From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 292 Silent confrontation

On the plane, Professor Huo Laien saw his wife start to close her eyes to rest, and he also squinted for a while. But after all, I still couldn't fall asleep, so I simply took out my notebook and pen and started writing and drawing.

In the past few months, he has essentially left the space program and the field of controlled nuclear fusion.

Part of the reason for this is that he really doesn't approve of using deuterium-tritium fusion as an engine-although in the design, it is indeed feasible to jet the reaction waste to complete the propulsion.

But using an extremely expensive fusion material as the engine fuel, and this material must also come from a heavy water reactor... Isn't it noisy?

The more the co-authors engage in controllable nuclear fusion, the more fission reactors will result?

There is no such reason!

As for the other aspect, it is mainly "qi".

This kind of anger, or disappointment, not only comes from the groundless accusations made by a bunch of idiots against themselves, but also from the humiliation of science by some colleagues-these people foolishly regard confrontation as the core program, thus forgetting that they are scientists duty of.

This includes his friend, Professor Dennis, who is now actively responsible for and promoting the commercialization of deuterium-tritium fusion reactors.

Perhaps, it is simply that they cannot accept the future of science sprouting in another "backward" country from the bottom of their hearts, so they use the stupid decrees of those politicians to justify their ostrich behavior logically.

This is not acceptable.

Whether it is to maintain the dignity of science, or to maintain a bridge of communication between the academic circles on both sides at this difficult time, or for a nobler pursuit...

Professor Huo Laien felt that his choice was not wrong at all.


In his manuscript, there are several specific solutions to Ye's equation in Hilbert space, and at the same time, some characteristics of superstring theory are introduced-a long time ago, he discussed with Ye Ming about multi-dimensional space-time idea.

After all, this is his true passion.

While thinking, the voice of the stewardess suddenly sounded in the quiet cabin.

"Passengers, hello everyone, I am the chief purser of this flight, and an announcement will be broadcast below."

Professor Huo Laien was slightly taken aback, and looked up to the front of the cabin.

I saw the flight attendant holding a microphone and broadcasting a temporary announcement: "...Due to special circumstances, this flight is about to return..."

The voice of the purser fell, and all the passengers were startled at the same time.

At this time, Professor Petunia also opened her eyes. She and her husband looked at each other, and both of them were stunned for a moment... But immediately, the two became nervous at the same time.

Intuition told them that this unreasonable return notice was related to them.

At this moment, the door of the cockpit suddenly opened wide, the co-pilot strode out, and immediately waved to the purser.

"Everyone, please wait."

As the purser hung up the call, the cabin immediately exploded.

"Why do you want to return?"

"What special circumstances?"

"Is the plane broken?"

"Emergency landing?"

Professor Huo Laien and his wife looked at each other, and they reached out their hands at the same time as if they had a tacit understanding, and held each other.

"Don't be afraid, it should have nothing to do with us."

"Don't be afraid if you have a relationship, even if they know that you have sent an email to Professor Ye, but our itinerary is only via HK..." Professor Petunia squeezed her husband's hand, but comforted: "There is nothing we can do about it. "

"Hmm." Professor Hollyn knew that it was his wife comforting him, so he nodded with a smile.

At this moment, a male voice came from the radio in the cabin again.

"Hello passengers, I am the captain of this flight. I am sorry for the inconvenience caused by receiving a wrong return information."

"The flight plan for this flight has not changed, and the aircraft has not experienced any malfunctions. Please enjoy the journey with peace of mind."

"Apologize again for the news just now, thank you everyone."

Following the captain's voice, everyone said "Oh".

It turned out to be an oolong.

Professor Huo Laien also exhaled slowly, and the smile reappeared on his face.

Soon, the cabin became quiet again.

It's just that after this false alarm, Professor Penny lost interest in sleeping, and instead took out her phone, intending to take a picture of the blue sky and white clouds beside her.

"Jimmy, look, is that a fighter jet?"

Professor Hollyn followed his wife's fingers.

In the distance, a fighter plane spread its wings and soared.

"It should be, but I don't know the model." Professor Hollyn laughed.

At this time, a young Chinese guy in front of him turned his head, smiled and introduced in English fluently: "That is our J-35, a carrier-based aircraft."

As he said that, the guy introduced to the girl next to him in Mandarin: "J-35 is here, it seems that No. 18 is right below."

The girl asked curiously: "What is number 18?"

"FJJ aircraft carrier."

"Wow... why is it called number 18?"

"Because it is the third ship starting from No. 16 Wajie... Well, why is Wajie's hull number 16? This is about the original Beiyang Navy. Beiyang Navy's seven towns and eight distances, It just occupies the first the hull number of the most powerful aircraft carrier in our navy starts from the 16th."

"Does that mean that the first fifteenth is useless?"

"Well, the empty ones can be regarded as blood inheritance and tribute."

Although Professor Huo Laien couldn't understand the young man's words, he could hear the pride in the young man's tone.

After a few seconds of silence, he smiled slightly and continued to look down at the draft.


New Jersey.

Professor Hollyn's home.

A group of members of the Bureau of Investigation has concluded the search.

In the living room, a pile of books and materials, as well as two desktop computers were placed in a mess.

All members of the investigation team looked at the leader who was on the phone.

"He is a traitor, defecting, treason! And he defected in an organized way!"

"You should just shoot down that plane! The Pacific Fleet is a bunch of trash!"

"The military bases on both sides also raise waste!"

The boss of the investigation bureau angrily tugged at his collar and kept yelling into the phone.

Everyone was silent.

After hanging up the phone, BOSS sat heavily on the sofa.

"What are you doing in a daze? Take them away, take them all away for inspection! Then go to his office!"

Everyone immediately took action and began to move things outside the house.

After taking a few breaths, BOSS stood up again and took out the phone.

The phone rang for ten seconds before it was picked up.

Musk's voice came from the phone: "Carl, I'm eating."

"Elon, Huo Laien went to the mainland."

On the phone, Musk seemed to be stunned for a few seconds: "Is he going to visit?"

"Do you think we allow him to visit?" Carl asked angrily: "He is a defector! All his behaviors are deceptive - until three hours ago, he contacted Ye Ming urgently, and then turned off All communications!"

Musk immediately fell silent.

"During this time, how many space programs has he been exposed to?"

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