From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 269: Information Across Dimensions

"What is the number of this asteroid on the MPC?"


"What about naming?"

"It has not been named yet, but it can be called the Apollo type."

"Is it currently in the IAWN observation sequence?"

"Entered, but only track observation."

"It means that there are very few other materials, right?"

Ita smiled: "You really want to catch it?"

"Is there any way? The S-level task is close at hand. After finishing this, I have enough free experience to upgrade to level 7 engineering level."

Ye Ming looked down at this asteroid that looked like a "metal" from a high position, and kept calculating in his mind.

MPC is the International Asteroid Center, and IAWN is the International Star Warning Network. The former is responsible for collecting, sorting, numbering and naming the data of all asteroids, while the latter pays special attention to those asteroids that are close to the earth’s orbit and may pose a threat to the earth.

The so-called Apollo-type asteroids refer to near-Earth asteroids whose orbital distance from the Earth is less than one astronomical unit.

According to the information of various astronomical centers, this asteroid numbered 149356 belongs to the type that is a little "close" to the earth, but there is no need to be nervous.

Compared with the God-destroyer that has been making a lot of noise on the Internet before, not only is it one size smaller than the God-destroyer, it is also more than 3 million kilometers away from the Earth when it is the closest—the God-destroyer is only less than 60,000 kilometers away. kilometer.

According to the principle of proximity, capturing God Destroyer is the best choice, but...

The mass of Destroyer is estimated to be 40 million tons...

Even if this asteroid, numbered 149356, is only 1/4 of the size of Destroyer, it is roughly estimated to be 10 million tons...

After a while, Ye Ming quickly became depressed.

"The average orbital speed is 30 kilometers per second... It's one ten-thousandth of the speed of light. I'll catch it with a fart basket."

Ita bewitched: "Why don't you draw the blueprint? Maybe an antimatter cannon will come?"

"If you really want to bomb it, nuclear bombs are fine. The question is, is this the problem of bombing? They are flying well in the sky. After I'm done, I tell the country that I want to bomb an asteroid to add to the fun? Am I seriously ill—and the mission It’s not a boom! Besides, from the perspective of resource utilization, I also want to try to see if I can catch an asteroid, or a wandering comet or something.”

Ye Ming's consciousness stayed above the asteroid, looking at the moon which was close at hand.

In this simulated universe with "him", humans have landed on the moon in 2030 and built a large-scale space station, and then began intensive preparations for development around the moon.

But... Space development, all resources are scarce, so the progress is quite slow.

Ye Ming felt that it could be faster.

Whether it is building an orbital factory, a moon base, or colonizing Mars, it is impossible to transport everything up from the earth, and you still have to pay attention to a backer.

Although the moon has been studied for many years, no one can say for sure how many ore resources and water resources there are on the moon-now there is evidence that there is water ice in the polar sediments at the two poles of the moon, but that is also related to the soil. Mixed forms, I don't know how many there are.

Therefore, when the system came up with the task of capturing stars, Ye Ming's brain became alive—perhaps capturing various ore resources, asteroids and icy comets in the future—even if it's not capturing, but grabbing resources is fine. !

"Preparing the reducer in advance is feasible, but energy consumption must be considered." Ye Ming calmed down for a while and said slowly: "It still needs to fall on the fusion engine, and the engine needs to be miniaturized to increase reliability."

"Cryogenic fusion engine?"

"The self-sustainability of low-temperature nuclear fusion is too poor, and cold nuclear fusion is too metaphysical."

Ye Ming talked about speeding up the simulation, but the world didn't seem to recover until 100 years later.

It seems that the impact event that occurred in 2077 had a great impact on humans.

Thinking about it, human beings went into space with great enthusiasm, but the moon was shot directly, and all the moon bases were finished...the perpetrators even crashed into the moon, and they couldn't even find a hair.

Who do you think can bear this blow?

"I think the biggest problem with super simulation is that we have to follow the observer principle... This is a bit too much." Ye Ming looked at Ita: "Can you think of a way to bypass the observer effect and transfer information directly or indirectly revealed to this simulated world?"

"How about a system for Ye Ming in this world?"

Ita tilted her head and thought for a while, "I don't's not very good."

Ye Ming was dumbfounded.

The system gives the system to itself, and then it simulates a system for itself, and then designs a simulation program in it...

This baby is perfect!

But after thinking about it, he still felt unwilling to give up.

After a few seconds of silence, Ye Ming adjusted the time of the simulated universe back to 2022, and then looked at "myself" in the simulated space.

The "Ye Ming" of this universe is studying hard.

The kind that goes to the library every day.

Later, "Ye Ming" seemed to realize something, and began to design circuits, complete experiments, and observe waveforms...

Ye Ming watched silently, and Ita also came to his side.

"This feeling is very subtle, we are a complete observer."


"If it is expressed in the sense of the real world, we are watching a movie."


"But if you mean it in a different dimensional sense, we're in a higher dimension."


"Then what kind of information can travel through dimensions?" Ye Ming turned to look at Ita.

Ita looked at him too.


A minute later, Ye Ming directly "modeled" a YE field experimental device in the simulation space.

Just when "Ye Ming" in the simulated world was conducting the YE field experiment again, Ye Ming also started the device.

In the next second, he saw confusion in the eyes of this young "self", but immediately, he recorded the abnormal waveform and began to continue the experiment.

Of course Ye Ming didn't give up.

"Ita, convert all the drawings we have obtained into binary codes, including all design drawings of quantum computers and fusion engines, convert them into binary codes, and then use the waveform generator to send them out!"

Ita obviously understood what Ye Ming was going to do.

Before this simulation, she carried out countless super simulations by herself, and encountered many situations where the earth "died unexpectedly", so much that she hated her teeth... She wanted to add herself and Ye Ming to it.

But the observer effect stopped her from playing.


"Okay!" Ita agreed very simply, and she did what she said, and immediately established a stable YE field generating device based on Ye Ming's design.

"Send binary code to this dummy 24 hours a day!"


Ye Ming laughed arrogantly.

//Refer to "Interstellar Crossing"

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