From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 104 It’s time to show real skills

Among the three HCPs prepared by backup Gnakuli, Amber was the fastest one to be dispatched.

After rushing into the Gnaku, the maintenance team did not even need to communicate, and rushed directly to the location of Unit 1 closest to Amber to carry out various pre-startup tasks.

They also know that the other two HCP pilots are real rookies. After all, outstanding talents will be assigned to various fleets first.

Most of the HCP pilots who remain on the surface cannot adapt to space operations, or their skills can only be used on the ground.

Therefore, it is obvious that if these two rookies are allowed to take the lead in completing preparations and attack, the only way is to add two more down marks on the shoulder armor of the menacing Imperial HCP outside.

It's different with psychic agents.

An excellent HCP pilot is not necessarily a psychic agent, but a psychic agent is definitely an excellent HCP pilot.

These guys who were originally superior to ordinary people in various abilities, especially their spatial perception ability, after undergoing body modification, they became even more comfortable driving HCP.

Therefore, the people in the maintenance team naturally know how to prioritize the maintenance work.

Naturally, there is no process that needs to be unlocked for these three ‘Steppenwolves’.

In other words, except for extremely confidential equipment, this kind of conventional military equipment basically does not have a complicated identity verification process. Otherwise, it would be funny if you still use facial recognition in an emergency.

Being able to enter here and activate this Gnaku through the identity verification at the gate already shows that the user has the corresponding permissions.

"Warrant Officer Amber, what configuration do you want to use?!"

The squad leader of the maintenance team asked loudly as he climbed onto the gantry crane next to the HCP.

"Standard ground combat configuration, with additional jet components on the legs!"

Amber answered while putting on a one-piece heavy-duty hydraulic anti-gravity suit with the help of another maintenance soldier.

"Understood, sir!"

The three ‘Steppenwolves’ stored in the Gnakuli obviously have maintenance teams doing regular maintenance.

Not only were all the components visually normal, there were no signs of lack of maintenance, even after the maintenance team leader connected his personal terminal through the external interface, he discovered that this Steppenwolf even had 80% remaining power in the superconducting battery stack.

Therefore, in this case, the maintenance process of the entire machine has been shortened a lot.

With several robotic arms, the 'standard ground combat configuration' Gauss rifle, small shield, plasma heavy sword, folding heavy particle cannon, and folding electromagnetic reconnection cannon were installed on the HCP's weapon rack in sequence.

Amber also put on a heavy-duty hydraulic anti-gravity suit, stepped on the pedals on the boarding cable to rise to the cockpit, and then got in.

Several cables on the seat were automatically connected to the interfaces on the arms, legs, and back of the anti-gravity suit after he sat down.

When the cockpit door is lowered and closed, the spherical screen of the all-round cockpit also lights up immediately.

Amber saw the squad leader of the maintenance team standing on the fixed support that was slowly moved away, giving him an 'everything is okay' gesture.

Immediately afterwards, Lilith's virtual image also appeared in the cockpit.

After this AI was connected to the body, it immediately replaced the original combat auxiliary AI.

"Lilith, enter the emergency startup process and skip the self-test procedures three, six, nine, and eleven."

"The control system is activated, the default mapping value is selected, the subcritical reactor begins to inject proton beams, and the plasma propulsion array is activated in an emergency."

If you want to ask Amber what her favorite thing is to do in the game "Starry Sky".

He will definitely say without hesitation: "Open the big robot!"

In his previous life in the game, apart from guild battles and daily life, his favorite thing to do was to jump off the low orbit while driving HCP to participate in various battles.

Since he traveled to this world, he has not touched HCP for more than a month, and his whole body has already been itchy.

So when the thumbnails representing each module of the HCP on the panoramic display turned green one by one, and the control operating system was completely connected to his body.

Amber felt like she was reborn.

"The subcritical reactor is working normally, each subsystem is working normally, and the weapon system has completed power storage!"

"Master, it's time to go out!"

Rudolf never expected that after he had carefully done his homework on anti-psyker combat, and deliberately drove a new landline that had been 'specialized against psykers', and then found the target with the support of friendly units .

The first battle that came was an HCP battle.

"NND, this script is wrong."

Facing the Steppenwolf that rushed out of the smoke wielding a heavy plasma sword, Rudolph put away his gun, set up his shield, activated the deflection field, and then also took off the physical sword from his back without thinking.

Although the area and height of the entrance to the Gnaku are very spacious for people, it is still a bit small for the 9-meter-tall HCP.

Therefore, in the absence of dodge and displacement space, facing an HCP charging at high speed with a sword drawn, Rudolph could only switch to melee weapons and enter combat.

But just after two moves, Rudolph realized something was wrong.

The action of the HCP opposite was really weird.

Specifically, it doesn't have the stiffness of a regular pilot piloting an HCP with AI assistance, but it's like an enlarged human being holding a sword and slashing at you.

The only ones who can perform this kind of action are hardcore pilots who have undergone full-body transformation surgery and have many interfaces reserved on their bodies, and

"Fuck, psyker."

After this idea popped into his mind, Rudolph broke away from the fight without hesitation and fled towards the passage he came from.

He has imagined too many scenarios of his second confrontation with Amber before.

But I never thought that Amber would also become an HCP.

"So, how come there are well-prepared HCPs in this base area?!"

No wonder Lieutenant Rudolf retreated without a fight.

In fact, the HCP driven by psykers, both in terms of reaction speed and accuracy of action mapping, far exceeds that of regular pilots.

It's like you're wearing seven or eight thick cotton clothes and trousers, with sandbags tied to your hands and feet.

The other person looked like he was only wearing a pair of underpants.

"'Peridot'! I need support here, and also notify friendly forces to send out more HCPs. This guy is a bit tricky!"

"Copy that, 'Volcano Stone' is moving closer to my position. I'll come over to support you."

On the bridgehead, Peridot pulled out his plasma sword from the turret of a mammoth.

Looking at the Mammoth, the last remaining electromagnetic reconnection cannon that was damaged and covered with scars, and the surviving Wolf Spider Kai next to it.

‘Peridot’ spoke through the loudspeaker: “You idiots, your fortune is good today.”

Then he rushed towards the location where Rudolph's body sent the signal.

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