"Since the enemy is waiting so hard for us, it would be a bit unkind of us to let them down."

Yang Wenzhi's voice echoed in the conference room. He looked at everyone, with a touch of determination and solicitude in his eyes: "So I suggest that the Mercury fly over directly."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned!

Fly over?

Since the two star gates of the Alpha system are very close to each other, the combat distance is extremely small... It can be said that if they were not concerned about alerting the enemy, the two sides would have been able to exchange fire now.

It was only the evil intentions of both parties that kept the entire galaxy seemingly peaceful.

Once the enemy's target is really the Mercury...then...

The commanders immediately started discussing.

"Isn't it a little too risky?"

"Are you afraid of wool?"

"I'm scared! What I mean is that the higher-ups will definitely not agree."

"Didn't Lao Yang just get the authorization?"

"The question is, what is the purpose of us going like this? If we want to destroy the enemy, we can use second-generation rice grains to destroy it now. There is no need to use the Mercury as bait."

Listening quietly to the discussion of his colleagues, Yang Wenzhi kept nodding slowly. When everyone looked at him, he smiled slightly: "Indeed, I want to destroy these three Tula ships, and I still want to use them. Conventional force to eliminate."

Everyone immediately stopped talking.

"Everyone... are you aware of a problem?" Yang Wenzhi continued to look at everyone, his expression gradually becoming serious: "Since leaving the Auriga Galaxy, what has given us the confidence to be invincible? It's rice grains."

"Of course rice grains are powerful. Although I haven't been back to Earth for several years, I also know that in order to create rice grains, six super accelerators have been built on Earth..."

"But we must realize that rice grains are always a consumable product, and they are also early consumables. When the intensity and intensity of the battle reach a certain level, it must be the first to be consumed."

Yang Wenzhi looked at everyone with an unusually serious expression: "Everyone here, let's ask ourselves...have we become dependent on rice grains?"

Everyone looked at each other. Although some people almost wanted to speak, they finally nodded silently.

Everyone is driven by profit. Although the overall level of mankind's current main combat ships has surpassed that of the enemy, all tactics are still based on rice grains.

Before the battle, Mi Li clears the way, during the battle Mi Li takes damage, and after the battle, Mi Li pursues the enemy.

"This time we advanced to the Frost Star. There was only two months between the battle with the Sophie Galaxy. Even though the super accelerator behind us had turned to smoke, we still only produced four hundred first-generation rice grains and thirty Second-generation rice grains, plus our previous inventory, the current total is 1,200 first-generation rice grains and 180 second-generation rice grains - in comparison, when we started the Battle of Sophie, we had enough There are enough two thousand coins for the first generation and three hundred coins for the second generation."

"But the enemy we will face next is no less powerful than the Sophie Galaxy."

"If our tactics are still based around rice grains, then do we still want to fight? Do we have to sit back and wait for a few more years until we have saved tens of thousands of rice grains before facing off against the enemy?"

"But in that case, why did we fight so hard on Planet Sophie? Why did Lao Hai sacrifice himself?"

Everyone subconsciously looked to the right side of Eshara - now sitting was Helko's deputy Borali. After Helko's death, Uda immediately asked Borali to succeed him as the War Ceremony Director.

Borali gritted his teeth hard and bowed his head slightly to indicate to everyone.

"So, I asked Academician Ye for advice and asked him to conduct a rigorous combat simulation based on the data of the Tula." Yang Wenzhi breathed out slowly: "We can try to use conventional naval guns Come to shoot down the enemy’s anti-material warship.”

"If there is a real risk, it may be... whether the Mercury's shield can block the continuous attack of the enemy's anti-matter main gun - because we have not done such a spear and shield test. Even Academician Ye Ming, he only Can give a calculated approximate possibility."

"But I think it's worth a try."

After finishing speaking, Yang Wenzhi gently clenched his fists, his eyes full of determination: "What do you think?"

After a brief silence, everyone raised their hands at the same time.

Yang Wenzhi stood up, put on his hat, and looked around at everyone.

"Then, I now declare that Operation Sunshine has officially begun!"

Half an hour later, the remaining battleships in Sophie Galaxy began to form a formation.

In the brain-computer center, Ye Ming woke up from his nap, walked to the water dispenser, made himself a cup of tea and sat on the sofa.

He grabbed the holographic glasses and just put them on when there was a knock on the door, and then Zhou Xiangnan's voice rang out.

"Mr. Ye, is there any action on Sophie Star? Why is the jump closed?"

Ye Ming took off his glasses and saw Zhou Xiangnan's puzzled face with a bit of displeasure. He hesitated and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Yes! Didn't you agree last time? So I plan to go to the scientific research base on Sophie Star in the next few days to take a look." Zhou Xiangnan naturally sat down opposite Ye Ming, with a constipated expression on his face: " As a result, we were told yesterday that we could make arrangements, but today we received a notice saying that the jump channel is temporarily closed."

After humans tasted the benefits of "portable jump wormholes", they lost control and built a large number of jump devices to travel to various galaxies. Currently, there are such devices on Earth, Blue Star, Triangulum Galaxy, Karatu Galaxy, and Sophie Galaxy. The stable jump generator continues to work.

In addition, the former enemy fleet brought more than one group of jump ships in the fleet to receive reinforcements at any time.

"Then just wait a moment." Ye Ming smiled: "And isn't your goal the Frost Star? What are you going to see on the Sophie Star?"

"Look at how they built it and what kind of configuration they pulled..." Zhou Xiangnan coughed slightly, but then his eyes burned: "But that's not important. What's important is what action is taken?"

Seeing Zhou Xiangnan's look of expectation, Ye Ming shook his head and smiled. After thinking about it, he put down his glasses and pointed at the door: "Lock the door."

Zhou Xiangnan seemed to realize something and immediately stood up and locked the door for Ye Ming.

When he looked back, the curtains had closed automatically and a light curtain had lowered on the ceiling.

"Is this?" Zhou Xiangnan's voice trembled slightly.

"Battle reality." Ye Ming pointed to his side and motioned for Zhou Xiangnan to sit over: "I'll satisfy you."

"F*ck!" Zhou Xiangnan roared and immediately sat next to Ye Ming: "What should I pay attention to?"

"Actually, there is nothing to pay attention to." Ye Ming chuckled: "Originally, these battlefield scenes will be released in the future, and they can even be broadcast live... It's just that... some scenes may be uncontrollable, so it is inconvenient to show them. Ordinary people watch.”

When Ye Ming said this, Zhou Xiangnan understood.

First of all, the battle scenes are not confidential, and there is nothing to reveal between humans and enemies - even if someone wants to be a traitor, there is no chance.

Oh, yes...it's not like there aren't fools like this - a few years ago, a group of people with brain problems were expecting enemies to come to Earth to purify mankind.

But how did these people "contact" the enemy?

Kneel there and pray.

In order to make their prayers more effective, this group of people even prayed with a pot lid on their head. Some people even showed up and said that aluminum pots have better signals than iron pots and that they have received guidance from alien civilizations... …

Later... some people went too far and even started to call themselves "spokespersons", promising that when alien civilization comes over, it will completely purify mankind and achieve eternal life...

So he was treated as a cult.

Not to mention these fools, even people like Zhou Xiangnan can't find a way to contact the enemy - now the two sides have no communication channels.

The main reason why ordinary people are not allowed to watch the live broadcast is because the live broadcast is uncontrollable - of course it is okay for human beings to win overwhelmingly, but once human beings lose too much, this may lead to unnecessary "reflection" and "anti-war" people, and then question Combat strategies, causing unnecessary impact on public opinion.

"here we go."

Following Ye Ming's gentle reminder, the Mercury slowly appeared among the fleet of Alpha Galaxy in the light curtain.

Zhou Xiangnan subconsciously opened his mouth to ask, but when he saw Ye Ming's serious expression, he immediately closed his mouth.

As the Mercury appeared, the three red dots in front of the fleet that had been forced to jump away immediately began to move at high speed.

"So fast!" Zhou Xiangnan exclaimed.

"Well, the anti-matter spacecraft is indeed very fast. Theoretically, it is three to five times faster than our conventional warships."

"Is this main gun enough?"

"This time the main purpose is to test the salvo algorithm of the main gun." Ye Ming stared at it and gently held his hands: "Although we also have anti-matter warships, these things are so precious that there is no chance for actual combat testing."

Zhou Xiangnan agreed: "Actual combat is the best test!"


During the conversation between the two, they only saw a sudden flash of light in the light curtain, and nearly a hundred rays of light rose simultaneously.

This is the artillery fire scene simulated by Aita.

After a moment, the light disappeared, but the three red dots remained. At the same time, three red rays of light quickly hit the Mercury's position.

Zhou Xiangnan's heart suddenly rose to his throat!

But Ye Ming just frowned and still watched quietly.

Then... more than three hundred rays of light rose simultaneously.

In an instant, the two red dots disappeared without a trace, leaving only one red dot still moving rapidly.

Ye Ming raised his eyebrows, and he immediately grabbed the microphone: "Old Yang, what knocked it off?"

In the conference room, Yang Wenzhi's voice sounded cheerfully: "The main gun killed him!"

"You didn't use second-generation rice grains?"

"No! But now it's used - 10, 9, 8..."

As Yang Wenzhi's artificial countdown sounded, Ye Ming also quickly pulled the screen to the nearest red dot, showing the ship that was evading the Tula at high speed - of course, this was a simulated picture, because the optical lens had already It is extremely difficult to capture the speed of enemy ships.

"3, 2, 1..."

When Yang Wenzhi's countdown ended, the simulated Tula hull instantly tore apart, releasing pure energy rays.

In the office, Yang Wenzhi laughed loudly: "Mr. Ye, it's done!"


Ye Ming exhaled slowly and loosened his fists: "What's next?"

"Next, it's time for dinner - one day later, we will enter the Frost Galaxy!"


After the conversation ended, Ye Ming turned his head and slowly looked at Zhou Xiangnan.

Zhou Xiangnan was still immersed in the scene just now. He opened his mouth wide and his eyes widened, as if he didn't react for a long time.

Until... Ye Ming touched him lightly.

"Fuck...is this the end?"

"Yeah...it's over." Ye Ming smiled at the corner of his mouth: "What do you think space combat is?"

"I know that modern space battles cannot be viewed from a common sense...but, but..." Zhou Xiangnan came back to his senses, held it in for several seconds before pointing at the star map and said: "This...is not as good as a game!"

Ye Ming laughed.

In terms of "realism", it is indeed not as good as a game.

After all, the game does not need to follow the attack principles of war. You can even see the enemy spacecraft with the naked eye before firing - but in space, even when the warships of both sides are closest, the outline of the warship cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Being able to see a bright spot is already the limit.

All scenes where enemy ships can be seen are simulated.

"Hey..." Zhou Xiangnan slapped his forehead, full of regret: "Then...are you going to enter the Frost Galaxy tomorrow?"

"Yeah." Ye Ming stopped smiling and nodded slowly: "I won't show it to you tomorrow. I'm going to the moon."

"Isn't that dangerous?"

"If the unknown is the danger, then... indeed."



One day later, Ye Ming arrived at the moon aboard the ETA.

Without too many pleasantries, after arriving at Taiyue Base, he was directly taken into the conference room by Qin Weiguo's assistant.

"How much longer?"

As soon as he sat down, Ye Ming asked directly.

"Three minutes." Qin Weiguo stared at the star map, his eyes fixed. Even if Ye Ming came in, he just waved, but his eyes never left the light curtain lowered on the desk.

And not just him, all the commanders of Taiyue were looking at the star map.

The star map is divided into two.

On one side is the scene of the human fleet gathering outside the star gate of the Alpha galaxy.

On one side is the shipboard vision of a super-fast reconnaissance ship.

In three minutes, the human super-speed spacecraft will cross the star gate, shine the sunlight on the planet, and melt the frost under the tyranny of the Executor Legion.

Ye Ming pursed his lips and stopped talking, just waiting for the passage of time quietly.

He knew that the hardest part was after crossing the star gate.

Because... according to the display of the high-altitude detector, the enemy continuously detected a large number of space jumps in the Frost Star a few days ago, that is, after the human communication ship was destroyed.

This means that the enemy has gathered at least thousands of warships here.

Once all the enemies gather outside the star gate...


As soon as he thought of this, Ye Ming held his breath.

The countdown ended, and the three ultra-high-speed reconnaissance ships rushed towards the star gate.

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