At 8 o'clock in the evening, Jizhi Technology uploaded two videos without warning on social media and video accounts across the Internet.

The first video is a 3D + holographic 3D simulation stand-alone game "Ghost Valley".

The first video actually has "nothing to say".

It is nothing more than a 4K game screen.

In terms of the visual mode of the characters, the game provides a visual mode similar to that of 3D online game characters, which can be seamlessly adjusted to the first-person or third-person perspective, and can also be displayed over the shoulder.

After the character enters the game, he will take the lead in hiding in the bamboo forest, peeking at a Taoist battle between two practitioners fighting with guns and swords. Not only is the picture cool, but the aftermath of the battle will also affect the scene where the protagonist is.

——If you use the first-person pronoun, you can personally understand what it means to say that "the gods fight and the common people suffer."

Afterwards, the two cultivators, a good one and an evil one, disturbed Shenlong, but they were struck by thunder from the sky, causing hemiplegia... So the protagonist came out and chose to save people.

Immediately afterwards, the protagonist stepped onto a magic circle and entered a quaint town.

If we say that the previous picture still has a "game feel", then when entering the market, seeing whether the buildings, costumes, props, or clothing in front of us are as exquisite as "rendered"... the game feeling becomes A sense of the movie.

Every passerby has a different look, each NPC has a different posture, and each NPC has its own voice and language.

If it wasn't for the pop-up interface, everyone would mistakenly think that this is a plot animation.

According to the task prompt, the protagonist enters the inn in the town, chats with the charming lady proprietress, and then embarks on the journey of "killing monsters" after receiving a few tasks from the reward list next to it.

In the battle scene, because the protagonist has first practiced swordsmanship, monsters can be easily dealt with - of course, the demonstration did not forget to show the mystery of swordsmanship.

——It is a wonderful feeling that you can see with your own eyes thousands of sword lights rise out of thin air with your sword art, the sword breaks through the void, and kills monsters directly.


The second video is about the making of "Ghost Valley".

The video begins with a "hyperreal" virtual video conference, with voiceovers from several people.

The sound started from someone proposing to make a killer game, with the most beautiful graphics, which all game consoles currently on the market cannot play.

Then, if you listen carefully, you can hear Ye Ming's voice, "We will try to get it done today..."

Then came the complaints of the crowd.

Finally someone said to buy one and got a unanimous agreement.

When the meeting scene was over, the screen fast-forwarded a bit, and there was simply a screen of accepting the game data and settings from the development of "Ghost Valley", and then a group of people began to let Aita learn the process of game settings.

During the period, there were also all kinds of supplements and imaginations made by you to this game from the perspective of "standing in the game player" and "wanting to cultivate immortality".

It didn't take long for Aita to say that the game was done.

Then the screen changed, and a scene where code was being continuously generated appeared.

There is no voiceover here, just a short subtitle prompt.

"This is Aita generating a game engine on demand."

At the end of the video, there are two identical 4K monitors.

The desktop of one of them looks like a Windows system, and the other is an Ita system.

On the desktop, the configurations of the two computers are listed separately.

The one on the left is 14900K+5090Ti+64GDDR5, which represents the highest gaming level at present.

The one on the right is the Ita notebook whose configuration has been announced, Godson 3A7000m+ Fengxing 3+16GDDR5.

The two computers start the game at the same time, and then turn on the frame rate display at the same time.

The one on the left doesn’t have 30,000 soft girl coins at the current price. You can’t even get the top-end game console. It took nearly 30 seconds to start the game.

The one on the right is directly entered in "seconds".

Click on the settings, and pull all the screen configurations to the top at the same time.

officially entered the game.

On the left, there are less than 50 frames. On the right, jump directly to 200.

On the left, although the picture is still beautiful, it is full of stuttering, while on the right it is extremely smooth.

After entering the market, the frame rate on the left dropped directly to less than 30, while the frame rate on the right remained at 200.

And most importantly, everyone can see that the one on the left... is the game.

Because those NPCs behaved wrong!

Even the latest 14th-generation Core can't support real-time "smart" simulation and control of characters in the game scene.

And the cloud game, because it essentially uses Aita's computing power and even real-time computing, it can completely bring "life" like her to every NPC in the game!

bestow soul.

Feeling the witness of "life" with your own eyes has a sense of immersion beyond everything.


"First of all, as someone who has seen the game screen with his own eyes and played it for a few minutes..."

"I can say responsibly, whether it is a goose farm or a pig farm, it is all over, all over!"

"This is my position and attitude."

In the office next door, Zhou Xiangnan was typing on the keyboard excitedly.

He is writing an answer to a Zhihu question that has just been published.

—— "What do you think of a game video and production tidbits released by Jizhi Technology? Does this mean that Jizhi Technology will enter the game industry?"

This afternoon, he was naturally one of the onlookers watching Ita perform the "miracle".

And what excites him the most is the cloud game "Ghost Valley".

"Then let's start with the first video."

"Ghost Valley, only when you see and play with your own eyes, you will know how terrifying it is when Aita gets involved in this large-scale 3A game-that is a real dimensionality reduction blow! The one who is merciless, and even doesn't care kind!"

"If you observe carefully and know something about cloud games, you can guess that the Twin Towers system directly uses Aita's computing power to 'generate' the game content, and the screen shows only the locally decoded stream."

"What does this mean? For Aita, its 'rendering' capability is unlimited, so the frame rate is also unlimited."

"Then the only thing that restricts the image quality is the internet speed—in fact, I can tell you that the influence of the internet speed is not that great, because whether it is the local Ita system or the seemingly sloppy CPU and Whether it’s a graphics card, they all have a special algorithm design for Aita, which can complete ultra-fast decoding and localized AI visual completion.”

"Everyone can understand that the notebook itself comes with Aita-based DLSS and FSR technology, and it is also a particularly awesome, rolling-level visual completion technology!"

"That's why everyone can see that the wireless network card used in notebooks can run 4K images smoothly, and it doesn't feel stagnant at all."

"But none of that matters."

"The important thing is that the NPC in the cloud game has a soul!"

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