From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 291 The Chief Scientist's

Boeing 737 of Java Airlines soars in the blue sky.

Professor Hollyn looked at his wife beside him.

His wife is his college classmate and is currently a professor of economics at Princeton University.

On weekdays, my wife always looks like a slovenly engineering woman who is extremely old and decrepit, but this time she came out in the name of a vacation, and after dressing up, she turned out to be quite attractive—at least she was much younger.

"Penny." Huo Laien saw his wife looking melancholy at the blue sky outside the cabin, so he patted the back of his wife's hand lightly: "Shangjiao is a good place."

Professor Petunia turned her head and nodded at her husband.

Of course she knew it was a good place—in fact, as an economist, she had long planned to visit China.

Since the birth of Aita, a centralized strong artificial intelligence, it has not only affected the computer science community. It also affects the nerves of economists - new industries and new models will inevitably produce new economic models.

Professor Penny is not the "stubborn" Adam Smith school of economics. Her research direction and ideas are based on reality, analyzing economic activities in different economies and economic policies and systems, and building a mutually inclusive macroeconomic form.

Even in the past, China was her research object.

Therefore, when she knew that her husband had made up his mind not to endure those idiots pointing fingers, she didn't think long, and chose to stand with her husband.

But it was not easy for the two of them to leave.

They still took advantage of the opportunity to attend a meeting in Australia, and were invited by friends in Java, and transferred to Java. In the end, it was not until they were about to board the plane that their husband sent Ye Ming an email.

This is also the first email in three months.

"Jimmy, provincial diplomatic relations is a good place, but is Professor Ye Ming really willing to accept you? Or...will you really be trusted?" Professor Petunia called her husband's nickname with a serious expression on her face: " The current situation is no longer purely academic exchanges.”

Huo Laien was silent for a few seconds, and then said softly and firmly, "I believe in Professor Ye Ming."

Then, he looked out the porthole.

Outside the window, the blue is as clear as washing, and below is the vast sea.

We are about to enter the South China Sea soon.


The airport control tower below is also as busy and orderly as ever.

The air traffic control methodically directs the continuous flow of flights to take off and land.

Suddenly, a team of airport administrators strode into the tower control room.


"Hello, general manager." Suprapu, who was in charge of the control tower, got up immediately.

"Has TH687 taken off?"

"It's taken off."

"How long has it been since you took off?"

Suprapu looked at the time: "One hour and fifteen minutes."

"Call it down!" The general manager took a deep breath, looked at a plane that was just taking off, and frowned: "Notify the return flight immediately."

The general manager's voice was so loud that everyone could hear it.

The air traffic controller was also slightly taken aback, and looked back at the general manager.

Suprapu was even more stunned for a second.

It took only five hours to reach HK from Jakarta, and now we have already flown 1/4 of the distance... Call it a return flight?

"Is it dangerous?"

"Don't talk nonsense, just call!"

The general manager exhaled lightly.

He didn't know if there was any danger, but he knew that there was a white couple on this commuter flight to HK that had just opened during the day... and they needed to stay.

Although Suprapu's eyes were full of doubts, he still nodded at the air traffic control.

The empty pipe took a deep breath and pressed the call switch.

"TH687, this is Jakarta, please answer."

Following the sound of air traffic control, the general manager also heaved a sigh of relief, then glanced at his watch, turned around and sat down on the chair.

But before his butt landed, the phone rang, and at the same time, the tower's phone rang.


The capital, a certain research center.

Ye Ming stood in front of Director Niu, with his hands on his waist, his brows were slightly frowned, and he looked at Director Niu with piercing eyes, expressing his current nervousness.

Half an hour ago, after he received an email from Professor Horien, he immediately asked Ita to reply to the email, expressing a warm response.

You know, this old man who he has been cooperating with for a long time has not contacted him for several months. Ye Ming always thought that the old man was "hit hard" and is now retreating...

Unexpectedly, the old man secretly gave himself a surprise!

Do you think he likes it or not?

Of course it was an enthusiastic response!

He even took out his mobile phone in a fake manner and shared the good news with Director Niu.

Director Niu naturally knew the name of Professor Hollyn, and he also knew that Ye Ming had been trying to invite this big guy who transferred to physics after taking Fields from Princeton, so Dang even expressed his congratulations.

But after the email was returned, it seemed as if it had disappeared, and there was no reply for five minutes-this made Ye Ming a little confused, so he became more careful and asked Ita to check the old man's whereabouts and related news...

After this investigation, I found out that Professor Huo Laien has been in a "marginalized" situation since the last communication with him.

At the very least, he was not the chief scientific advisor at several high-level conferences on controlled nuclear fusion.

And this time, Professor Huo Laien and his wife actually traveled from Australia to Jakarta—with a stop of less than three hours.

In addition, the emails are not available, and the phone calls are not answered...

Ye Ming knew that the old man might not be leaving normally when he came this time.

And shortly thereafter, Ita told him that she found the emails of the professor and other scholars from the mail server of Horin. The emotional expression of the words is also very strong.

So, Ye Ming told Director Niu about these odds and ends, Professor Huo Laien and several other identities.

Director Niu immediately stood up as soon as he heard it, and after thinking for less than ten seconds, he took out his mobile phone and made several calls one after another.

Seeing Lao Niu finally finished his busy work, Ye Ming also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Can you come over?"

"No one dares to guarantee something that didn't happen." Director Niu replied with a famous quote from Ye Ming. Although he had a smile on his face, his eyes were obviously a little nervous.

Ye Ming: "...I just asked you, will there be any pressure on Java?"

"Of course, but our influence must be greater." Director Niu frowned, and after a few seconds of silence, he looked at Ye Ming: "That brother Huo Lanen is really a scientist of the space program?"

"He didn't say, but I guess... he is."

Director Niu looked at Ye Ming again.

“He and I have been talking about Musk’s ambitions and designs. And we know that fusion engines are a must for the space program.”

"And I know that Professor Hollyn is very powerful in terms of fusion engines, and his idea of ​​Helium 3 is right."

Director Niu let out a low "fuck" and immediately grabbed the phone again.

Listening to the voice on the phone asking to contact FJJ to carry out a sea mission, Academician Qin laughed from the sidelines.

"Have you bought a horse bone with a thousand pieces of gold?"

"It's not a horse bone, it's a thousand-mile horse."

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