From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 12 Raid (Please read it! Please collect it!)

Cosmic Standard Time, August 17, 15:30.

Directly 8,000 kilometers above the 'Plenty' spaceport is the 'Lansford' military spaceport.

It is the last part of the extension construction of the Robert IV space elevator project.

Apart from the higher counterweight area of ​​the track, Lansford Harbor is the highest point of this man-made structure.

As the station of the Robert IV garrison fleet, it is also the federal military port closest to the border.

This large military port can theoretically accommodate 20 battleships, 80 cruisers, 200 destroyers, and more frigates for maintenance at the same time.

But at the moment, except for a mixed patrol and destroyer fleet that conducts daily patrols in orbit.

Almost all of the garrison fleet staying in the port for maintenance only occupies a small part of the military port.

There are 3 ‘Krant’ class battleships, 15 ‘Hydra’ class cruisers, 52 ‘Jackdaw’ class destroyers, and nearly a hundred frigates of various types.

These are all the belongings of the Robert IV garrison fleet.

In the combat command center in Port Lansford, dozens of on-duty personnel are sitting in their combat positions, conducting combat readiness duty.

But if you go behind them and look.

You will find that one-third of the people here are dozing off.

A third of the people were holding personal terminals brought into the command center in violation of regulations and watching the celebrations being held in the rest area of ​​the military port.

Green, the commander of the garrison fleet, is conducting a "heaven and earth connection" with Commander Adam on the ground.

At this moment, the two of them were sending Army Day blessings to the federal soldiers on the Robert IV.

The remaining one-third of the people are the few people in this command center who are doing serious business.

Tactical Information Coordinator, Lieutenant Tom is one of them.

His job is to filter the data collected from various observation equipment in the military port over and over again.

As a new round of data began to refresh on the screen, Lieutenant Tom picked up the Tetra Pak espresso at hand.

This is a necessity for him to prevent him from dozing off on duty.

But before he could tear open the straw, a message flashed across the screen, giving him a jolt.

[Attention, decoy beacon signal detected! Please screen in time! ]

The message in bold red font flashed three times on the screen.

After coming back to his senses, Lieutenant Tom immediately connected to the induction observation equipment, and at the same time shouted towards the rear:

"Sir, the observation equipment discovered a decoy beacon!"

In the command seat of the combat command center, Major Randall, who was holding his personal terminal and looking at it with great interest, was also trembling after hearing the report from his subordinates.

He untied the straps on the seat, pushed his feet on the seat, and floated out.

In Lansford Military Port, only part of the rest area has artificial gravity.

The combat command center is obviously not among them.

"If I come here and find out you broke the device, I'm going to shove the infusion rod up your ass, got it?!"

"Yes, sir!"

After passing through the air among the snickering officers on duty, Major Randall landed next to Tom.

When he carefully checked the information returned by the observation equipment and confirmed that the self-test of each equipment was correct.

The officer on duty finally realized something was wrong.

The observation equipment did find an induction beacon, and this beacon was moving at a constant speed, approaching the location of Port of Fengfei.

"Find the location of this beacon and use optical observation equipment to see what's going on."

Randall patted Tom on the shoulder, then turned to look at the communications sergeant on the other side of the command center.

"Bill, go ask those bastards in the harbor if any damn bastard set off the decoy beacon as a firework!"

The communications sergeant who was still deserting now realized the seriousness of the problem.

He immediately sent a message to all the warships docked in the port.

Ten minutes later, the officers on duty on each warship sent back reports.

Although today is Army Day, no one is so unreliable as to throw decoy beacons into space.

At the same time, according to the located coordinates.

Optical observation equipment also captured this constantly moving induction beacon.

When the lens enlarges the picture, it is projected onto the main screen.

Everyone in the command center saw a small engineering ship and the containers being dragged behind it.

Looking at the main screen, the container is locked as the signal source.

A stream of cold sweat broke out on Randall's forehead.

Although he usually acts carelessly and even neglects his duties.

But to be able to climb to the position of tactical commander, you still have basic tactical literacy.

Unfortunately, it's still a step too late.

The defense weapons on military ports and space elevators are all high-power directed energy weapons.

A large number of cargo spacecraft around the engineering ship are also on the ray.

If you fire rashly, it can easily cause accidental damage or even cause a chain reaction.

So Randall could only find a unit that was more suitable for 'embroidery work'.

Just as he was about to send out an HCP team to deal with the container urgently.

The entire command center was buzzing with alarms.

[warn! Unauthorized space collapse detected! ]

[warn! Abnormal mass growth in space has been detected! ]

[warn! Strong electromagnetic interference detected! ]

[warn! Strong neutrino communication interference detected! ]

[warn! The ecliptic is 23 degrees, the celestial north pole is 52 degrees, the angle between the ecliptic planes is 18 degrees, and the straight-line distance is 9542 kilometers. An unknown fleet has been detected! ]

A series of warning messages flashed across the home screen in dark red and bold fonts.

At the same time, a large number of automatic detection devices at Lansford Military Port also captured this huge fleet that had just completed the jump.

Each ship has an elegant elongated streamlined shape, and the outer layer presents a silvery smooth texture.

This is a typical feature of the Star Dragon Empire battleship.

When the huge flagship slowly emerged from the shadow of the planet, a bright light was reflected on the arc of its outer armor.

In the automatically enlarged picture, the gilded name on the side of this huge warship is clearly visible.

SENY-BB-24, Sword of Dawn.

Then, a bright light flashed in the dark sky without warning.

Everyone only felt a white beam of light left on their retinas.

The next second, the entire command room was shaken as if the sky was falling apart.

The other side opened fire.

A piece of bismuth metal that has been standardized and forged is instantly heated to tens of millions of degrees by the energy generated by a fusion nuclear explosion in the battleship's fusion furnace.

Under the squeeze of the confining magnetic field, this mass of plasma passed through the acceleration orbit of the heavy particle cannon and was accelerated to 2,000 kilometers per second.

In the end, this turbulent jet of plasma accurately hit the communication array at the top of Port Lansford.

and destroy it completely.

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