After exiting the super simulation, Ye Ming closed his eyes contentedly.

If the "self" in the simulation has "spirituality", then I can send all the blueprints I have without any obstacles-the only regret is that I don't have Ita.

But it doesn’t matter if there is no Ita, the big problem is that the calculation will be slower, and the information revolution will come later.

As long as you start to study the blueprints in the simulated world, you will have an extra reference object—because "Ye Ming" in the simulated world is not like him in the real world, he has to be cautious about having a system in his mind.

That guy is public about everything.


Half an hour later, Ye Ming opened his eyes, opened the door, and returned to the office next door.

Ita had already returned from get out of class, and was discussing something with He Mo in a low voice while sitting on the sofa.

Seeing him coming, He Mo raised his head first, and then Yita also raised his head.

Immediately, Ita's voice sounded in his mind: "Ye Ming, that simulated Ye Ming is too stupid!"

"It's okay, I'll talk about this later." After responding in his mind, Ye Ming sat in front of the two and looked at the tablet on the coffee table.

"Mr. Ita, how do you feel in class today?"

"Some students' intelligence level is not up to the standard." Ita replied in her usual voice.

He Mo next to him laughed: "Please, Ita, a class test with a full score of 100, an average of 90, and a minimum of 78... isn't that up to the mark?"

"But I specifically reminded these questions last time, and I also arranged individual exercises for each person." Ita's tone was a little displeased: "Ask why you didn't do it, just talk about personal matters."

"What personal business is more important than studying?"

Ye Ming and He Mo looked at each other, and the two laughed at the same time: "Maybe it's a relationship?"

"Is falling in love more important than studying?"

" be precise, indeed." He Mo nodded heavily.

Ita shrugged his shoulders: "It's incomprehensible, this kind of behavior that obeys the reproductive instinct and is controlled by dopamine, I don't think it can be compared with absorbing knowledge."

Ye Ming: "..."

He Mo: "..."


After a while, my father came to the laboratory with a lunch box.

Since his parents moved into the neighborhood next door, Ye Ming's dinner was always prepared by his mother, and then his father delivered it to him—and his father delivered it happily every time, because it was Yita who accompanied him back every time.

The old man really likes Itana, and he especially likes to chat with Itana, discussing various mechanical arms, crafts, parts solutions, and simple circuit designs.

And when Ye Ming eavesdropped on the chat between the two of them a few times, he knew the problem - Ita was very patient in front of the old man, and like a fan, he strongly supported any of the old man's ideas, and also expressed Excellent advice and design and computational help will be given.

These are all things that Theta Machine Butler does not have.

Even if the authority is opened, Sita does not have the smell of "Ita".

In the words of my mother, the old man raised Ita like a daughter.

After dinner, Ita accompanied the old man home as usual, and took a walk along the way.

Ye Ming also entered the virtual space again.

"Ita, I don't think this 'Ye Ming' is stupid, but us."


"Because the binary code we passed in the past is the entire design drawing, it contains a lot of information that cannot be deciphered in a short period of time... Even if people in the simulated world notice the need to collect this information, they may not think in terms of binary—— Even if you think about it, you will ignore it because it has no specific meaning, so you will think it is gibberish.”

"Then what to do?"

"So...the only thing I can do is play tricks."

Ye Ming watched the "self" in the simulated world sink into hard thinking, and he smiled slightly - if he kept interfering, maybe this simulated Ye Ming would not only fail to understand his intentions, but also go crazy...

"Repeat sending first: Ye Ming, please record the binary code—this paragraph."

"Then what?"

"Then it depends on his understanding."

Next, Ye Ming and Ita began to stare at every move of "Ye Ming".

It's just... Ye Ming in the simulated world is also a bit busy, and he also participated in various competitions, and got acquainted with Qi and Mo as promised.

As the two got acquainted, "Paint and Ink" also participated in the experiment of "Ye Ming".

Just after starting the intervention again, the two seemed to have a good understanding, and began to record the waveform.

Then the "two people" began to "decipher" again...

In the end, the two completed the binary conversion.

In the laboratory, watching "Ye Ming, please record the binary code" on the display, the "two people" looked at each other, and then embraced together in ecstasy.


In the simulated space, Ye Ming quietly watched the busy figures of the two, and he suddenly felt a little stunned.

——It seems that in the previous simulation, "these two people" did not have any intersection.

But when he started to interfere with the YE field, the fate of "Ye Ming" in the simulated world was changed.

"Is this the interference of transcending dimensions?"

Ye Ming looked at Ita.

"If you think of us as a different dimension from them in the simulated world, that's cross-dimensional interference."

"Actually, I am not a question sentence, but an emotion."

During the speech, Ye Ming also accelerated the execution speed of the simulation.

Soon, he saw that a design diagram of a quantum confinement well and a circuit design diagram appeared on the "display" in the simulated world.

In front of the computer, the two who had been waiting for a whole day and night wept with joy and hugged together again.

After watching quietly for a while, Ye Ming speeded up the time again.

Obviously, the simulated world was skeptical about this god-given blueprint at first, and even "Ye Ming" and "Paint and Ink" were slandered...

So the unconvinced "Ye Ming" asked to repeat the experiment under the witness of the professor.

It's just a little too much, before this guy repeated the experiment, he put his hands together and sacrificed to the sky...

The result of the fact is, of course, a perfect reproduction.

Everyone has seen the clear prompt after the data is converted into binary code and then into code.

"Ye Ming: Please record the binary code."

While everyone was stunned, Ye Ming smiled and started a new data transmission.

Then, under the witness of everyone, Ye Dy's preparation equation, the design drawing of the hybrid chip, the design drawing of controllable nuclear fusion, the design drawing of the antimatter engine...

From the name to the diagram to the formula, and to some of the thinking done by Ye Ming, all of them were passed on.

Then, in the simulated world...

The country began to set up the "Apocalypse" project.


After exiting the simulation space, Ye Ming lay quietly on the bed with a smile on his lips.


Well, for the simulated really is an apocalypse.

So... what about myself?

He looked out the window.

The weather is fine today, the moon is thin.

There is no apocalypse, all on your own.

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