Amber didn't know that the Federation was really preparing to use the strategic weapon he was worried about before.

At this time, he, Isabel, Randall and others were taken aboard the armed cruise ship of Isabel's friend after passing the security inspection.

After boarding the Serenity Garden-class cruise ship, everyone except Amber and Isabel, including Major Randall, were stunned.

Because the internal environment of this armed cruise ship, just like its classified name, is really a quiet and mysterious huge garden, or forest park.

"Amber, you are becoming more and more confusing to me. Even the nobles of the empire will be amazed when they see this magical elven cruise ship for the first time."

The group of people was walking in the garden with a gravity environment inside the cruise ship. Isabel, who was walking at the end of the group, looked at the companions in front of her who were looking around curiously, and then looked at the unusually calm Amber beside her. She couldn't help but say:

"But you seem so calm as if you've been here countless times?"

"You have known me for so long, don't you know that I am such a calm person?"

Amber answered Isabel's question calmly.

Of course he would not tell her that not only had he visited the Garden of Tranquility countless times, but he had also visited the higher-level Forest of Whispers.

These elves’ armed cruise ships are symbols of gold-earning players in “Star Sky OL”.

Those who maintain the service will receive different levels of armed cruise ships based on the amount of money spent.

Of course, the armed cruise ships given to these players are actually unarmed and are purely a work of art.

The guild president of "Pink Furry Rabbit" is such a big boss in raising and maintaining clothes.

This guy has obtained all the cruise ships with krypton gold rebate tiers, and every guild event is held on these cruise ships.

So Amber is indeed quite familiar with these gorgeous elven creature ships.

"Forget it, you don't have a word of truth in this guy's mouth." Isabel shook her head and no longer struggled with this issue.

"Hmm. Compared to these, I am actually more curious about how you met such an elf. Whether it is the previous psychic entanglement communication crystal or this quiet garden, these are not owned by ordinary elves in the Thousand Star Empire. "

Amber couldn't help but turn her head and look at Isabel up and down.

"Although you are a noble of the Star Dragon Empire, you don't look like someone who can be related to such an elf."

"Amber, you are really good at talking."

"Thank you~"

Isabel rolled her eyes at him angrily and uttered two words.


"Are you coaxing a three-year-old child? Your classmate relationship will give you such an important token, and now you are opening a quiet garden to support it?"

Amber sneered disdainfully at what Isabel called 'classmates'.

Although this cosmic elf does not have a long life like other stories, its average lifespan is more than 300 years old.

Although the nobles of the Star Dragon Empire are so-called 'perfect humans' who have been genetically engineered, their average lifespan is actually less than 140 years old.

The lifespan gap between the two is still quite large. In this case, a few years of classmate relationship is just a brief episode in their lives for the elves.

"Elenita has been my classmate for four years as an exchange student and lived in our house temporarily. Our relationship is much better than you think."

"Much better than I thought."

Amber chewed on this sentence over and over, and then it suddenly dawned on her.

"Oh~ I see."

"Amber, I feel like you're thinking of something very rude."

"Master, I feel like you are thinking about something about R18."

The voices of Isabel and Lilith sounded at the same time, the former was ashamed and the latter was teasing.

"Ahem. Don't worry, I didn't think about anything."

"The more you say this, the more worried I become!"

With a blush on her face, Isabel raised her head and quickly followed the team in front, ending the topic.

"Master, there is something wrong with this reaction. Do you think she can be with this elf?"

"Lilith, stop reading some literature about beautiful women. Have you been very free recently? I asked you to search online for "Causal Exploration in Complex Combat Environments", "Serial Interaction of Incomplete Information Games in Complex Military Decisions", Have you read "Artificial Intelligence Reasoning Atlas"?

"I'm sorry! Master! I went to study in Guanmai!"

Lilith fled.

Amber, who had fallen to the back of the team, also quickened her pace to follow.

It is actually not unusual for elves from the Thousand Star Empire to become exchange students in the Star Dragon Empire.

Not only going to the Star Dragon Empire, many elves also went to the Federation for exchange.

Although the two races, humans and elves, have many differences in culture, technology, art, psychic abilities and other aspects.

But in the two hundred years since the two sides met and established contacts, the elves have always maintained the purpose of friendly exchanges.

As for human civil wars, these elves have never intervened.

Although humans had ideas about these elves, in the end the rulers who had these ideas gave up on them.

Because it’s really impossible to win.

In the rare confrontations between humans and elves in history, humans were basically at a disadvantage.

If it weren't for the fact that the elves of the Thousand Stars Empire were keen on commercial development, preferring to engage in commercial warfare over hot wars, and really had no interest in conquering humans.

Maybe now the territory of human power will be divided into many elven colonies.

The elves take the path of psychic energy + biotechnology, which is completely different from humans.

For example, the main part of the Serenity Garden at Amber's feet was not built in a shipyard.

But it was 'grown' in the biological cultivation dock.

At the same time, as the ship owner continues to nourish it through spiritual energy, the biological ship will continue to grow at an extremely slow rate.

In short, whether it is the technical principle or the presented results, it is a novel thing that makes humans scratch their heads.

While Amber was recalling this information about the Thousand Star Empire and the elves in her mind, everyone was guided by several Roma people who were responsible for the reception, and went to the cabin arranged for them to rest first.

Amber was also led to the door of her cabin by a Roma man with a pair of cat ears on his head.

"Sir, this room is where you will stay temporarily. If you have any questions, you can call me directly through the communication crystal in the room."

This 'cat lady', who was wearing a long black and white maid uniform, opened the cabin door and leaned forward slightly and said:

"There are prepared clothes in the cabin. Please take a shower and change clothes first. I will guide you to meet Master Yuge later."

"Yu Ge. Wait, so the owner of this ship is Ellenita Yu Ge???"

Amber looked surprised. He never expected that Isabel's friend would be the female elf who would become the richest man in the Thousand Stars Empire more than ten years later.

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