From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 214 Welcome to Buy War Machine

Paint and Ink came back before the May Day holiday.

"There is no such thing as high anti-rebellion?"

Ye Ming looked at her flushed face and asked worriedly.

"No, it's just a bit plateau red." Qi Yumo pursed her lips, and gently patted a theta-shaped butler sitting beside her: "Xiao Ai, go charge."

"Okay, Xiaoqi."

The painting on this Sita is her customized pure white painting, only the joints of the joints are black, and there is no Jizhi Technology on the chest, but the robot's custom name "Xiaoai" is specially sprayed on it.

Moreover, for the convenience of work, Xiaoai's interactive system is not "Sita", but a directly connected "Aita". This allows her to realize interactive office work anytime and anywhere as long as she takes Xiaoai with her.

Ye Ming shook his head slightly when he saw Xiao Ai walked to Ita's prototype fuselage and sat down.

I have to say that industrially designed robots, whether in line or aesthetics, are indeed much more beautiful than the ones I casually designed for Ita at that time.

Sitting together, these two are purely the difference between the eldest lady in the city and the second girl in the village.

I don't know where Ita's self-confidence comes from, thinking that her appearance is bubbling.

Qi and Mo looked away from Xiao Ai and looked at Ye Ming: "Are you free on May Day... Oh, don't ask, anyway, you are always free."

Ye Ming then laughed: "Don't tell me, I really don't have time for May Day..."

Paint and Ink: "...doesn't even take vacations?"

Ye Ming smiled and sighed: "Didn't you pay attention to the news recently?"

"No time……"

"Well, Lao Mei made a rumor and planned to include us in the list. In addition, when you were testing the combat robot two days ago, it was photographed by the third brother and directly uploaded the video to YouTube. Now the whole world knows that our Aita is used in the military."

Qi and Mo were taken aback: "So what?"

"It's not that bad, it's just that they have an excuse."

Ye Ming knew that the method of "serving" Aita this time was exactly the same as Jizhi Technology's previous release of Theta.

It is to make full use of inadvertent leaks, first arouse public discussion, and wait until there is a certain degree of topicality, and then directly post a promotional video to generously admit it.

The most fundamental reason for this uncharacteristic approach is that it is too advanced.

This is not like other "too advanced" achievements that cannot be displayed-many combat units will be "pregnant" at a glance.

But the robot is different. The core of the robot is Aita.

As the only strong AI in the world, everyone can only be greedy.

It's better to pull it out generously and frighten the younger generation.

Lacquer and Ink: "Anyway, it's a crime of intentional crime, so there is no reason to worry about it."

"Well, well said."

"...Then what shall we do?"

"Work hard." Ye Ming said and pointed out the window.

Qi and Mo turned their heads, only to see the data center building that was erected before their eyes, and at some point it was covered with slogans celebrating the completion.

"Is the data center ready?"


"It's building a quantum computer, right?" Qi and Mo's eyes lit up.

Ye Ming smiled and nodded: "After this is built, we won't be afraid of getting stuck."

"Okay!" Qi and Mo slapped their thighs: "Call me when the time comes!"

"It wasn't built in a thought it was a computer!"



On May Day, Director Niu appeared in Ye Ming's office.

The two watched a video of Aita playing on the wall and laughed at the same time.

The content of the video is a release hall in the capital.

When the speaker was asked a few very unnutritious questions, a reporter suddenly stood up.

"Is it true that Jizhi Technology uses the super AI Aita in the military? Does it mean that it is deliberately breaking the regional balance?"

Faced with such "unproven" questions, according to past experience, the spokespersons generally deny the three consecutive times, or else practice Tai Chi.

But today, the speaker just smiled.

"You need to ask Boeing, you need to ask Lockheed Martin."

"Moreover, Jizhi Technology is a technology company. We have never restricted where their robots are sold, including Aita's services. We allow all robots to be exported, and your country can also buy them."

"I don't know if you are satisfied with this answer?"

The screen finally stopped on the reporter's face.

The reporter stared wide-eyed and remained silent for a long time.


"It's so fucking cool!"

Director Niu drank the tea brought by "Sissy", swearing profusely, with a satisfied expression on his face.

"Sissy" is an assistant robot that He Mo got for himself.

——Actually, not only her, Qi and Mo, who were paid by Jizhi Technology, but also many people in the research center placed orders first.

It's just... He Mo, Qi and Mo, as well as Mo Gu, Sheng Fei and others upstairs opened the back door to Xita - they didn't grab the starters, and the queue behind must be taken care of.

"When did we get so stubborn?" He Mo also smiled until the corners of his eyes wrinkled: "But the spokesperson is right, as long as they dare to buy, we dare to sell, especially the neighbors."

"Hahahaha!" Director Niu laughed loudly: "Yes! Don't tell me, why don't we find a chance to sell it?"

Ye Ming laughed.

The most powerful battle robot is Aita. Of course, there are also many cutting-edge technologies in it-such as terahertz radar.

But how?

There is an export type!

But does anyone dare to buy it?

Well, I guess there is, but the person who bought it must not be a neighbor.

There was also a round of elated carnival on social media. They have expressed their welcome to place orders, and we will never cherish ourselves.

After laughing, Director Niu put down his water glass, and his expression became serious: "Speaking of business, you are not worried about being on the list, are you?"

Ye Ming thought for a while and looked at Ita: "Ita, how much can the localization of all robot materials and parts of the Theta type be completed?"

"Eighty-five percent can be completed."

"Can de-beautification be done?"

"In a broad sense, no."

"It's mostly chips, right?"


Ye Ming was silent for a few seconds, and then smiled: "Now the terminal chip can still be used for a few days. At worst, I will use Godson for the computing core."

"For the radio frequency chip, Juchang has completed the design with the cooperation of Aita, and Nationalchip has also improved the process with the assistance of Aita, and now it has completed 7nm trial production."

"7nm is enough for us to move Aita to the quantum supercomputer."

Director Niu nodded slightly, and he also sighed softly after a moment of silence: "But I'm still a little worried now, if the other side really wants to play the final madness, tie all the neobone into the car..."

He Mo raised his eyebrows: "Fight?"

"Hehe, that shouldn't be the case."

Ye Ming shook his head.

These things are not for him to worry about.

At this time, a car drove along the fence and approached the gate.

After a while, Professor Pan and his party appeared in sight.

Ye Ming was overjoyed and got up immediately.

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