Crozier's nose tightened in an instant!

As a preparatory executive officer who was favored by both the Executor Legion and the Prophet's Academy at a young age, Croz was able to enter the Prophet's Academy for further studies early on, and was rewarded by looking up to the paradise for his excellent grades. Such an experience is rare even in the entire empire—otherwise he would not be allowed to participate in an investigation on the eighth-level mission.

As a key training object of the Legion, Croz knows and understands far more than the surface, at least much more than the lady Sumaya beside him.

The space overlapping technology is a technology that Paradise has thought about for nearly ten thousand years (for the convenience of understanding, the time is unified as the earth year-although it is easy to compile one), and according to rumors, when the space overlapping technology is realized, the secrets of the entire universe will be revealed. untie.

Because, it allows people to stand in a higher universe to see the current world, just like... people in the universe, to examine the picture scroll!

Such technology...

Crozier stared at Ye Ming, his eyes constantly changing, just as he knew that humans were observing him and Grena. These days, he and Grena have been observing humans and feeling the operating laws of the human world , experience the technical products of the human world, and analyze the technological level of the human world...

Today, he must admit that human society is highly consistent with the Holy Empire—this is a state of civilization that can only be enjoyed by a world that has escaped the predicament of survival.

Needless to say, in this universe, survival is a brutal business. And the more cruel life is, the more ruthless society will be.

It is extremely difficult for a civilization, or even a species, to evolve to a cosmic civilization. Looking at the entire universe, there are too many races that have fallen on the way to evolve into civilization. Even if they escaped various disasters and evolved successfully, the theory of advanced civilization cannot be born because of the environment they are in, and then they are rejected by the little ones. Destroyed by probabilistic events.

The vastness of space and the ruthlessness of fate are far beyond human imagination.

To destroy a race that has not evolved to a cosmic level civilization, it only needs a meteorite falling a few kilometers away.

Therefore, the idea of ​​"sumaya" was born in the sacred civilization, and the association of enlighteners was formed.

But human beings, a race and civilization that were obviously born in isolated could they embody the sociality of such an advanced civilization?

The same sociality means the same way of thinking.

Crozier believes that since His Excellency the "First Prophet" has asked about the advanced space overlapping technology, it means...human beings have begun to think and have a certain understanding.

Such a civilization...

Just as Crozier's eyes changed, Ye Ming's voice sounded again.

"Please answer."

"I can't answer." Croz withdrew his mind instantly, and said in a deep voice: "This is the highest knowledge, I don't know."

Then he saw that Ye Ming's expression changed slightly.

"Well, then you must have not grasped it. And I want to remind you that in the human system, this is not the highest level of knowledge."

Without giving Crozier time to be shocked, Ye Ming quickly raised his second finger: "Second question, what is your model for the background energy source of absolute vacuum?"

"I... refuse to answer."

"Well, it doesn't matter. I can tell you about our model. According to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, we have introduced the assumption of quantum fluctuations in the vacuum into the basic particle theory model of this universe, thus introducing the vacuum zero-point energy."

The corner of Ye Ming's mouth turned up slightly, with a slight smile: "It seems that you also have related ideas."

Croz took another breath, then nodded with difficulty: "I have to admit, yes."

"So, we are walking in the same direction on the road of pursuing the source of matter and energy."

"And then?" Croz looked at Ye Ming, and after he calmed down, he said in a deep voice, "Don't tell me that you can use such energy."

"Of course not now." Ye Ming looked at the other party with a smile: "The last question about your cognition."

"The movement speed of matter in this universe can never exceed the speed of light. Do you also have this understanding?"

Crozier clenched his fists lightly, took a slow breath and nodded calmly.

This is not a great cognition. Since human technology can reach the present, it is natural to know the basic laws of the universe.

"Okay, I'm done asking questions about technology." Ye Ming picked up his coffee and took a sip, his eyes slowly falling on Greina's face.

He knew very early on through the analysis and reports of Li Dongsheng's spaceship that, on the surface, it seemed that the female imperial woman had the higher status among the two, but in fact, it was Crozier who was in charge most of the time.

From the question just now, he also confirmed the authenticity of the report. It seems that this Miss "Sumaya" is doing teaching enlightenment work, being a teacher is okay, and she is not doing scientific research.

"Miss Grena, I've been having a problem that I can't figure out."

"what is the problem?"

"That is, what kind of identity and means should a civilization with an extremely high-tech level and even ruled the universe maintain its rule and face other civilizations?" The seriousness on Ye Ming's face has long since Disappeared, followed by an ordinary gentleness, just like an old friend chatting and asking with a smile.

Grena hadn't woken up from thinking about Ye Ming's three questions, so she looked at Ye Ming instantly after hearing the words.

Ye Ming passed the fruit plate with snacks forward, took a piece of biscuit and put it in his mouth, smiled and made a gesture of invitation.

Grena frowned and remained silent for a long time.

This question, of course, has an answer.

But she didn't know how to answer.

"I think, no matter what technological development other civilizations have, they shouldn't send fleets to destroy other people's home planets. Right?"

Grena remained silent.

Crozier was about to speak, but found that Ye Ming's eyes looked over instantly: "I have said before that any technology of human beings, including your technology...whether it is artificial singularity or interdimensional communication Well, no matter how much extra-dimensional matter is used, it is impossible to threaten the safety of this universe, so don’t bring up your previous set of taboo technology rhetoric.”

"..." Croz also fell silent at the same time.

He couldn't fully agree with Ye Ming's words, but as a preparatory executive officer, he had seen the taboo list.

Therefore, he knows... the technologies on the taboo list, which the Legion uses a lot.

If you use the reason of maintaining the safety of this universe, this excuse is too much-at least, it will not work in front of a civilization also established by an advanced intelligent race.

Yes, he had to admit that, in a sense, human beings had the qualifications to shine with the glory of the Holy Empire.

Seeing that the two were silent at the same time, Ye Ming laughed again.

These two people seem to be different from the fat-headed executive officer I saw before, and they are even different from Liana who is constantly in contact with the foreign affairs office to force humans to hand over Crozier and Grena .

At least these two are quite sensible, not arrogant, and know when to be silent.

Hmm... It may also be because the two are essentially prisoners.

But it doesn't matter.

"You see, from the standpoint of an advanced civilization, the war launched by the Executor Legion against humans is a typical unjust war, and according to the existing history, such wars have happened countless times , Countless civilizations were completely destroyed, completely destroyed..."

"No." At this moment, Grena finally took a breath, and said in a deep voice, "Although I have a disagreement with the legion, I must say it fairly..."

"Oh?" Ye Ming looked at her with interest.

"In the long history, there is no civilization that has been completely destroyed, and the empire will continue their ethnic group."

"Where did the people here go?" Ye Ming raised his finger to the sky.

At this time, the setting sun was already red, and above it, the space city area that had completed a very small part of the reconstruction began to light up a little bit of light.

Grena looked along Ye Ming's fingers, and after a moment of silence, she lowered her gaze.

"They were relocated to Planet Ayla, and they are still alive and well."

"What is that place?"

Grena was about to speak, but she regained consciousness in an instant, and then laughed: "Are you simply curious? Or do you have other ideas?"

"Oh, both." Ye Ming nodded calmly and shrugged: "I was thinking, if we fail to resist, what should our people do?"

"I will find another planet for you." Grena took a light breath, and her confidence slowly returned to her body: "Your Excellency the First Prophet, this is what I can promise you—if our trip If there is a good ending, then, I promise you, I will try my best to arrange a good ending for human beings."

After she finished speaking, she looked up at Ye Ming.

Then...she saw that not only Ye Ming, but also the guide who had been quiet next to him had a very strange expression on his mouth.

"Hmm... Can I understand that, in your consciousness, you cannot interfere with the actions of the Executor Legion, that is to say, the attack of the Executor Legion on us is destined to continue?"

Grena was slightly taken aback!

Ye Ming laughed immediately: "It seems to be true."

"so what?"

At this time, Ye Ming's wrist moved slightly, he glanced at it, put down the coffee cup, and stared at the two of them.

"So, in the coming years, I will invite you to witness with us how we destroyed a cancerous tumor in the universe."



Ayla Galaxy, Executor Base.

In Liana's temporary residence, bursts of bitter curses came!

"Damn humans! Sly liars!"

Accompanied by the sound of cursing, a burst of clattering sound also sounded at the same time.

In the room, Gloria didn't dare to make a sound, but stood tightly behind Liana, staring at the picture sent by the humans.

More than ten days ago, she went back to the ground once, met her father, and confirmed her judgment from the painting boards passed down by the family for countless years.

Human beings are the neighbors of the next galaxy that our ancestors once visited.

Moreover, she also learned from the communication with Liana that human beings have already left their galaxy, and even came to the home planet of the Kara people... and also frequently mentioned her own people.

That's right... My own people were not completely enslaved, but one branch—if you count the Kodo people, there should be two branches that escaped from the disasters of the past and then reproduced.

Today, they have allied themselves with humans.

When she told her father the news, she saw with her own eyes that the strong father who had never shed tears in his life, who had no chance to inherit the title of Grand Priest but was just a small farmer, knelt on the ground and wept.

So, during the original one-week vacation, she only stayed on the ground for three days before returning to the "Sky Temple" with a new batch of "female officials".

And these days, she has gained Liana's trust, or rather... reliance.

She tried all kinds of methods to win Lianna's favor, so that she finally regarded her as a shadow-like existence that she didn't have to shy away from.

And the shadow shouldn't make any noise, she knew that this woman was still a little moody.

Especially when this woman...asked and demanded human beings time and time again to return the Enlightenment and its passengers, but was pushed back by human beings again and again, saying that they didn't know about it, and there was no such thing.

For some reason, whenever she saw the smiling face of the human being in the picture, she always felt a sense of intimacy and a slight pleasure.

Liana spilled the cup of snacks all over the floor, and even splashed onto the display screen. She also sat down on the chair slumped, gasping for breath.

At this time, a breeze blew past quietly, and a moment later, the spiritual touch on Liana's head trembled slightly. Then she stood up and strode towards the door.

"Clean up!"

Gloria immediately said softly: "Okay! Shall I prepare afternoon tea for you?"

"don't want!"

Liana walked out of the door, and the door closed with a bang.

Gloria closed her eyes, and after two seconds of silence, she immediately walked towards the monitor that had not been turned off.

The text on the display is imperial text, she doesn't know it, but she has already memorized the function of each icon button.

She picked up the towel on her left arm with her right hand, then pointed at the monitor with trembling hands.

On the monitor, a display icon for the signal connection starts to appear.

Time passed by second by second, looking at the constantly beating waiting numbers, her whole body trembled slightly, she kept looking at the door from the corner of her eye, and at the same time made wiping movements in the air with her right hand.

pick up! Hurry up!

She yelled and prayed from the bottom of her heart.

God! Connect quickly!

Perhaps the gods sensed her prayer, and the picture suddenly flashed, and a human woman she had seen many times appeared in the picture.

Then she saw that the face of the human female was instantly filled with astonishment.

The next moment, a language of the Kela people came to her ears.


Hearing the Kra language spoken by humans, Goliath burst into tears instantly.

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