Although Amber was on the public channel, after hearing Commander Adam's "passionate speech", she wanted to jump out and refute it.

He did not defect to the Star Dragon Empire.

To be precise, this body is actually a deep dive agent sent by the Star Dragon Empire. After being instigated by the Federation to rebel, he is currently working for the Federation.

If you insist on giving him a title, it should be something like 'double agent', 'double agent', or 'pangolin'.

But obviously, going to the public channel to confront Adam at this time will only make things worse.

And in the assembly preparation area where he was, many soldiers had already looked at him and gathered around him.

These soldiers are basically from the temporary 83rd Combined Brigade and other assembled units, or they are people who have not been transferred to Amber's staff for a long time.

"It's really about attacking the heart."

Looking at the actions of these people, Amber had to admit that although the empire's approach was quite dirty, it was still effective.

However, in this case, those mobile infantrymen who had been fighting with Amber since he was rescued from the beginning and survived until now, immediately formed a circle to block Amber.

To them, Commander Adam's words were like farts.

Although Amber was not worried about being trapped by other soldiers, the actions of these mobile infantry still made him feel that he had not brought them out in vain.

"Warrant Officer, is what Commander Adam said true?"

Someone among the gathered soldiers asked loudly.

Amber was just about to say something prepared when he heard a mobile infantryman around him suddenly lift his tactical visor and yell:


This mobile infantryman, who was rescued by Amber from the siege of the Empire's orbital paratroopers during the ambush battle in the Nameless Valley, looked very excited at the moment.

"We are here today only because Warrant Officer Amber led us all the way! In every battle, Warrant Officer will follow us and take the lead!"

The words of this mobile infantry naturally resonated with other mobile infantry, and they also began to support him.

"That's right! I believe Warrant Officer Amber!"

"Warrant Officer Amber even physically assaulted the Imperial HCP in order to cover the large force!"

"That's right! How many Imperial guys have been killed by Warrant Officers so far?! The title of Terror Headhunter is not just something we say randomly!"

Wait, what is a terrifying headhunter?

Amber, who was originally moved by the voices of these mobile infantrymen, was a little bit dumbfounded after hearing the title.

At this moment, the voice of Lieutenant Colonel Dallas also sounded on the federal internal communication channel.

"Attention all federal soldiers, don't be fooled by the words of the traitor Adam!

As the deputy commander of Yasin Base and the temporary commander of the 83rd Composite Brigade, and as a personal guarantee, Warrant Officer Amber has definitely not defected to the empire!

And it was because of the signal he sent for help before the fall of Yasin Base that the Federation was informed of the Empire's invasion and sent a support fleet. This gave us the opportunity to assemble today and officially launch a counterattack against the Empire! "

As the highest commander of the ground forces currently assembled by the Federation, Lieutenant Colonel Dallas' words are still effective.

Most of the soldiers calmed down after listening to his words.

Many soldiers who fought alongside Amber also recalled Warrant Officer Amber's performance on the battlefield. That kind of hard work was indeed not 'acting' no matter how you look at it.

At this time, Amber was also thankful that she had a 'confession round' with Lieutenant Colonel Dallas last night, otherwise the other party might not stand up and speak for him today.

Looking at the eyes of some soldiers around them, there was confusion and uneasiness.

Amber clenched her right hand into a fist and raised it high above her head, then took the lead in walking towards the attack direction.

"No matter what some of you think, I will continue to lead the mobile force today as always!"

"Death or life, sir!"

The dozen or so mobile infantrymen who trusted Amber the most followed without hesitation, shouting slogans.

Endorsed by the highest officer and supported by soldiers at the grassroots level.

Under this situation, the doubts that other soldiers had about Amber gradually dissipated.

Just as Amber was walking towards the preparation area with the mobile infantry, he suddenly felt a different look from the crowd around him.

He turned around following this gaze, and then saw Isabel standing behind several soldiers.

"So it was when you took down the core communications room that you sent out the call for help?"


"It's really a good plan, Amber."

Isabel's voice sounded a little resentful. At the moment, she and Amber were behind an armored vehicle in the corner of the preparation area.

When the two of them walked towards the two armored vehicles, the other mobile infantry dispersed in a tacit understanding, and at the same time took away a few guys who were confused about the situation.

"What is your true identity? Who are you?"

Isabel stared straight into Amber's eyes, as if she wanted to see something in his eyes.

"Forget it, you better stop talking."

Before Amber could speak, she put her hand on her forehead and said to herself:

"I always feel that knowing too much is not a good thing."

"You don't have to be so entangled. No matter what I do or who I am, our cooperation is still valid, isn't it?"

Amber stepped forward, forcing Isabel to take a step back, leaning against the armored vehicle.

"And I have long said that neither the Empire nor the Federation is my destination. If you don't believe me, there is nothing I can do."

"Come to think of it, Amber, why are you so close? I realize that you really can't even be serious for a minute."

Isabel rolled her eyes angrily.

"The war is about to begin. Shouldn't something happen to the male and female protagonists who have been walking side by side along the way? This is how it's done in the movies I've seen."

"As expected of you."

Isabel, who was originally in a complicated mood, was suddenly made to laugh by Amber.

This imperial female spy rarely showed her most natural smile in recent days.

"So, you regard me as your heroine?"

"This is actually not necessarily the case."

The smile disappeared.

Because of Amber's nonsense, nothing interesting happened in the end.

Because in terms of time, it is too late.

Isabelle quickly left, heading to the medical truck she was in charge of.

When Amber walked to the communication relay vehicle, he saw Major Randall waiting for him outside the vehicle.

This federal navy officer has now put on a standard mobile infantry individual exoskeleton.

After all, he is now also a member of the 'Space Elevator Commando List' drawn up by Amber.

Seeing Amber approaching, the naval lieutenant colonel looked him up and down, frowned and asked:

"Amber, are you an Imperial spy?"

"What do you think?"

"Yes, after all, your face looks quite imperial."

Major Randall finally couldn't help but laugh. He patted Amber on the shoulder, and the two quickly completed boarding the car.

Soon, the assembled federal troops began to depart from several preparation areas and headed for their respective planned attack areas.

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