After seeing off the cat lady maid, Amber went directly to the shower room in the cabin to take a shower.

When boarding the ship, everyone temporarily stored their weapons and exoskeletons in the boarding area at the bottom of the Quiet Garden, so he was only wearing combat uniforms now.

In line with the principle that no matter how small a mosquito's legs are, they are still meat. After seeking the permission of the elves, Amber took another HCP pilot and gave them two standard Zealots from the past Glory together with matching weapons and maintenance suits. Opened to the quiet garden.

The elf in charge of managing the boarding area in the bottom cabin is also a guy who is good at calculating and highly praised Amber's move.

He also said that he would help them re-categorize and repack these supplies and equipment.

When the hot water rushed down her head, Amber in the shower felt like she was about to be sublimated.

When I was on Robert No. 4, except for the time when there was a serious bathhouse in the transfer center, the rest of the time I practiced personal hygiene in a field environment.

To be honest, under those conditions, it was difficult for Amber to have any desires.

After all, everyone smells bad.

But now she suddenly arrived on a luxury cruise ship. This completely different environment made Amber still feel like she was in a dream.

The elves and Roma people she saw during the boarding process also brought back some memories in Amber's heart.

At least so far, these elves have behaved as Amber remembered, with powerful psychic abilities and biotechnology, but not much interest in expanding their territories.

Rather than attacking others with the heavy purification beams on their bio-warships, these elves prefer to immerse themselves in their own business development.

It seems that since they were born, these elves have only been thinking about starting a company and making investments.

However, some players have dug deeper into some of the side missions and plots in the game and discovered that the elves of the Thousand Star Empire have actually become the actual controlling shareholders of many Star Dragon Empire and large-scale federal enterprises through investment, acquisitions, holdings, etc.

These players came up with the conspiracy theory that this was actually the elves' form of warfare.

Use this method of boiling frogs in warm water to subtly control all economic lifelines of human society.

All in all, apart from being similar in appearance to elves in other worlds, their painting styles are completely different in other aspects.

The Roma race was added to the game to satisfy some players' fondness for beast-eared girls.

But Amber always felt that there might be some personal stuff added when planning to set the background for the Roma people.

The Roma did not live together with the elves at first. They actually had a planet of their own.

About eight hundred years ago, when the Roma civilization reached a stage similar to that of the late Middle Ages of mankind, something went wrong on their home planet, and the entire civilization faced the crisis of racial annihilation overnight.

At this time, a Spirit Cruise ship that was out for sightseeing happened to discover the 'genocide disaster' that was about to happen on this planet.

After the Elf Royal Court learned of the news, they immediately decided to take action to save this civilization.

So an epic ethnic migration began.

Because the Roma have relatively strong fertility, their population density on their home planet is relatively high.

As for the elves eight hundred years ago, their fleet strength was far from what it is today, and many large ships that had just been finalized were still growing slowly in the biological breeding dock.

Therefore, the elves at that time used all available transport ships, planetary landing ships, and a large number of other ships.

They raced against time to rescue all the Roma who were willing to leave the Roma home planet before it completely disintegrated.

At this point, the Roma people began to live together with the elves and gradually integrated into the elven society.

But Amber has always felt that the term 'integration' is not appropriate.

Because although there are no express regulations or legal restrictions, so far the Roma can only work in the tertiary industry in the Thousand Stars Empire.

And it is basically limited to the most basic service industries.

The elves' giant companies never recruit Roma people.

This is why the waiters and maids Amber and the others have seen since boarding the ship are all Roma.

And all positions related to ship operations will only see elves.

This invisible sense of fragmentation has existed ever since the elves rescued the Roma people.

"This soul-piercing one is getting more and more interesting."

After taking a shower, Amber carefully cleaned herself up again.

After all, the person he was going to meet soon was also the future richest man in the elves.

What's more, the elf lady who will be in charge of the Yuge family in the future is also a well-known angel investor. She likes to invest in some weird small companies and can often get a lot of returns.

In the game, investments will also be made based on the player's guild's reputation in the Yuge family.

People gave him the nickname "Timely Rain".

So after learning that Isabel's friend was this rich woman, Amber had already started to make plans for her.

It would be great if we could attract a wave of ‘entrepreneurial investment’.

Putting on an elf-style coat that had been prepared in the room in advance, Amber, guided by the previous cat lady maid, came to the garden where she met Ellenita Yuge.

Isabel unexpectedly arrived early. Amber originally thought that the noble lady might have to stay in the room doing ink for an hour or two.

She was holding a tea cup and chatting with a female elf at the round table in the garden. The expression on her face looked very relaxed.

The elf opposite her is the owner of this armed cruise ship, "Timely Rain" Ellenita Yuge.

This female elf's appearance, figure, and current clothing are exactly the same as the model in the game in Amber's memory, and she looks even more refined in the real world.

Inside the floor-length white gauze robe, there is a cool outfit that looks a bit like a swimsuit, with many expensive-looking psychic crystal ornaments hanging on it.

This kind of clothing paired with Ellenita Yuge's hot and voluptuous combat figure, after the modeling was exposed at that time, it directly filled the 18+ rating of "Star OL".

Fortunately, Amber is more or less a new-age game nerd who has experienced the baptism of the information explosion, and has enough resistance to this level of character appearance.

So when facing this rich elf woman, he did not lose his etiquette.

"Good day, Ms. Yuge."

"Oh~ I didn't expect you to know Elvish." Ellenita Yuge smiled.

After meeting Isabel and getting a general understanding of her recent experiences, the future richest elf became interested in Amber.

"I understand a little bit."

"It doesn't matter if we communicate directly with your human language." Elenita switched to the common language of humans.

"While studying in the Star Dragon Empire, I also mastered your language."

I don’t know if it’s out of basic etiquette, or if both parties have their own thoughts.

The first meeting between Amber and Ellenita went very smoothly, and it could even be said that they had a great conversation.

From Isabel's perspective, Amber seemed to be very familiar with dealing with the elves of the Thousand Star Empire, and was also very familiar with the various etiquette and traditions of the elves.

"Hahaha, Mr. Amber, you are such a funny human being."

Ellenita, who was chatting with Amber, covered her mouth and smiled softly, and then she saw Isabel next to her, who was looking evil.

It can be said that Ellenita knows her best human friend very well.

Seeing her expression at this moment, combined with her various descriptions of Amber when she just told her recent experience.

Ellenita felt like she had seen it all.

"Okay, let's stop talking here for now. You two have been having a very difficult time."

The female elf stood up first.

"I've already had people prepare meals and notified your companions. You all should go eat something first and then have a good rest. If you have anything else to do, we'll talk about it when we get back."

As if noticing Isabel's eyes were worried, Ellenita walked up to her again and took her arm.

"Don't worry, I have informed the bridge and asked them to use purification beams to dismantle the two Imperial frigates. Even if someone else finds this coordinate by luck, they will not find anything valuable."

After saying this, the female elf took Amber and Isabel to the banquet hall in the Quiet Garden through a teleportation device made of vines and some unknown metal.

Amber entered the banquet hall and found Randall and others who were already feasting.

But he didn't notice that Ellenita, who deliberately slowed down and pulled Isabel behind, whispered something in Isabel's ear, and then the imperial female spy's face turned red.

Then, during the meal, Ellenita suggested that everyone raise a toast to celebrate their escape.

Everyone who was a little reserved at first slowly relaxed after drinking a few glasses of wine.

Two of them came to Amber and asked to have a few more drinks with him.

Even Isabel came over with a wine glass. Isabel, who had already had a few drinks, had a drunken face and a flirtatious look, which made Amber completely unable to refuse.

And the fruit wine brewed by the elves is indeed very powerful.

Finally, with Ellenita's expression of 'knowledge of the plan', a Roma maid assisted Isabel in sending Amber back to his room.

After the dizzy Amber fell on the bed, she felt a soft body getting into her arms.

Immediately afterwards, a warm word fell in his ear.

"Amber, kiss me."

When a wet feeling slipped into her mouth, Amber suddenly woke up and wrapped herself around him without hesitation. At the same time, she did not forget to shout in her mind:

"Lilith, you are not allowed to look!"

“No, no, no, no!!!”

The first volume will end tomorrow~

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