When Second Lieutenant Lester, whose call sign was ‘Peridot’ and belonged to the special operations group like Rudolph, saw his lead aircraft.

It was being forced back from the passage by a federal Steppenwolf HCP in a very embarrassed manner.

This was the first time that Lieutenant Lester saw his lead aircraft, Lieutenant Rudolf, who was also his master, showing such embarrassment in the HCP battle.

Without saying a word, he raised his Gauss rifle and fired at the Steppenwolf driven by Amber.

Under his fire cover, Amber had to twist her body and perform several rounds of lateral spray dodge, and Rudolph also took this opportunity to finally distance himself from Amber.

Just when he was about to set up long-range weapons and suppress fire with his wingmen on Amber.

However, it was discovered that the charged particle cannon mounted on the rear of Amber's body had completed deployment at some point.

While the machine body still maintained its sprint towards itself, the charged particle cannon aimed at its wingman and irradiated it.

The dark red beam directly cut off the Gauss rifle in Lester's hand and detonated the battery pack inside.

Although Lieutenant Lester reacted extremely quickly and threw the weapon directly, at the same time, the deflection force field in the adaptive mode also reacted at milliseconds to prop up the force field after being irradiated by the charged particle cannon.

But Amber was still allowed to take advantage of these few seconds to approach Rudolph again with the sword and shield.

"Fuck fuck fuck!"

The continuous attacks gave Rudolph no chance to breathe.

The actions of the opponent's body basically do not use any preset commands, and are all controlled by the pilot himself.

The evasive method of continuously and rapidly changing direction by relying on the vector nozzle and the strength of the legs is extremely smooth and does not have the awkwardness of the preset instructions.

Rudolf has always felt that he is a relatively talented pilot, not only at the top level, but also among the top ones in the first echelon.

Whether in exercises, competitions or previous battles, he has demonstrated superb driving skills and combat skills.

It is precisely because of this that he was selected into the special operations team of the Eighth Expeditionary Strike Group.

But now, Rudolf finally realizes what it means to have someone outside of you.

"Lolcanic Stone, let me help you!"

On the other side, Lieutenant Lester, who lost his Gauss rifle, also took off his plasma sword.

Since only the heavy particle cannon and missile launch bay are left on the weapon racks on the back, these two weapons are not suitable for close support.

Therefore, he was forced to engage in close combat to protect his lead aircraft.

"1 versus 2, right?"

Jumping back to avoid Leicester's sword-wielding jump attack, Amber held the shield in front of her and put the heavy sword on the shield, like an ancient Roman gladiator, guarding against the imperial HCPs surrounding her from both sides. .

"For the sake of fairness, I have to call for foreign aid. Lilith!"

"Master, the invasion is complete!"

"Very good, use their communication channels to spread the virus, and then activate the virus in their bodies for me to attack!"

"Understood! Master!"

After receiving Lilith's response, Amber stopped being on guard and rushed directly towards Rudolph's body.

The close-range laser guns on both sides of the main monitors on both sides' heads also began to illuminate various sensor systems on the other side's body.

Just when Amber was about to come into contact with Rudolph, Lester, who was approaching from the side, suddenly heard a series of alarms coming from the cockpit.

"Warning, electronic warfare virus intrusion has been detected and is being defended"

"Warning, the power of the subcritical reactor is limited and the energy supply is limited!"

"Warning, there is an abnormality in the fire control system!"

The frightened Lester had not had time to process these abnormal warnings.

Amber, who was attacking from the front, twisted the machine strangely to avoid his master's chop. Then he raised HCP's right foot and kicked Rudolph's cockpit, kicking the entire machine. flew out.

Immediately afterwards, the federal HCP's main head monitor turned around, staring at him with a red-lit lens.

A fatal sense of crisis ran up the tail spine and went straight to the brain. Second Lieutenant Lester subconsciously controlled the body to prepare for defense.

As a result, the body felt as if it weighed a thousand pounds and was difficult to move.

He glanced at the multi-function display on the left and saw two lines of the latest news displayed on it:

"The motion control program is offline."

"The OS patch has been taken offline."

Looking at the panoramic screen, the machine suddenly became huge, and the blue plasma spurted out from the edge of the plasma heavy sword in its hand.

Lieutenant Lester had one last thought in his mind.

"It's over."

The next second, the sword blade covered with blue high-temperature plasma pierced the composite armor plate on the outside of the Zealot's cockpit. Lieutenant Lester didn't even have time to say the last words to his master, and he was driving. The cabin is directly vaporized.

In the game Amber played in her previous life, when players controlled HCP in battle, their definitions of defeating their opponents were basically divided into two schools.

One is the "human-cutting stick" school headed by Kira Yamato.

One is the ‘poke the cockpit’ school headed by Li Abao.

Unfortunately, Amber falls into the second category.

So when attacking Lieutenant Lester's aircraft, he thrust the heavy sword into the cockpit without hesitation.


Rudolf, who was kicked to the ground by Amber's Steppenwolf, watched his apprentice's wingman being pierced through the cockpit by Amber, and then looked at the grayed-out wingman icon in the squadron list, and the anger in his heart overcame his fear.

He controlled the machine to get up from the ground, and then rushed towards Amber regardless of everything.

Amber pulled out the heavy sword from Lester's machine and looked at the fanatic rushing towards him expressionlessly.

Originally, in Amber's view, this machine had many flaws in its attack, and now it has lost its rules.

Seizing an opportunity, he directly swung his shield to slap the opponent's heavy sword, and the cockpit of this fanatic was completely exposed at this moment.

"Have a good trip."

When the other two Steppenwolves in the spare hangar were finally ready and rushed out of the passage under the control of two rookie pilots.

The two pilots happened to see Amber pulling the heavy sword out of Rudolf's fanatic cockpit.

Some oil, coolant and blood mixtures that have not been completely vaporized after the plasma blade went out are attached to the blade in a dark red posture.

"Are they all stabbing the cockpit?"

At this moment, the two 'newbies' suddenly felt the cruelty of the battlefield intuitively. Such a battle is completely different from their usual training.

Amber didn't know that these two rookie pilots had a new understanding of the HCP battle at this moment.

He was focusing on Lilith's statistics on the spread of the electronic warfare virus and the purple marks on the tactical map that were attacking him at high speed.

Just now, the friendly forces reported that several HCPs had forcibly broken through the front line and attacked Amber's position.

Although their departure greatly reduced the pressure on the federal army on the front line, it was not good news for Amber's assault team.

Looking at the enemy HCP getting closer and closer, Amber opened the team communication channel:

"Everyone pay attention, all those who can still move will immediately attack the core area!"

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