From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 264 The Limit of Quantum Supercomputing

In the eyes of everyone, Ye Ming stood in the center of the stage.

The applause lasted for a long time.

Ye Ming knew that this applause not only represented a welcome to Jizhi Technology's new product launch conference, but also represented "congratulations" to him personally for winning the Nobel Prize.

So Ye Ming smiled slightly, and bowed to the audience to show his gratitude.

After a while, the applause stopped.

However, just as Ye Ming was about to start speaking, the lights of the audience suddenly turned on, and the lights on the stage went dark. Then, with a swipe, several blazing lights fell on one part of the auditorium at the same time.

A middle-aged man holding a recording pen immediately became the focus of everyone in the audience.

The middle-aged man was dazed by the strong light and covered his eyes in bewilderment.

Everyone looked at him in astonishment.

After a while, the bright lights disappeared, leaving only the stunned people.

"Uh...sorry, maybe the lighting system is wrong, I have to criticize Aita when I go back."

Ye Ming coughed lightly, and replaced his opening with an apology.

This joke made the serious and tense atmosphere suddenly relaxed.

With a low laugh, Ye Ming exhaled lightly, and at the same time glanced at the "unruly" media colleague.

——Today's press conference may be the last time he will appear in public on behalf of Jizhi Technology, because...not only the security work is extremely meticulous, but also all the invited people have done background checks.

In addition, He Mo was not at ease, and installed several searchlights controlled by Aita on the top of his head, as well as a high-definition infrared camera that could see the whole scene from a condescending height.

And the rules are extremely strict, saying that as long as there is any action that violates the admission agreement, don't say anything, just take a photo for me!

In the scene just now, the middle-aged man just raised the recording pen.

"Thank you for your applause, and welcome to Jizhi Technology's autumn conference."

"Today, the theme of our press conference is."

Ye Ming pursed his lips and turned to look at the big screen.

On the big screen, six large characters appeared in sequence.

"Aita" "Aita" "Aita".

Seeing the three repeated words, everyone in the audience was stunned for a moment, then laughed knowingly, and applause followed.

"As shown in the picture, in the second half of the year, our press conference will revolve around Aita."

"First of all, Jizhi Technology has launched a new MR enhanced virtual product."

The screen turned, and a "mobile phone" and a pair of MR glasses jumped out.

"Because of the particularity of MR products and the current production capacity constraints, we are unable to let the friends at the scene experience it for themselves. This is really a pity. So... everyone, please watch the promotional video."

With that said, Ye Ming returned to the podium.

After a while, a promotional video began to play.

In the picture, there is a scene of a young boy wearing glasses walking on the street. When the picture turns, the figure of the young man is shrunk, and then the scene in his MR glasses appears.

On the display screen of the glasses, images of everything he saw were being continuously generated.

The left and right display screens seem to have the same picture.

Then the lens is divided again, and the pictures on the two display screens are also reduced to a picture-in-picture.

And the main screen has also become an instant 3D stereoscopic screen.

Under the stage, everyone held their breaths.

Immediately afterwards, the screen was zoomed out again, and a simple operation menu appeared. When sharing was selected, the screen zoomed out again.

On the main screen, it turned into a girl sitting on a campus bench, reading a book quietly.

Suddenly the girl received the message, she tapped lightly on the terminal screen, and the picture shared by the boy appeared in front of her...

It is also instant and three-dimensional.

Immediately afterwards, the girl no longer read the book, but directly connected with the boy, and the two shared their vision.

In their eyes, everything is a three-dimensional image generated in real time.


After the screen was played, there was no applause as promised.

"Isn't it dazzling enough?" Ye Ming reminded with a smile.

Amidst the laughter, there was loud applause.

"Well, actually, I know that in the eyes of all of you, MR glasses, AR glasses, and even VR glasses are not new products..."

Ye Ming put his hands behind his back and looked at the audience with a smile.

"But this is the first and possibly the only MR glasses in the world that can render real objects in real time through MR binocular cameras."

"With it, in the future, whether we share pictures, make product introductions, or shoot short films...all will be three-dimensional."

"Anyone can easily take a 3D movie and share it."

"Product presentations can also be made with ease."

"You can also easily design games and hold video conferences."

"Of course, you can also play games."


Jensen's hands clenched tightly.

His breathing also became heavy and rapid.

Although at the press conference, Ye Ming didn't mention Aita's ability in graphics processing at all... But the technology embodied in this video clip itself, as well as the four words "instant rendering", have already shown...

Aita, a strong artificial intelligence, has been able to use quantum supercomputing for graphics processing and rendering!

This realization made his heart beat faster and faster.

He quickly closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths, and took another sip from the water glass before looking back at the display screen.

On the screen, Ye Ming is speaking the final summary.

"We will enter a three-dimensional virtual world from now on."

"Then... let's look at the next product."

"This is a notebook with Godson 3A7000M."

Under the spotlight, Ye Ming raised a notebook on the podium.

A slanted view of the notebook was also displayed on the curtain at the same time.

"The Loongson 3A7000M processor that this notebook is equipped with... The specifications are as follows."

"Well... If you want to run the score, it is probably at the level of the current mainstream notebooks. But the only advantage is that its power consumption is quite low, and it is perfectly adapted to the Yita system in the design."

Immediately below, the audience who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal shouted: "Professor Ye, run away!"

Ye Ming chuckled: "The Yita system is a brand new system, and currently there is no benchmarking software."

"Write one!"

"It's not impossible...then write one." Ye Ming said with a slight smile: "Aita, just write one like Master Lu who likes to see and hear."


After a while, Ye Ming looked up: "It's finished."

"Run one!"

"Run one!"

Following the shouts of the crowd, Ye Ming nodded with a smile.

He projected the notebook interface onto the big screen, and clicked on a Master Lu icon.

Afterwards, Master Lu's identical interface appeared on the screen.

There was no ink on the Ita system, and the moment Ye Ming clicked to run the score, Master Lu immediately started the exact same test—including the graphics test.

After two minutes, the score came out.

The total score is less than 400,000.

"Well, let's take a look at the notebook running scores in the same period... Well, I'm frank, we don't have a discrete graphics card, so we are really at a disadvantage."

There were bursts of laughter from the audience—other notebooks were too embarrassed to say hello to people without a score of two million.

"However, I am not very convinced. Ita, access the computing power of the terminal, and run again."


Ye Ming's voice fell, and the "false" Master Lu started the test again.


Looking at the score that popped up on the entertainment software, Jensen clenched his fists again, shaking all over his body.

Crack...the notebook fell from the bedside to the floor.

On the display, the score and frame rate are no longer displayed.

——Far beyond the limit that a software can display.

Can the limit of quantum supercomputing be measured by a small benchmarking software?

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