From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 263 NVIDIA's Reminder

After one hour.

Hearty laughter rang out in Ye Ming's office.

Principal Zhou, Old Tang, Old Chen, Academician Pan, Director Niu and others gathered here.

In front of everyone, Ye Ming asked Aita to show a unique skill of finding Mersenne prime numbers.

The so-called Mersenne prime numbers come from Mersenne numbers.

Refers to a class of numbers whose shape is 2^p-1, where the exponent p is a prime number, often recorded as Mp. If the Mersenne number is prime, it is called a Mersenne prime.

For example 2^3-1=7

For example 2^5-1=31

For example 2^7-1=127

For example 2^127-1=170141183460469231731687303715884105727


So far, only 51 Mersenne primes have been found in the world—and this was done by using GIMPS, a distributed computing network dedicated to calculating Mersenne primes.

In its hottest years, the GIMPS network has more than one million PCs connected to the Internet, and its computing power exceeds that of any supercomputer in the world!

And the meaning of finding Mersenne prime numbers is definitely not human boredom, exploration and pursuit—the newly discovered large prime numbers are all discovered by GIMPS.

More importantly, in the existing encryption system, large prime numbers are indispensable.

Then...under the eyes of everyone, Aita found the fifty-second Mersenne prime in less than a minute, and the fifty-third within five minutes...

"It's over, the current encryption system is completely over."

Principal Zhou laughed out loud, his eyes filled with sorrow.

"Not only is the encryption system ruined, but the current supercomputing center...workstations...are services that require high computing power support. One counts as another, and all of them are ruined." Academician Pan is also full of emotion.

Quantum computers are actually not terrible, what is terrible is the quantum computer after it is fused with Aita.

"Being able to witness history with your own eyes is a life without regrets."

Amidst the emotions of the leaders, hurried footsteps came from outside the door, and after a while, Qi Yumo and He Mo walked into the office quickly, each holding a cardboard box.

They took, of course, the new products displayed at the upcoming autumn conference of Jizhi Technology.

An ultra-thin notebook based on Loongson 3A7000M, and a portable terminal + MR glasses based on Kirin 9000.

Compared with the verification model brought last time, the MR glasses this time have become engineering models.

"Come on, let's see what it feels like to carry a supercomputer with you."


Two days later, the news channel broadcast a very short message in the form of a text message.

"... Watch the newsletter below—yesterday, our country made a major breakthrough in the field of quantum computers and artificial intelligence, and successfully completed the fusion of artificial intelligence Aita and quantum computer Hetu..."

"... My country's Skynet project will launch the second phase of grid-connected pilot work."

"...Transportation and other departments held a meeting to collect autonomous driving standards and plans..."

These short news made some analysts quite puzzled, so everyone had to focus on Jizhi Technology.

All of a sudden, Jizhi Technology's official social media accounts left messages "renewing".

——"October, do you still want tradition?"

——"Autumn will be over soon, can't the press conference still be held?"

——"First of all, congratulations to Professor Ye for the Hitino Award, but didn't you agree that there will be a press conference this year?"

So many kinds, and so on.

Finally, on the afternoon of October 13th, Jizhi Technology sent a long-overdue announcement.

"Jizhi Technology's 2024 autumn conference will be held on October 24, please look forward to it."

Maybe it was because of the unusualness of this year, or maybe Ye Ming and Jizhi Technology, who have always been "high-profile", did not disclose any new product trends before—only some "industry insiders" analyzed the possible development of Jizhi Technology. Get involved in consumer products.

Of course... the most important thing is that everyone didn't feel any obvious changes after "the fusion of Aita and Quantum Computer Hetu".

The promised moment to change the world does not seem to have come.

At least it is far less exciting and exciting than when Aita was launched.

In short, there is no "explosion" on the domestic Internet.

It seems that everyone has chosen to look forward to it.

Of course, this is domestic.

As for foreign countries...

Except for the initial protests by the "anti-artificial intelligence" organization against certain second-hand information, foreign netizens did not pay much attention.

Again, for ordinary people, Aita is too far away from them.

This distance is not only in terms of distance, but also in terms of application and experience.

There are too many ordinary users, the one closest to Aita is probably just taking a look at the butler Theta shown in the video.

More recently, perhaps it was the day Ye Ming handed over his account to Aita on Twitter—but on that day, people only regarded Aita more as a "completely anthropomorphic chat robot".

However, this is just ordinary people.

For the industry...

With the announcement of Jizhi Technology's press conference, global Internet and IT companies began a new round of plummeting.

No one dares to bet that what kind of nuclear bomb Jizhi Technology will pull out.

Capital is even more afraid to gamble.


October 24th.

silicon valley.

NVIDIA headquarters.

It was five in the morning, and Jensen opened his eyes before the alarm went off.

He went to the bathroom first, then put on his favorite leather jacket and went back to bed.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up the notebook that was set aside.

Uncover the screen, the picture is Jizhi Technology's live channel on YouTube.

After refreshing the page, he picked up his glasses and put them on again.

Controlling the trackpad, he sets the live video to full screen.

With the spotlight rising, the press conference kicked off.

Under the spotlight, the youngest scholar in the history of the Nobel Prize slowly walked to the foreground.

Jensen's eyebrows furrowed slightly, and he began to clench his fists irresistibly.

In the past few months, NVIDIA has secretly contacted Jizhi Technology more than once with various relationships, saying that it can use all means to bypass the ban on Jizhi Technology and meet the needs of Jizhi Technology.

But every contact... fell to nothing.

This young genius seemed to be ready to be completely blocked the moment he lashed out at Lao Mei.

According to NVIDIA's guess, Jizhi Technology should be adopting domestic substitution and using quantity to make up for quality.

But now it seems...

Everyone guessed wrong.

The Aita supercomputing center of Jizhi Technology did not adopt domestic substitution, but completed the integration of strong artificial intelligence and quantum supercomputing directly in one step.

As an engineer, the boss of the world's most powerful graphics computing core company, and as a leader in parallel computing and AI in the past two decades...

Jensen is very clear about what can be born when strong artificial intelligence and quantum supercomputing are integrated.

That's why he stayed up all night, waiting for the press conference.

Let's see if this press conference is a reminder.

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