The wind of early autumn gently carried the fallen leaves flying on the playground of the Union College.

On the playground, a young, delicate woman leaves the scene of an outdoor physical education class for human students. She ran fast against the wind, while running, while throwing off the obstructing high heels, she turned into an afterimage in the breeze.

A high-powered off-road vehicle approached from a distance, quickly crossed the curb, and braked in front of the woman.

"Haileen, get in the car!" Zhou Xuchen, who was sitting in the passenger seat, opened the door.

Hai Lin who was running didn't hesitate at all, she almost jumped into the car, and then sat in Zhou Xuchen's arms.

Zhou Bo, one of Ye Ming's guards, was driving the car. He also knew that the situation was urgent. Without the slightest hesitation, he kicked the accelerator to lift up a large piece of turf, and then drove straight towards the school gate.

And the reason why they are so anxious is naturally... because they received a notice from Ye Ming, knowing that the Kodo tribe who had appeared with the "Prophet" Liana secretly dialed the connection with humans.

"How long has it been? Is she safe? What did you say?"

Hardly had time to catch her breath, Hai Lin immediately turned her head to look at Zhou Xuchen, asking questions like a cannonball.

"Up to now, we have been in contact for five minutes, and we haven't passed on the specifics of what we talked about." Zhou Xuchen hugged his wife tightly, and from the feeling on his wrist, he knew that Hai Lin's heartbeat might have already run out. The speed of "leopard" - After genetic tracing, Hai Lin believes that if humans evolved from monkeys, then their saints are very likely to have evolved from leopards in the sense of human mouth.

"Don't worry, there are still a few minutes, calm down, and the teacher is rushing to the department's foreign affairs office now, you have to trust the teacher..." Zhou Xuchen freed up a hand, and gently patted Hailin's back , feeling the trembling of his wife's body due to nervousness, comforted softly: "Teacher will definitely find a way to ensure the safety of your clansman."

"Yeah!" Hailin closed her eyes and took a deep breath: "Did Secretary Dali know?"

"I don't know, but I should have been notified."

In just one minute, the off-road vehicle passed through the school gate and came to the street.

Fortunately, there are not many vehicles on the street—after all, there is no automobile industry in Canglan Planet, and all automobiles have to be transported from the earth, which is expensive, so the off-road vehicle arrived at the foreign affairs office very quickly.

The Department of Foreign Affairs Office is a three-storey steel structure building with bright and clean windows, which looks extraordinarily grand.

"The teacher has arrived, and the contact center is on the third floor."

After getting out of the car, Zhou Xuchen thanked Zhou Bo first, then looked down at Hailin's feet, and couldn't help laughing: "Where are your shoes?"


"Okay, I'll buy you a pair later."

"Just find it." Hailin greeted the human female staff in the lobby and quickly walked towards the stairs.

The Department of Foreign Affairs is the contact center between human beings and all civilizations outside the department. As one of the leaders of the blue star scientific research team here, it is natural for her to come here, so she is familiar with the road.

She went upstairs three steps at a time. Finally, taking a deep breath, she slowly pushed open the information hall of the Foreign Affairs Office.

Then, she saw the girl of the same race who had appeared in the video several times looking nervously at the front of the video.

In the hall, the ancient "Kara language" of the girl of the same race rang simultaneously with the human Mandarin.

"Right now, these executive officers are meeting, and I don't know what they're going to discuss, but they've raised the mission to humans to level eight."

A human female voice sounded at the same time: "How many levels are there in total?"

"Nine levels, a total of nine levels!"

"How many battleships are produced at base 31 each year?"

"Don't know, but it must be a lot, because they have five servant galaxies."

"Is there a Star Destroyer at base 31? That is, a warship that can destroy planets?"

"No, but there are two very large warships that can only be completed through space teleportation."

At this time, the human diplomat had already seen Hai Lin's entry. She took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Goria, your people have come now. I'll let her talk to you."

During the quick conversation between the two, Hai Lin almost trotted towards the front, but just as she was about to step onto the communication office of the communication hall, she was suddenly pulled back by a standing person.

Hai Lin turned her head immediately, and when she recognized Ye Ming who was holding her, she immediately lowered her head: "Teacher."

"It's okay, I just remind you, hurry up."

Ye Ming's expression was extremely solemn.

There is no doubt that no matter what the occasion is, this kind of event of receiving news from "internal response" has great significance.

This is especially true for the Canglan Star people.

After humans determined to become the target of the executor, he seemed to be full of confidence on the surface, but deep down, he imagined countless times the scene after the failure of humans, even during those periods when the Auriga battle was in full swing... he I still have nightmares at night. And every nightmare is a scene where the moon is destroyed first, and then meteors all over the sky cut through the sky, and then hit the earth, and human beings are extinct.

In the same way, he also believes that he is not the only one who has experienced such a nightmare, and the bosses of the entire community must have experienced it too! Otherwise, the high-level human beings would not pay such attention to and take care of the fate of the Canglan Star people-this is not just explained by repaying "favor".

Rather, empathize.

Now, he can empathize with Helene's feelings.

However, as the Chief of Human Gifts, he must remind Hai Lin rationally that the sooner the communication is ended, the safer the girl named Gloria is.

Hailin is undoubtedly smart, she understood Ye Ming's reminder in an instant, and after nodding heavily, she quickly walked to her seat.

Then, she saw that on the big screen, a girl of her own race rushed towards the camera at this moment, and the tears turned into bead curtains.


Gloria was panting heavily, her hands tightly folded in front of her chest, revealing the genetic marks on her wrists, while also closely looking at the marks of the other party.

The four eyes met, even if the two of them had a thousand words to say, they just kept crying at this moment.

Finally, the clansman on the opposite side spoke first, and her voice sounded particularly hoarse to Gloria.

"My name is Hailin, and I'm the director of non-bioelectric preparation."

"My name is Gloria, it's..." Gloria closed her eyes forcefully, she kept sobbing, and wiped away tears, but unexpectedly wiped more and more: "Master Li, I...we have..."

"Talk slowly, it's okay." Hailin closed the tears in her eyes, and a gentle smile appeared on her face: "You have suffered."

Hearing the phrase "suffering", Gloria's mind exploded in an instant a picture of five thousand years of hardship. At this moment, she finally couldn't hold it back anymore, and cried loudly on the console.

In the video, Helene's already wrapped tears also fell down again.

But soon, she took the tissue that Zhou Xuchen handed over, dried her tears, and called softly again: "Goria."

"I'm here, Lisa."

"Well, now I need to ask you a few questions. How many people do we have now? Where? Are there other people in this place? How are you doing? How is your technology? Are you safe now? In the future Is there still an opportunity to find such a connection?"

"We still have about 60 million tribesmen. On Ayla, where the base of the Executor Legion is located, there are other sinners besides us..."


Ye Ming had quietly walked out of the lobby of the Department's Foreign Affairs Office and walked into the office next door.

After finding a random place to sit down, he turned on the monitor and initiated a dialing request to Uda.

In just a moment, Wu Da's picture was transmitted.

In the picture, Wu Da's eyes are red and swollen, and his face is livid.

"It seems that our guess is indeed correct, and the two enlighteners are also correct." Ye Ming listened to the conversation in the hall from the earphones, looked at Uda and said softly: "The Executor Legion did not A civilization uprooted."

"You mean I still have to thank them?" Uda didn't hide his anger, clenched his fists, and said almost every word.

Of course, both of them knew who the anger was for.

Listen, sinner...

What the fuck are these words!

Even human beings, who are inherently sinful, only existed in the feudal society, those so-called "lower people".

No, it's not even a lowly's a slave status!

Tens of millions of people were captured tens of millions of light years away. They were deprived of all rights, and even their descendants were born as slaves. They provided all kinds of needs for the Executor Legion day and night. You have to fight with other same "sin descendants" in exchange for survival!

Is this fucking something that an advanced civilization can do? !

Ye Ming called them tumors, which is already considered polite.

"But if you think about it this way, at least this gives us a chance." Ye Ming knew that the friend on the other side was very angry now-although he was also known as the chief gift officer of human beings, in terms of the status of the entire ethnic group, his "big gift Division" is far from what it was in Utakor.

Uda, the chief priest, is the supreme ruler of the entire Kela tribe and even all the Canglan Star people, the kind of true uncrowned king—the reason why Ye Ming, the chief scientist of mankind, has almost the same authority as Uda, is that It's because he is the chief scientist, and this title, if it is replaced by someone else, is at best a mascot.

With such a status, one must have equal responsibilities.

"Anger will go to your head, Wuda." Ye Ming looked at each other slowly: "Now we have to calm down."

"Yes, calm down!" Uda took a few deep breaths and then said in a deep voice, "First of all, we must keep this woman."

"Yes, I have already reminded Hailin not to ink."

"Well, there are more opportunities to be found." Uda took a deep breath and said, "With her here, we can get more information about the Executor Legion."

"Wrong, look for less opportunities." Ye Ming shook his head lightly: "She can't contact us frequently, because once she finds out... not only her, but her clan... and even the entire clan."

Speaking of Ye Ming's eyes like a knife: "I never believe that people who can do this kind of thing will treat a group that they regard as slaves as human beings... The life and death of a group of people is only in a certain person's thoughts between."

Uda's hands clenched again! After closing her eyes for a few seconds, she nodded heavily: "You're right! Then what about her...? She's still a teenager, not even an adult!"

"It's okay, our professionals will take the time to teach her some basic behind-the-scenes working knowledge later."

"Okay! Then please!"

After finishing the communication, Ye Ming watched the time while listening to the communication in his ears. When Gloria answered Hai Lin's question about her clan's life expectancy again, Ye Ming picked up the microphone and said softly: "Haileen, you can Close the line, and leave the rest of the time to our people."


Ella Star, the executor's base.

The tears in Gloria's eyes had dried up, and her expression gradually stabilized.

She kept bending over to collect the pieces while listening to the calm guidance of a human male.

"Gorlia, next, unless it's an extremely urgent situation, you should contact us as little as possible, and keep all the information in your mind."


"Imperial people have pheromones to transmit messages, so you may not be able to know many important words and information, but this kind of information is generally stored in the computer in the form of text, so you'd better master the text of the imperial people as soon as possible, Then try to be Liana's assistant and assist her in her work."


"Remember, you have to reflect your own value in order to share the work for Liana, and even share her worries, not just as an ordinary maid."


"Remember, every time you get news, all settings, arrangements, and records must be returned to their original positions. There must be no mistakes, and no details left, including the inconspicuous things like finger lines and footprints, and even the temperature of the monitor. detail."


"Remember to analyze the subject's situation, including food, sleep, living needs, living habits, etc., so as to obtain her rules, and then act after ensuring that everything is safe, and every time you act, you must give yourself an explanation plan , once you are discovered, you must remember to lurk and save yourself."


"The most important thing is not to tell anyone! Including close parents! The less they know, the safer!"


Gloria slowly straightened her waist.

Communication with humans has ended, and the display is blank.

In the blank space, her eyes red from crying and her resolute face were reflected.

In silence, she looked down at the debris that had been swept up in a pile. After taking a deep breath, she picked up a debris and scratched her fingertips forcefully.

Blood gushed out, but she didn't show any pain, but let out a long sigh of relief—this could explain why her eyes were swollen.

Holding the rag, she began to clean the room carefully.

When the room was cleaned, she walked out of the bedroom and took one last look out the window.

Outside the window, the light of the main sequence stars slowly disappeared behind the sky.

It seemed that the night was coming, but in Gloria's eyes, the light rose little by little, and then filled her entire pupils.

After a while, she smiled slightly, her chest stood up unconsciously, and then quietly closed the door.

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