From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 273 What Does It Have To Do With You?

On Zhihu, in terms of finding hot topics, even if Zhou Xiangnan has no intention of messing with Zhihu now...he is an absolute master, and he never misses.

The question Zhou Xiangnan selected quickly became the number one hot search.

And his answer was quickly liked to the highest point, and was tagged by Zhihu's little butler.

In addition to envy and recognition in the following replies, there are of course many questions.

"Boss, you said that the speed of the Internet is not a problem, is it because the test location is in the provincial capital?"

"Can 4G and 5G play? Can MR eyes play?"

"Will the X86 platform be launched?"

"Boss, is the behind-the-scenes video real? Why don't you comment on the behind-the-scenes video?"

Facing the reply, Zhou Xiangnan smiled slightly, and chose a few questions to reply.

"The network speed will definitely be affected, but it is definitely not a problem - because the demonstration is a 4K picture. If you use 1080P, then ordinary optical fiber, as long as you are in China, there is absolutely no problem. Everyone must trust the bandwidth of the ETA computer room."

"As for whether you can play with data...I can only say that if you are friends with local tyrants—as long as you are stable, you can still play."

"There is an MR version, and I can definitely play it."

"...It's not convenient for me to express my opinion on the sideshow video."

Zhou Xiangnan typed, but didn't send it out, but cut to Blibili to have a look.

Compared with the first video, the playback of the sideshow video is not so high, but it still broke one million within two hours.

If we say that the first video is to show how much games the Yilong notebook can play - this is also the key to those who questioned its "performance" and "cost-effectiveness".

Then the second video is an unabashed propaganda of force.

Zhou Xiangnan, as a veteran of social media, of course, can smell what is behind the wave of public opinion that has been set off across the Internet since Jizhi Technology lifted the ban on retail prices yesterday.

This obviously represents the attack, or struggle, of some traditional PC manufacturers on Jizhi Technology.

Jizhi Technology did not make any explanation, but directly chose to launch a "next-age 3A" masterpiece that cannot be played by all personal PCs and consoles on the market-or a "new era" masterpiece.

This game represents a height that cannot be reached in the traditional PC field at present. doesn't matter.

The important thing is the second behind-the-scenes video.

As a bystander and spectator, he certainly knows that Ye Ming has always had a temper...

Well, Ye Ming has a pretty good temper, but he really doesn't like other people's tricks.

Therefore, this second sideshow video "Hongguoguo" shows how this is enough to kill all current hardware and all games-at least the picture surpasses all games of the same kind-how it came about.

——It took only half a day for its birth.

It only took Aita half a day from the meeting to the purchase of an adaptation copyright of an existing game to the completion of the game.

At the same time, in order to create a contrast with traditional platforms, Ita also wrote an engine with several million lines of code on site, and used this engine and the same design to complete the game code.

She even did the voice acting and all the art!

Frankly speaking, Zhou Xiangnan was a little scared.

He has always known that Aita has the ability to write "code" and generate "code", but those abilities are generally used in the intelligent design of industrial and commercial software.

In essence, Aita is still in the category of aided design and AI, only faster and smarter.

However... like today, in just a few hours, millions of lines of code are directly generated, and then run through without any bugs...

——After the news of the integration of Aita and Hetu came out last month, why did the stock prices of so many IT companies dive collectively?

The fundamental reason is that everyone is guessing that after the integration and the computing power is not shackles, Aita can directly generate codes in the IDE environment according to "needs"!

But at the press conference, Ye Ming only showed that Aita "learned" "Master Lu", and he never showed the ability to write code...

This made everyone a little relieved.

But today, this "trivia"... told everyone clearly.

It's not that Aita can't, but Jizhi Technology doesn't want to.

You said, how would he analyze it?

Say "what does it have to do with you to destroy you"?


Downstairs, Ye Ming's office.

Ye Ming is wearing glasses and playing the game with first-person vision.

——From He Mo's point of view, he should simply be admiring the scenery in the game.

But in fact, Ye Ming is running around in the game world through the most powerful mind control.

"Well, the attraction of the game is indeed a bit strong..." Ye Ming looked at a proud female NPC standing opposite—in Aita's design, this kind of arrogant NPC was extremely cold, and Ye Ming wanted to say hello to her. She just nodded reservedly.

Then there was a gust of wind, and he went away with the sword, like a fairy.

Taking off his glasses, Ye Ming rubbed his eyes.

There is still a problem with this kind of MR stereoscopic display, that is, after watching it for a long time, the eyes will become astringent.

Fortunately, the company's light field display device has completed the theoretical design, and is about to come up with a prototype - that is the real simulated natural light display, which can be worn for a longer period of time.

He Mo on the opposite side also looked up from the monitor.

"He Mo, isn't there any negative public opinion now?"

"Well, not anymore." He Mo replied with a smile, and pressed a few times on the keyboard.

Ye Ming could tell from her appearance that she was playing a game... He shook his head, then got up and left the office.

After returning to the room and washing up, Ye Ming continued to enter the simulation space.

These days, he has been paying attention to the development of the earth in the simulated universe, looking forward to the people in the simulated world being able to evolve "new technologies" and "new theories" based on the drawings he passed on in the past.

He even conveyed to the simulated world the news that the moon will encounter an unknown impact in 2077 according to the "Apocalypse"...

After speeding up the simulation in the past few days, the human world has not made a major breakthrough in the basic theory, but has only accelerated the deployment to space, but it seems that there is no gain.

"Ita, have you gained anything?"

Ye Ming asked towards the void.

Ita's figure quickly rushed over.

"No... oh no, it seems there is."

Ye Ming was overjoyed immediately: "What gain? Is there a breakthrough in the basic theory?"

"No, they seem to have discovered the location of the wandering black hole!"

"Huh?" Ye Ming was stunned, then overjoyed: "Where is that?"

Ita didn't talk nonsense, and directly took Ye Ming to a deep space far away from the earth.

Ye Ming saw nothing in his sight.

But he immediately changed his mind and kept "retreating" with his back to the sun, and then adjusted his position again.

Then... he saw that the sun disappeared.

Or to be precise, the sun's rays are blocked by something that cannot be seen and perceived.

After a while, Ye Ming opened his eyes.

"Invade several astronomical centers and observe the sky at the location of the black hole. Then calculate it based on the simulated data, and see if it matches the gravitational anomaly of the current solar system."

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