Half an hour later, Director Niu left and He Mo returned to the office.

She sat back across Ye Ming's desk, and looked back at Director Niu who left in a hurry: "Why does Lao Niu look restless?"

Ye Ming didn't answer her, but ordered directly into the microphone: "Aita, authorize He Mo to check the video in this office half an hour ago."


"Watch with headphones." Ye Ming glanced at the time after speaking, then put on his glasses, and began to attend the fusion team meeting in Xichang.

The first helium-3 fusion reactor is going to be built on the moon, not just casual talk, but a practical installation and maintenance plan.

He held meetings here these days, mainly discussing the establishment of a helium-3 fusion reactor on the moon, and as the aspect of proposing this proposal, Jiangcheng naturally had to discuss it-Ye Ming is the bridge between the two teams.

Soon, everyone was ready, and Ye Ming entered the meeting state.

Here, He Mo saw that he had joined the meeting, so she also put on her earphones, hung a sign saying that she was in the meeting on the doorknob, and gently closed the door.

Then, after only listening to one sentence, she knew why the old cow showed that kind of expression before leaving.


Invitation month number. July 24th, four o'clock in the afternoon.

Although we are on the moon, and even because we are in the polar day period, everyone still lives in Earth time.

After all, it was the mother star—when the first person on the Yaoyue called the earth the mother star, the name was soon accepted by everyone.

Anna also thinks it is very good to use this name, because in essence... the life on the Yaoyue is no different from the scientific research ship on the earth-she has been to Antarctica with the scientific research ship, and knows the sea environment on board.

Frankly speaking, the conditions on the Yueyue were even better—no worries about the waves, let alone seasickness.

For example, at this time, she was holding coffee, discussing with Tang Wenjun beside her what model to build for the unknown object—this also shows how high the authority level on the Yaoyue is, they can fully call The data observed by the sky eye is used for simulation calculations.

"I think it's a bit too much to define it as a black hole now, because according to the gravitational model, its mass is at most four times that of the earth, which is only the size of a ping-pong ball. But according to observations, its opaque volume is a full six hundred meters , which violates all known black hole models.” Although Annie also tends to accept that this unknown object is a black hole, she has always been very rigorous, and feels that when there is no new model to explain it, it is better to call it an unknown object.

"Well, but now there is a model that believes that the Hawking radiation of the black hole produces anti-photons, which directly annihilate all passing electromagnetic waves, so it makes its non-observation horizon look so large."

"Then you have to prove that anti-photons are established... and then you have to prove that the electromagnetic mass is negative." Annie shook her head: "In this way, information can be easily transmitted to the past. It's too mysterious."

"Haha, it's just brainstorming anyway." Tang Wenjun laughed: "By the way, your Chinese is pretty good. Have you considered coming to China for development in the future?"

Hearing this, Anna fell silent. She took a sip of her coffee and said softly, "I actually hope that...in the future, all people who aspire to science, regardless of nationality or race, can communicate fairly and friendly without having to think about it." Which country are you in?"

Tang Wenjun coughed lightly and swallowed the sentence at the same time - you started it first.

Yes, of course they know... It was Lao Mei who never took the country to heaven to play from the very beginning.

China is not forced to independently engage in spaceflight.

"Well, then when we go back this time, let's keep in touch."

Anna nodded with a smile.

During this period of time, she had contacted the teacher many times and knew what the teacher thought.

Professor Huo Laien came here, in addition to using practical actions to protest some hot-headed and even feverish follies, and more importantly, to preserve the last environment and pure land for the exchanges between the two scientific communities.

No matter how fierce the competition is, those sciences that contribute to the progress of the entire human civilization must maintain cooperation and exchanges.

This is the teacher's sense of mission as a scientist.

She agrees.

At this time, Aita's voice sounded from every corner of the spaceship.

"Notice, all crew members on the ship, please put on space suits and assemble in the dining room within 20 minutes. Repeat, assemble in the dining room within 20 minutes and put on space suits."

Anna was immediately delighted!

Yaoyue is about to return, and at this time everyone is called together, and they have to go out of the cabin... That is obviously to welcome... the teammates of Artemis!

So, Anna immediately returned to her cabin, and put on space suits with her neighbor next door.


Outside the invitation month.

After an hour of "long" trek led by Joseph Akaba with sixteen team members, they finally arrived at the distance from Yaoyue.

Looking at the Yaoyue that was close at hand, everyone stopped and remained silent, like a statue under the sun.

In the past month, they had already known the situation of the Yaoyue base through Anna's messages and the messages sent by the Yaoyue on the Internet.

But judging from the photos, it is completely different from the reality.

Their spacecraft is so big, the solar panels are so dense, and there are so many buildings...

Especially when seeing the delivery trucks continuously transferring the helium-3 tanks from the two factories, everyone was extremely frustrated....

They are really using the Helium 3 engine to travel in space.

It wasn't until seeing the cabin door open and the astronauts stepping out of the gangway one after another that everyone felt a little better.

Fortunately, their etiquette is in place.

"Welcome, friends of the Artemis."

As Captain Yang's voice sounded in the channel, everyone on the Yaoyue stood in two rows and made applause gestures.


Before the Moon Invitation, the 18 astronauts of Artemis and the 65 astronauts of the Moon Invitation stood in three rows and took a group photo with historic significance.

Then, everyone boarded the boat.

After one hour.

As the first to arrive, Anna did her part to become the tour guide for the teams on both sides.

"This is the dining room. Just remove the chairs when we gathered, and restore them when we eat at night. Um...Professor Huo, is there a party going to be held here tonight?"

"Yes." Professor Huo Liang looked at the slightly restrained group of Artemis astronauts, and nodded with a smile: "This is our last night on the moon, and we should celebrate it."

However, Professor Huo Liang's words were obviously not heard by the crew of the Artemis.

Because everyone's eyes are looking at the stove ahead.

- An astronaut wearing a white chef's hat is stirring a large cauldron with a spoon, and there is an irresistible sweet smell in the air.

Seeing this, Professor Huo was stunned: "Oh, I'm eating meat tonight, and I'm frying it with sugar."

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