"Why do I feel that Director Niu is a little unhappy?"

After Director Niu left, Qi and Mo secretly asked Ye Ming while packing up the prototype.

This afternoon, after she sent the prototype over, she followed Ye Ming around and didn't say much, only saying a few words when she needed an introduction.

Most of the time, she is actually observing the situation.

She could clearly feel that Director Niu was much happier when he was on the training ground of a certain department—it was really happy.

But after returning to the office, Director Niu seemed a little hesitant when Ye Ming showed that he wanted to build a "holographic" content ecology.

"No?" Ye Ming asked with a smile.

"Yes, I trust my intuition." Qi and Mo said seriously: "In short, it feels a little...how should I put it? I just feel that our MR glasses should not be released to the civilian market."

Ye Ming also fell silent, and he smiled slightly after two seconds.

Of course, he also felt Lao Niu's "not keen".

Of course, on the one hand, Lao Niu does not take money from Jizhi Technology, he is an outsider; on the other hand, Lao Niu still hopes that the awesome technology will be used in the military first...

But in essence, it is because Director Niu is the actual person in charge of the CNY system.

This system known as the "central nervous system" is the organization responsible for promoting Aita, a strong artificial intelligence, to serve the entire country as its main task.

Director Niu naturally knows that according to the influence and level of Jizhi Technology, once the "consumer-grade" electronic products are launched, how much impact will it have on the existing mobile Internet.

Seize the opportunity and make steady progress—these official languages ​​are sometimes really not just words, but a prerequisite for the stable operation of a system.

"Lao Niu may think that we are a little anxious." Ye Ming said softly: "And according to the network conditions of the centralized Aita, even if the provincial capital has a direct optical fiber, it wants to radiate to the foreigner...Delay It's also a big problem."

"If he can't earn the foreigner's money, he feels uncomfortable all over?" Qi Yumo blinked.

Ye Ming was immediately happy: "Yes! Moreover, new applications and scenarios will inevitably cause many new problems... The supervision is also troublesome."

Hearing this, Qi and Mo blushed immediately: "That's right, I suggest asking Aita to block Ji E Qi E Si directly from the source."

Ye Ming was taken aback: "What the hell?"

Qi and Mo glared at him with a blushing face: "GHS!"

Ye Ming was stunned, he really didn't expect this, but it didn't stop him from laughing: "I have nothing to do with gambling and drugs!"

Paint and Ink: "..."

After packing up the prototype, it's time for dinner.

The meals at the Brain Computer Center are always lively, especially Ye Ming's office.

Not to mention that his office is big enough, and Aita serves tea and water at any time, which is very convenient.

Mo Gu, He Mo, Sheng Fei, and Zhou Xiangnan gathered in his office.

As a result, the collected prototype was taken out again. At the beginning, they didn't feel how sharp the prototype was - on the contrary, it seemed clumsy and exaggerated because they had to carry a host the size of a single player.

But when they saw the timely three-dimensional modeling, several people were not calm in an instant.

"Fuck, this is going to be used to shoot short..." Sheng Fei didn't stop his mouth, but he was immediately blessed: "Small short films, or three-dimensional live broadcasts, wouldn't they be king bombs?"

"Stereoscopic live broadcast is okay?" Sheng Fei looked at Ye Ming wearing glasses.

"No problem." Ye Ming glanced at the girls and nodded.

"Then it's okay to use it for three-dimensional display of products, right? Now it's really exhausting to make a sample three-dimensional and display it."

Ye Ming nodded with a smile: "No problem, real-time translation of text can also be realized."

"Then what else? Three-dimensional meeting? How to open three-dimensional meeting?"

"Either create a cartoon image like the people who engaged in the metaverse, or build a multi-camera environment and hand it over to Aita to generate stereoscopic images. Anyway, it's fine."

"What about playing games? Can it be immersive?"

"Yes, just cover the light."

"Can it be connected to the computer?"

"Yes, but it can only be a computer of the Godson Gaita system."

"Fuck... how much is this thing?" Sheng Fei put down his glasses and asked seriously: "If you are not expensive, you will be Wang Zha."

However, Zhou Xiangnan glanced at the host next to him, and said with a smile, "I'm afraid it's not cheap, right? You usually have to bring a host with you for this kind of portable product."

Ye Ming laughed.

"Do you think the host of the Kirin 990 is expensive? You can even think of it as a thousand yuan machine with a single camera at most, and then add ordinary MR glasses with two cameras."

Zhou Xiangnan and Sheng Fei looked at each other, both of them were full of amazement.

If this thing can be made within 5,000 yuan... what kind of bicycle do you need?

"When will it be listed?"



After dinner and chatting for a while, everyone dispersed.

Qi and Mo had to go back to the company, so she took the first step—by the way, she got the car book one step earlier than Ye Ming.

Although Aita has already launched Skynet in the provincial capital, and Jizhi Technology and BYD jointly launched a new automatic driving system, the traffic police still stipulate that when driving on the road, people must sit in the driver's seat and must hold have a driver's license.

No way, this kind of safety-related regulations will not be able to be changed for a while-even if the brand-new automatic driving system has been tested for millions of kilometers, there will be no major accidents.

Ye Ming and Mo Gu sent her to the door together.

It was almost seven o'clock at this time, and dusk was approaching.

After watching Qi and Mo board the car, Ye Ming said hello to Xiao Hei, Zhong Lei's exclusive mecha at the door, and then turned around and walked back to the old building with Mo Gu.

Under the setting sun, the new brain-computer center looks resplendent and magnificent.

The old building pales in comparison.

"After another month, we can move." Mo Gu pulled off the rubber band on the back of his head and held it in his mouth as he walked, he hesitated and said, "Why don't you open a back door for Xiao Qi?"

Ye Ming was startled: "What back door do you open?"

"She's admitted to graduate school, and she's going to enter the Brain-Computer Center next year... When the time comes, leave her a private room there?"

"Eh..." It stands to reason that Ye Ming wants to stay in a private room, which is just a matter of one sentence...but this kind of thing...

After thinking for a while, he said: "How about I leave you a second suite, and when she really wants to come in, she will live next to you?"

Mo Gu thought for a while, this is very good, he can still be alone for a while - he can even let Xiao Qi live next door in advance, he smiled and nodded immediately: "That's fine."

"By the way, Sister Mo." Ye Ming watched her comb her hair with her hands deftly, hesitated for a moment, and took a light breath.


"Help me?"

"What's busy?"

"Help me... implant a chip."

"What?!" Mo Gu's eyes widened, and the rubber ring fell to the ground in an instant.

"Help me... implant an electrode chip under the scalp."

Mo Gu stared at him, regardless of the hair falling down, and took a breath after being silent for three seconds.

"Don't think about it!"

Ye Ming took another deep breath, stared at Mo Gu's eyes, and said seriously.

"If you don't help me, I'll let Aita come."

(By the way, ask for a double-guaranteed monthly ticket for tomorrow~ and wish you a happy National Day~)

(It will be updated tomorrow)

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