weapons deployed throughout the port and space elevator had opened fire.

The dense silo hatch was opened, and tactical nuclear bombs and plasma torpedoes were launched through electromagnetic acceleration orbits.

They will circle around the flank of the Imperial fleet and attack according to the attack route set by the automatic counterattack system.

But compared to these guys who need to slowly accelerate to hundreds of kilometers per second and fly for several minutes before entering the attack position.

The first to produce attack effects are light speed or near-light speed weapons such as high-energy lasers and charged particle cannons.

With an attack range of more than 9,000 kilometers, for them, they basically just hit wherever they want.

They require almost no attack calibration and are also the most responsive part of the entire defense system.

A stream of red high-energy laser beams and blue charged particle beams swept across the unfolding Imperial fleet like a rain of light.

Randall saw on the main screen, spots of light bursting out in the direction of the imperial fleet.

But he knew that this was most likely just a 'special effect' of laser beams and charged particle beams bombarding the battleship's laminated armor.

Although the attacks of these two weapons are basically without delay, their shortcomings are also obvious.

That is, the energy attenuation rate is extremely high.

At a distance of more than 9,000 kilometers, the attenuation of energy is enough for the warship's laminated armor to easily conduct the high temperature caused by the laser to other areas.

What's more, the imperial fleet in the optical lens has opened the heat sinks on both sides.

Different from the practical style of the Federation, the Star Dragon Empire has stronger national power and industrial capabilities.

They have reached a certain level of paranoia about the beautiful appearance of military equipment.

Even these heat sinks, which are extremely prone to wear and tear, have been beautified by the Empire.

And he also gave it a nice name - 'Angel Wings'.

On the battlefield, when the imperial warships spread their wings, it also means that high-intensity bombardment is coming.

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