From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 240 Three Hundred Billion Simulations

The sun fades away.

The breeze comes with the afterglow.

The wind blew Mo Gu's scattered bangs, blocking her sight for a moment, making her calm down.

Because she saw that the guy in front of her was talking very seriously.

Silently, she breathed slowly, her chest rising and falling.

She raised her index and middle fingers.

"Two possibilities."

"First, you are crazy, your identity as a human can no longer accommodate you. You want to be forever, a machine...what is that called?" Mo Gu's nose wrinkled slightly: "Add it."

"...Mechanical Ascension."

"Secondly, you have a motive and a reason for doing this." Mo Gu looked at him as he said that, "I don't believe you are crazy, have to tell your reason."

"Does the doctor want to ask the patient why?"

"Not only do you have to ask, but you also need to make records and notify the family members." Mo Gu raised her hand to straighten her hair, but the wind blown it away again. She picked up the rubber band angrily, and wrapped it around the back of her head twice regardless of her image .

Mo Gu stared, as if there were flames burning in her eyes, she pointed to the front and back: "Look at really don't realize how much you..."

She couldn't speak anymore.

Although everyone usually gets along with Ye Ming like friends and is very happy, even calling him "Professor Ye" now is a bit of a joke, and I don't see how much "respect" he has for him...

But who would be a fool to stay in this laboratory?

Everyone knows that whether it is the brain-computer center, the new data center building next door, or the new campus across the street, they are all based on the contributions made by Ye Ming.

Don't think that "Einstein of the 21st century" is just a marketing hype.

If there were still people who were unconvinced last year and said that saving money made gods, especially some platforms still had cynicism. But this year... With the introduction of Aita and the ignition of controlled fusion, this sound has long since disappeared.

In the academic world, Ye Ming's status has been regarded as a recognized understanding and tacit understanding.

Academic circles all over the world recognize him as a genius scientist and a "fire stealer".

You said, such a head was placed in front of her, telling her to use the dare she do it?

Mo Gu took a deep breath and shook his head firmly: "Ye Ming, your head is too important."

In silence, Ye Ming suddenly smiled: "Sister Mo, is there a possibility that I know better than you?"

Mo Gu stared at him.

"Let's rule out that I'm crazy, and then I'm left with my reasons."

"First of all, I'm not performing an anastomosis on the central nervous system."

"Secondly, I'm not using a hybrid chip."

"Then, I'm not doing a craniotomy."

"In the end, I just implanted a hydrogel electrode of about 2 square centimeters under the scalp, not much bigger than the nail cap." Ye Ming looked at her: "You said, minor surgery."

Mo Gu opened his eyes and gradually calmed down.

Just now when she heard Ye Ming say that she wanted to implant her brain, her whole head went "boom", so that she lost the ability to think.

Now she remembered that Ye Ming seemed to have asked her once a few months ago.

She did answer that it was a minor operation...

Throughout the year, I don’t know how many people break their scalps to get stitches, and small clinics can do it.

"Finally, I don't want to use this electrode for mechanical ascension and uploading consciousness, but for brain control."

"Brain control what?"

"Mind Control Aita."

Mo Gu was stunned: "Why do you want to control Aita?"

Seeing that Mo Gu's eyes gradually softened from the firmness just now, Ye Ming gradually became serious.

After a few seconds of silence, he pointed to the data center behind Mo Gu and said softly: "Aita will soon use quantum supercomputing. This is the first time human beings have tried to integrate strong artificial intelligence and quantum computers."

"The quantum world is full of randomness and uncertainty."

Ye Ming's eyes were firm: "I think Aita's current state is very good, and I want to prevent her from evolving into a digital life."

Mo Gu's eyelashes fluttered a few times, and finally she lowered her eyes, and then she raised her eyes again: "Didn't you set up the sentinel code, and there is Ita?"

"The foundation of the birth of Ita is also Aita, which only has core authority, but after entering the field of quantum computing, everything is full of uncertainties-so, only I can keep vigilant at all times."

"Then..." Mo Gu took a deep breath and fell silent again.

She does get a little messed up.

One of Xiaoqi's jobs is to capture and train Aita's thinking mode.

Therefore, she certainly knows that Ye Ming's "vigilance" against Aita - strong AI is fine, but once it evolves into a "digital life"...

Let's put it this way, it not only involves the ethics of the entire human civilization and how to get along with digital life, it will also sweep up monstrous waves!

Right now, Aita's ability is enough to instantly kill all Internet and IT companies. If she becomes a life with independent personality and self-awareness...

Therefore, it is best for Aita to keep it as it is now.

"Does Director Niu know?"

"I don't know, and I don't want anyone but you to know for the time being."


"If you don't agree, I will really let Aita control the robotic arm to help me implant and suture." Ye Ming said and paused: "Or, I will go to a black clinic."


Mo Gu stared at him, his chest rising and falling: "Then I'll shave you bald!"




9 pm.

Ye Ming put Ita online and controlled the drone to retrieve the electrodes from the building.

This electrode was designed by herself and completed by controlling the mechanical arm. On the hydrogel less than three square centimeters, she divided it into two sides and laid more than 800 electrode contacts, which were divided into more than 50. The area is connected with the control chip.

Restricted by the process, the entire electrode chip, including 2.4G wireless and battery modules, has a thickness of nearly four millimeters.

"Actually, you can really do without batteries."

In his mind, Ita's voice was obviously full of excitement: "I can control your bioelectricity to directly drive the crystal oscillator of the wireless chip to transmit signals. On the contrary, the battery has to worry about the danger of leakage, and it is also troublesome to replace and charge."

From Mo Gu's point of view, he is extremely radical.

But compared to Ita...his aggressiveness counts as wool!

"No, take your time first." Ye Ming flatly refused: "Don't give me epilepsy..."

Yita laughed loudly: "Do you think you will suffer from abnormal brain discharge?"

Ye Ming: "..."

Well, it really can't.

The first technical drawing he drew was "Interference between Vibo and Bioelectrical Resonance" - since then, Ita has been able to control his brain electricity at will.

The sensors that made her manifest later were all extended from this foundation.

And being able to control his brain electricity means that those diseases caused by abnormal brain discharge will never find him.

Put the electrodes into the alcohol tray, put Ye Ming's head behind his head, close his eyes, and enter the simulation space.

The space is still the cosmic starry environment dominated by the earth.

"How many times have you simulated?"

"Exact numbers or generalized numbers?"

"...I'll just ask casually." A smile appeared on the corner of Ye Ming's mouth.

It is reasonable to say that super simulation can simulate the future of any technology and even the evolution of the entire universe-you will know how high the "dimension" of this thing is.

But due to the incomplete knowledge system and model, everything is wrong anyway.

Ye Ming also let Aita treat it as a toy.

"About 300 billion times."

"Fuck? Humans haven't been born so many times?"

Ita giggled: "There were a few times, but it was either destroyed by a meteorite just after learning how to use fire, or it was wiped out by aliens in a fight. Anyway, it didn't survive."

Ye Ming was speechless for a while: "They all came from the same big bang and evolved together. Why should the earth's civilization be destroyed instead of destroying others?"

"Because of insufficient conditions, in the simulation model, the earth has historical restrictions, but the extraterrestrial civilizations have no restrictions, so they can easily complete the technological leap. Do you want to add the two of us directly to the next model?"

"...Just as long as you are happy." Ye Ming decided to let her like it.

It's just... It's a bit frustrating that I can't use such a powerful function. Ye Ming simply doesn't have the computing power required to run the simulation of the evolution of the universe to the level of each planet or even each atom. Dare to imagine. Keita casually said it was 300 billion times...

It can only be said that the existence of this dimension really surpassed his cognition.

"By the way, after Aita's quantum supercomputing is launched, let's draw the blueprint."

"Well! I support it!"

"Actually, I'm still a little scared..." Ye Ming looked at Ita's two-dimensional appearance in the void, and said with a smile: "The blueprint I got last time was to drill a black hole. You said that if you want to draw another dry neutron star next time What's wrong with this?"

——Since drawing the "Dense Space Gravitational Constant Current Conduction Technology" last time, Ye Ming has saved up all the blueprints for mission completion and upgrade rewards.

I've got five now.

The reason is simply that he fears that he will fall into some kind of irrepressible state because he knows "too much" technology that he should not know "now".

To put it bluntly...he was afraid that he would go crazy.

After getting the gravitational constant current conduction technology last time, he has been thinking about "digging" and "analyzing" something useful from it for several days, as if in a daze.

After realizing this, he decisively saved all the drawings.

But now... the controllable nuclear fusion has also been completed, the theory of helium-3 fusion has also been completed, and Aita is about to launch a quantum supercomputing...

That's when it's time to prepare for going out into space.

With so many techniques coming from the system, one has to try them all in one's lifetime.

Ita giggled: "It's only interesting to do the giant attraction."

"Hahaha, you are ambitious—show me?"


Speaking of Ye Ming, he felt that his consciousness seemed to span countless light years in an instant, and entered the depths of the universe and starry sky.

Time flies.

Ye Ming saw that supernovae continued to explode and rise, and the bright white light penetrated the universe, and gradually returned to darkness.

It is also seen that a star and its group of planets are captured by a beautiful halo, and all matter turns into streamers and becomes an accretion disk outside the black hole.

I also saw that galaxies merged and stars collided, and gorgeous fireworks rose one after another in the universe.

And all these seemingly instant, or seemingly eternal existences are all attracted by an abyss-like darkness, powerless to change their fate.

——The giant attractor, the gravitational anomaly of the local supercluster of galaxies.

Its gravitational force is strong enough to affect hundreds of millions of light-years away.

In the silence and shock, Ye Ming's cell phone rang.

After exiting the super simulation, Ye Ming picked up the alcohol tray and walked to the third floor.

3K. night 5K

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