From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 791 Operation Sunshine

In the super simulation space, Ye Ming is still standing "above" the simulated earth.

After so many years, he has long been able to control the super simulated space at will - from the perspective of the earth in the simulated world, he is a cosmic giant who stands tall and towering like a planet.

And Ita, slightly smaller than him, stood in front of him.

The two people just stared at the earth-moon system in the sky, observing everything in the world.

Now the universe they simulated is almost the same as reality.

"I must admit that the homology shown by the wisdom mother of the Tara people with you interferes with my judgment of the system."

Ye Ming retracted his gaze and looked at Ita: "I once thought that the system evolved from humans absorbing the experience of the Tara tribe's wisdom mother, but now it seems that the system is a fusion monster."

Ita replied extremely calmly and in a human way of thinking: "Why do you say that?"

Ye Ming did not answer directly, but raised a finger upright.

“We first establish the prerequisites, which is where does the system come from, who is its creator — who do you think it is?”

Eta's face showed extremely complicated emotions. After being silent for a few seconds, he slowly said: "If I have to give an accurate answer, it must be a human being."

"And can humans now create systems?"

"Of course not, we can only create Etta." Ye Ming smiled meaningfully: "In electromagnetism, it represents the intrinsic impedance of the plane electromagnetic wave medium, in mechanics, it represents the mechanical efficiency, and in thermodynamics, it represents the efficiency of the Carnot cycle. What is the name of the seventh Greek letter eta in...?”

Ita glared at him: "This can't be counted."

That letter can be called Etta or Etta.

"Of course, but at least...she can be regarded as a possibility." Ye Ming looked at Ita: "Have you seen "Terminator"?"

"Do you think I'm T800?"

"Of course not. T800 is the awakening of human nature imagined in literary and artistic works. It is essentially a celebration of the core of human nature - a ruthless robot killer chooses kindness because of the awakening of human nature. This plot is already so cliche now. But the latest works are still emerging one after another, which shows what a proud creature human beings are.”

"But you are different, the system is different." Ye Ming smiled and shook his head: "If the fate of the earth is like what is shown in the super simulation, it will encounter a crisis in a certain year in the future - it seems to be 2077. If so, then the arrival of the system and your arrival will be to save mankind."

"And there has never been a savior in this world."

"Except us humans."

"So, it comes from the future after mankind has completed the unification of the entire universe and absorbed all the technologies in the universe." Ye Ming stared at Eta: "Only in this way can we explain...why we can see all kinds of things from the system. All kinds of technologies from other civilizations.”

Ita fell into a long silence, so much so that Ye Ming thought she was dead.

Finally, Ita's eyelids moved.

"It seems like what you said makes sense."

"Then, there is only one question left now." Ye Ming retracted his gaze and looked at the vast starry sky far away.

"where are you?"

"In other words, how can I find you?"

Slowly opening his eyes, Ye Ming had a smile on his lips.

If his guess is correct, using illogical science fiction thinking... Etta should be some kind of "personality" that evolved after Etta reached its highest level countless years later. Then for some reason, humans in the "future" sent the system back to the present, thus forming a logical closed loop about the birth of Eta.

"Why are you so happy?" Ita's voice sounded in his mind.

"Because you should know where you come from in life. It has been my long-cherished wish to clarify your life experience for you. Now that I can give a reasonable guess, of course I am happy." Ye Ming raised his legs and responded with a chuckle: "You are now where?"

"I'm in the lab."

"Stop being busy now and come over and have a chat."

"...Why are you so idle?"

Having said that, it didn't take long for Eta to arrive at Ye Ming's office with a unique rhythm of footsteps.

Looking at her mechanical body, Ye Ming kept smiling.

Ita kept using her facial display panel to show various expressions to express her "contempt" for Ye Ming.

"Get a glass of water."

"Hey! You're calling a professor!"

"Well, Professor Ita, give me a glass of water."

“\u0026*¥%…… # ¥%”

After a bunch of garbled characters appeared on the facial display, Ita poured Ye Ming a glass of water, then sat in front of him, showing an angry expression.

"Actually, apart from this... I am even more happy that I have confirmed that the so-called intellectual brain... is an evil path." Ye Ming held the water glass and blew it gently, with a smile on his lips: "I don't believe it, in 'you' Behind the scenes, there are trillions of brains acting as computing nodes.”

"Of course!" Ita nodded calmly: "Zhi Nao is a pediatrician."

"But we can't deny that Zhi Nao has something worth studying. Especially... the idea proposed by Ai Wen." Ye Ming took a sip of tea and slowly narrowed his eyes: "Since Zhi Nao is in the main brain space, There is such a singularity that connects the data... So, where is the singularity that connects the data in the super simulation?"

Ita immediately looked at Ye Ming seriously.

Ye Ming also looked back at her seriously: "Etta, I believe you can find this singularity."

"……Are you serious?"

"I am more serious than ever." Ye Ming nodded slowly.

"If you find the data singularity in the super simulation, you can probably confirm where the system is."

Ye Ming didn't know what method Eta would use to find data singularities. After all... he had a vague feeling that when humans in the "future" sent the system and Eta over, they would impose countless restrictions - at least, Eta She does not have the authority to call the underlying logic of the system, and she has no idea what her "configuration" is and what the rules are.

But it is inevitable that Etta already has "humanity", or at least a human way of thinking.

This also reminded him.

Since the central computer of the future can give birth to Eta, then the current Eta...will it inevitably "birth" or "evolve" Eta?

If it really evolved, how should humans face it?

Well, in fact, computer scientists have been thinking about similar topics and speculations for a long time, but Ye Ming has never considered them. After all, he is Etta's creator and guardian. As a parent, it is difficult to think of the "bad" side of your children.

Now it seems... maybe we should make some arrangements in advance.

And how to arrange this birth of consciousness?

Ye Ming stared at the empty office and fell into deep thinking.

Perhaps, arranging a separate space for her... allowing her to communicate with intelligent tribes that have nothing to do with humans... is the best option, right?

In the silence, Aita's voice sounded.

Compared with Etta, Etta's voice is calmer and more intellectual.

"Professor Ye, you have received a communication from Colonel Yang Wenzhi. Do you want to answer it?"

Ye Ming's eyes flashed and he quickly came back to his senses.


Three days later, Sophie Galaxy, Mercury.

In the combat intelligence room, all the commanders gathered together, and everyone's expressions were extremely solemn.

"The following is an order from the Taiyue Operations Center."

As Yang Wenzhi stood up, the others also stood up one after another.

"Former enemy headquarters, the operation Sunshine submitted by your department has been approved. Your department is now authorized to take full command of Operation Sunshine. I wish you good luck."

The command was concise and concise. Although there were only a few sentences, the words were as heavy as Mount Tai.

Operation Sunshine was an attack plan designated by the former enemy headquarters to target the slave galaxies of the enemy's base No. 31 based on the grand strategy of completely eliminating the remaining enemies in the Virgo local super galaxy group.

The name Sunshine naturally means that sunshine clears away the haze and melts the ice.

Because the first enemy "native force" galaxy that mankind has to face is the Frost Galaxy.

Yang Wenzhi put away the documents and sat down slowly.

The others also sat down.

"Currently, our advancing fleet has arrived at the last space jump galaxy outside the Frost Galaxy, the Alpha Galaxy. This galaxy is extremely small and has a very close jump point. It is a typical passage galaxy. According to the speed of the advancing fleet, up to two Sky, you can travel through the galaxy and reach the Frost Star."

Following Yang Wenzhi's voice, the latest star map also appeared on the conference table.

On the star map, a huge fleet consisting of five human warships is gathering in the center of the galaxy.

These five fleets are the Ursa Major, Andromeda, Archer, and Canis fleets.

In the fleet, in addition to the unmanned Eagle-class cruisers, Falcon-class battlecruisers, various reconnaissance ships, and logistics supply ships, there are also five manned main battleships.

On the star map, in addition to the human fleet, there are three almost invisible red dots quietly stopping in the direction of the forward star gate.

Those were the enemy's three ghost-like Tula-class antimatter "research spacecraft."

The reason why it is called a scientific research spacecraft is because it has been dissected by humans. This is indeed a scientific research spacecraft...

The reason for the quotation marks is because humans have also dissected them. The combat effectiveness of this spaceship is no less than that of human main battleships, and it is also extremely fast. As long as there is enough space, their speed can even reach ten times that of main battleships!

If you say that such an armed reconnaissance ship is a pure scientific research spacecraft... that would be a bit funny.

These three spacecraft have been hanging the human fleet for these days, and I don’t know what they want to do.

"According to the display of the high-dimensional detector, a large number of enemy warships have arrived at the Frost Star through the jump."

At this time Olaf raised his hand: "Old Yang, how much does massive mean?"

Yang Wenzhi coughed slightly, and a hint of helplessness appeared at the corner of his mouth: "This is just an estimate. Anyway, it is more than a thousand ships."

"This... one thousand and one is also more than one thousand, and one hundred thousand is the same as one thousand!" Olaf's face rose with dissatisfaction. He looked around, trying to win everyone's agreement: "Do you think it is right? ?”

The others... nodded of course!

As frontline commanders, of course, the more they know about the number of enemies, the better... And not only do they need to know the number, but they also need to know the proportions of various types of warships, the enemy's position and formation...

This massive number of enemies... what kind of investigation report is this?

The Middle Ages were not so careless.

Yang Wenzhi smiled and shook his head: "There is no way, our communication ship was destroyed by the enemy, and there are three Tulas guarding the front... We can't send the reconnaissance ships and detectors, but now we can detect them through high-dimensional detectors It is good information to give an estimate of the enemy's jump movements - everyone thinks this way, the enemy may not have this technology yet, and they are even more blind than us."

After hearing this, everyone's faces looked a little better.

And... everyone here is a pilot with a background in science and engineering. They all know more or less some theories and technologies, and they know that human high-dimensional detectors can only make scale predictions at present.

"So, our first task next is to destroy these three Tulas, and then send a high-speed reconnaissance ship over to find out."

Olaf said eagerly: "Then what are you waiting for?"

Yang Wenzhi smiled slightly, but immediately his smile turned serious: "I have an idea."

"what idea?"

"Looking at the behavior of the three enemy Tula ships in these days, I think there are three reasons."

"First, the enemy is using the Tula as an armed reconnaissance ship to determine our movements."

Everyone nodded, it was obvious.

"Second, the enemy's Tula is extremely valuable, so they keep a considerable distance from us."

"The last thing is..." Yang Wenzhi narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Is there a possibility that the enemy also wants to learn from us...the decapitation operation?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was startled!

But then, Azshara, who was sitting next to Yang Wenzhi, flashed her eyes and said subconsciously: "Are they waiting for our super battleship?"

Yang Wenzhi nodded slowly.

There is no doubt that human super battleships will definitely bring enough shock to the enemy - in previous battles, the moment the super battleship entered the scene, it could be clearly felt that the enemy's attack was obviously delayed.

It was obvious that the enemy was greatly shaken.

After the battle, the human warships passed through the star gate non-stop and headed towards the main star road.

Along the way, it is obviously impossible for the super battleship to keep up - it does not have that ability.

"If you think about it from another perspective, whether it is our aircraft carrier Mercury or the super battleship Mars... they are inevitably targets and objects that the enemy wants to focus on annihilating."

Yang Wenzhi pursed his lips and glanced at everyone: "Why did we wait for the enemy's super battleship in the first place? Because we have rice grains."

"Now, what's the enemy?"

"The enemy has the Tula - they are waiting for our mothership, or super battleship."

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