Commander Adam's "persuasion to surrender" in the public channel is still going on. According to Lilith's analysis of the signal source after accessing the communication module of the communication relay vehicle, it is roughly judged that this persuasion speech should come from a ship in the outer space orbit.

"This guy was actually picked up?"

After learning that this guy had left the surface of Robert IV, Amber was still a little surprised.

It seems that the Empire still values ​​this former No. 1 figure in the Yasin base?

In the case that the space elevator cannot be used, the only thing that can be used for this kind of transportation in the Empire Fleet is the aerospace transport fleet.

Apparently, they arranged a transport plane to complete the task of transporting troops, and specially took Adam away.

And the ground offensive forces of the Federation also blocked this public channel after starting the operation.

Although the commotion just now was quickly suppressed before it rose.

But it is inevitable that some soldiers with weak minds may be really bewitched after listening for a long time, which may lead to some unexpected situations.

The civilians in the Jabra city area have run away in the days when the federal army arrived in the city to ambush.

In the huge city, only a small number of residents who really had nowhere to go were left.

So when the federal troops quickly crossed the Jabra city and headed for the base area of ​​the space elevator, they felt that the streets everywhere were unusually quiet.

Only reconnaissance drones continued to appear in the air, dragging black smoke and falling in the sudden burst of fire.

The accompanying air defense forces of both the Federation and the Empire were frantically hunting down each other's drone units, especially those small drones that did not fly high or fast, which were basically accurate one-on-one.

The commanders of the drone units on both sides watched with pain as the number of drones in their own troops' reserves decreased, but they still gritted their teeth and ordered new units to be released to replace those drones that were shot down.

This is like in a real-time strategy game, no matter how tight the resources are, you have to save money to manufacture reconnaissance units and keep control of the field of vision.

The importance of field of vision is self-evident.

"Major Randall, are you sure there is no problem with your information?"

Amber, who was sitting in the communication relay car and following the team's rapid advance, looked at Randall's markings on the base area map and asked with some uncertainty.

"Of course there will be no problem, Amber, don't you still believe me?"

Major Randall patted the silicon carbide armor plate on his chest in an exaggerated manner.

"Although I am the duty officer of the naval port, I am still very clear about the structure of the entire space elevator and the configuration of various places. You have to believe in my professionalism."

"It's not that I don't believe you," Amber shook her head.

"It's just that I can hardly imagine that there will be a spare HCP in the base area."

"Oh, Amber, you are really my big brother, so don't worry!"

According to Major Randall, there is a spare HCP hangar in Area 4 of the base area.

On weekdays, these hangars will seal three MTA-2A5 'Steppenwolf' HCPs, as well as supporting weapons, equipment and ammunition.

Under normal circumstances, this spare hangar will not be activated, because its purpose is to allow federal forces to obtain HCP support on the space elevator side in an emergency.

Among the managers of the entire space elevator and naval port, only a few people have the authority to open this spare hangar.

Major Randall was one of them.

So at the combat meeting, Randall informed Lieutenant Colonel Dallas and others of the existence of the hangar.

They immediately decided to take it down, obtain the HCP stored inside, and assist the troops in launching subsequent attacks.

To this end, Lieutenant Colonel Dallas and the commander of the federal force from the southern continent stuffed the few mechanics who knew how to prepare HCP in the team, as well as the only two new pilots who could drive HCP, into Amber's commando team.

Just as Amber and Randall were about to discuss the details of the route to advance, the vanguard received news that they had exchanged fire with the Imperial troops.

"Zi Buzz!"


"Hit the target! Confirmed destroyed!"

Looking at the armored vehicle with a hole in the zoomed-in picture of the tactical visor and burning fiercely.

This Imperial orbital paratrooper belonging to the firepower group immediately called his comrades beside him, and lifted the portable electromagnetic gun on the table in front of the window with the tripod, and retreated to the inside of the room.

Almost at the same time as they left the window, a volley of 40mm armor-piercing incendiary bombs was accurately poured into the house.

For a moment, gravel and wood chips flew everywhere, and flammable items such as curtains and furniture were also ignited.

"Retreat, retreat, retreat, we can't stay here! Move to the third attack point!"

"Everyone pay attention, Group C has engaged the enemy and is moving, pay attention to identification!"

The three-person team carried the electromagnetic gun and the capacitor respectively, and ran out of the back door of the building.

At the same time, the sound of exchange of fire was heard in other parts of the street.

Just like dripping a few drops of water into a pot of smoking oil, this block between the Federation and the Empire troops instantly became lively.

The infantry units deployed on this front line came from the "Blood Dragon Group" led by Viscount Ankarin, who had an inexplicable fate with Amber.

In the battles of Yasin Base and Nameless Forest, this noble unit that passed by Amber twice was picked up by the air transport plane that rushed over.

He was also accompanied by Lieutenant Rudolph of the Marine Corps Special Operations Group under the Eighth Expeditionary Strike Group.

Amber, who was almost temporarily breached at that time, was dismantled by the pilot and HCP. After returning to the fleet, he lay in the sanatorium for several days.

And this time, as the only combatant who had directly fought against Amber and survived, Lieutenant Rudolph was not surprised to be arranged to participate in this battle.

He even applied for it on his own initiative.

After being replaced with a new aircraft specially designed for psykers, he was airdropped again along with the Blood Dragons to supplement the Imperial forces near the space elevator.

Currently, he and the other HCPs of the Blood Dragon Regiment are staying in the attack assembly area, waiting for the federal and imperial forces to engage in firefights across the board, and then support each front according to the judgment of the battlefield commander.

However, Rudolph is an exception. He will not participate in regular battles. Instead, he will wait until he discovers Amber's figure and carry out the 'anti-psychic operation'.

Destiny is like an invisible web. In the process of continuous interweaving, all these people who have an "indissoluble bond" with Amber are gathered near the space elevator.

Commander Adam, Viscount Ankarin and his Blood Dragons, and Lieutenant Rudolf, who almost died at Amber's hands and was eager for revenge.

Of course, there must be someone who hates Amber so much.

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