From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 344: Versailles on the Moon Invitation

As the astronauts of the Artemis visited the Yueyue, enjoyed the magical and delicious oriental food, attended the party, and finally returned to the spacious cabin to lie down like a dream, they finally understood why Dr. Anna Sent that tweet before.

Compared with Artemis's "crowded", "backward", "messy", and "difficult", the configuration of the Yueyue is indeed a cruise-level scientific research ship—except that there is no separate toilet and bathroom .

And even if it is a public toilet and bathroom, the sanitary condition of Yaoyue is also very good. Although it is a public toilet, every four people can enjoy a toilet and bathroom.

Therefore, the crew of Artemis also took a real bath for the first time in these two months.


"Joseph, are you sure you want to stay?"

In the bow command room, Captain Yang, Professor Huo Liang and Joseph sat at a rectangular "glass" table, chatting with each other while holding a cup of tea.

Joseph took a sip of his coffee and nodded slightly: "We still have to return the spacecraft to orbit."

This time, the three of them really have to stay for one more day before taking off, and then they have to check with the International Space Station in orbit, and then wait until the launch spacecraft on the earth brings maintenance parts to complete the repairs, and finally they can return.

Professor Huo Liang said with a smile: "Then let's take off together tomorrow. We'll make an orbit in the air, and then we'll dock for a while, and you'll transfer over directly, and then you can go home together."

Joseph laughed.

He shook his head while laughing, but inadvertently looked over the entire command hall of the spaceship.

The more he watched, the more disturbed he became.

As the commander, he is also the captain of Artemis.

But my own boat...and other people's boats...

They can even grow vegetables, cook rice, and even fry sugar in space!

——Tonight, they ate the freshest vegetables.

Well... no comparison.

Taking another sip from the teacup, Joseph concealed his emotion and embarrassment.

Putting down the cup, feeling the same gravity as the earth, he hesitated and asked: "By the way, did you also land through the anti-gravity force field when you landed?"

Professor Huo Liang and Captain Yang looked at each other, and they both smiled and nodded at the same time: "It's more convenient to take off and land, and the artificial gravity is more comfortable. The others are actually not very useful."

From the moment Yaoyue decided to broadcast live, it meant that the anti-gravity force field and the gravity force field would become an open secret. At this time, there was no need to hide it.

However, although the disclosure is public, the degree of secrecy of this force field is so is unimaginable.

Let's put it this way, even Captain Yang and Professor Huo, the captain and the chief scientist of the ship, do not have any technical access rights.

It’s just that because Professor Huo Liang participated in the design of the spacecraft, he knows that both the anti-gravity force field and the gravitational force field are hidden in the hull—if you want to remove it, you can’t see it unless you dismantle the spacecraft. What does the gravity module look like.

Hearing that Captain Yang said that it was of no "useful", the expressions of the three Artemis astronauts became strange.

"This is... a technology that can change the world!"

"Where is it? Didn't you all come up in the same way?" Professor Huo Liang chuckled, and said modestly: "It's not very useful, just enjoy it more."

"That's different." An astronaut took over the words: "If the anti-gravity technology is applied to the car, then the air speed car in the sci-fi world can also be realized on the ground in the future."

Professor Huo Liang laughed: "The air car may be a bit difficult, because the attitude is not easy to adjust, and the driving track is not easy to plan. But it is probably okay to use it on an airplane..."

"That's amazing, and the engine of Yueyue can also support the design of the spaceship to be bigger, and it can be used for ocean trade..."

"Haha, that's not what we care about." Professor Huo laughed: "After all, we have just entered the age of fusion, and we have just taken the first step in developing the moon. It seems that it is too early to achieve energy freedom."

"That's not necessarily true. According to your speed, come back next time, it will be another factory..."

"No, no, it can't be that fast."

"Your speed has always been very fast."

"Hehe, we're just a little bolder, it's just a fluke." Captain Yang glanced at his watch with a smile: "It's almost 0 o'clock, why don't we get ready to rest?"


Watching the three people board the gangway and walk to the living quarters, Captain Yang and Professor Huo Liang looked at each other again, and they both smiled at the same time.

The astronauts of Artemis really followed the rules when they came up—the astronaut manual, Artemis has a lot more clauses than here.

But following the rules does not mean that they are not "curious" and want to inquire about Yaoyue's follow-up actions.

These few people are inseparable from the follow-up mission of Yaoyue and the development of the moon, so naturally there is no way to continue chatting today.

"Lao Mei is really in a bit of a hurry." Professor Huo Liang smiled and said with emotion: "I heard Mr. Ye said that they are going to use Musk's ship to land on the moon and also build a space factory."

"But they don't have a gravity field, so it must be inconvenient." Captain Yang thought for a while, reached out and pressed under the glass table, and the glass lit up.

The table is actually a monitor panel.

"You see, without an anti-gravity force field, they can only land vertically. Although SpaceX has rich experience in vertical landing and recovery, it is operated on the earth. Landing on the moon requires equipment... "

The screen shows a model of a simulated spaceship landing on its buttocks.

Captain Yang shook his head: "Even if the support frame is opened, it's still dancing on the tip of the knife, which is difficult."

Professor Huo smiled: "Actually, it's nothing... The main thing is, if they see us going up to the sky next time, not only will the Yaoyue come up, but a 3,000-ton cargo ship will follow behind them... Do you think their mentality will be different?" Will it explode?"

"Hahaha!" Captain Yang's voice resounded in the command room.


The next morning, Yaoyue dispatched two lunar rovers to send the three remaining people including Joseph back to Artemis, and then began the final preparations before takeoff.

The first is the ground equipment. What should be taken away should be taken away, and what should be left should be thoroughly inspected.

The second is the warehouse inspection. Even if there is an anti-gravity force field, the cargo boxes in the material compartment must be ensured to be safe and stable, especially the helium-3 storage tank, so there is no problem at all.

Then there are the personal belongings of the astronauts, which must be put into the box when taking off to ensure that there will be no random flying when accelerating.

Finally... Naturally, various lunar soils and minerals.

This time, they brought back five tons of lunar soil, water ice and other resources.

Anyway, what various scientific research institutions want to study can be packed in sacks, and there is no need to talk about grams like before.

After everything was ready, Yaoyue finally activated its force field on the night of July 28th and slowly lifted off.

Three days later, the Yaoyue decelerated to the predetermined speed in the earth's orbit, began to follow the earth's gravity, and embarked on a journey back to the earth.

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