Aita controlled the mechanical warrior to patrol along the river valley and then returned automatically.

Battalion Commander Ma Shigang strode forward and quickly checked whether he had bumped into anything.

That cautious appearance is even more careful than that of his wife.

"Captain Ma, Aita will check herself."

"Yeah, the main reason is that there are a lot of wind and rocks here." Battalion Commander Ma chuckled and said, "I don't know if you've heard of the fact that you can't get enough oxygen, and the wind blows the rocks away. It's our place."

"Although there are drones, there are very few conditions for takeoff. Today is God's face."

Li Ke smiled and said, "Isn't this a distinguished guest?"

"Yes! Haha, let's go, let's go back to the camp to keep warm."


Back at the camp, Paint and Ink asked Aita to control the robot for an appearance self-inspection.

After the completion, the five robot warriors sat on the special chairs in the barracks to charge.

A total of ten units were sent up this time, and six of them will be divided into groups of two and sent to the three outposts with the most difficult conditions.

Thanks to the infrastructure construction over the years, even the most remote frontier outposts on the plateau at an altitude of 5,000 meters are connected to the Internet.

This also gave Aita the conditions for "service".

It's just that due to the signal problem, if the battle robot wants to achieve long-distance progress, it has to rely on the signal vehicle to follow.

But what to say...

Robot "service" is not a question of how much combat power it can bring, but a question of "temperament" and "nature".

This is the first time in the world that real mechanical warriors have entered the battle sequence!

Are you saying awesome?

That's pretty awesome, isn't it?

And this is not an ordinary robot—of course, when there is no Internet, it is indeed an ordinary robot, which can only complete ordinary flat ground travel, and the onboard computer is not very interesting.

But once there is a network, it can directly connect to Aita's data center in the provincial capital. As long as the authority is high, she can even be used as a supercomputing terminal!

How dare you say Battalion Commander Ma doesn't treat it as a treasure?

"It's a pity, everything is good, but only cold weapons can be used." Battalion Commander Ma reluctantly looked away, and laughed.

A soldier next to him asked curiously: "Battalion Commander, can they shoot?"

The soldiers in the battalion here have watched the other clips shot before, and know the awesomeness of the battle robot, especially the marksmanship, that is, they are all sharpshooters.

"Yes, but the authority is in the theater."


"Young man, don't be greedy, do you know how expensive it is? One is a Porsche 911! Damn it... From now on, you must have a string in your heart. You will go out with a Porsche."

Hearing Commander Ma's exaggeration, everyone couldn't help laughing.

No one knows exactly how much the cost price is, but the hardware cost alone can be estimated, at least not less than 30,000 to 400,000, especially for models in harsh environments such as plateaus, which will only be higher.

And in addition to their own capabilities, they also integrate the command system of the combat team, which can instantly synchronize front-line information to the theater-level command system.

Coupled with the assistance of Aita, a super AI, it can be said...

If it was a joke to let a team advance ten meters before, now, in terms of the coordinated attack of combat robots, it is really not a joke, but a timely tactic for a team to advance ten meters in a targeted manner!

With hardware plus such a system, 1 million yuan is indeed a friendly price.

"By the way, the drone was flying on the opposite side just now. Tell me, what is their expression when they see the robot patrolling?" Battalion Commander Ma asked enthusiastically again.

Li Ke smiled slightly, glanced at Qi and Mo and joked, "Didn't Xiao Qi say that just now? Scared them to death!"

Everyone laughed loudly.

"By the way, when will this film be cut? Can I watch it online?"

"It's definitely possible, and it's not something that needs to be kept secret, but I don't know when it will be officially released." Li Ke smiled and stood next to the robot: "Come on, let's take a group photo first, and prepare to go down the mountain tomorrow."


To the west, Manu retracts the drone.

Moments later, a group of people flocked back to the barracks.

Manu then connected the drone to the computer.

Play the file, drag the progress bar, and the five robots are clearly visible on the computer screen.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"It's really a war robot!"

"This must be their secret weapon!"

"That means, what we will face in the future will be these robots?"

As a soldier asked, everyone's eyes were filled with horror.

After a long silence, a soldier suddenly shouted: "Next time we will grab one!"


"Grab one!"

"Manu, will you crack it when you get it back?"

"What a fart!" Manu's cheeks trembled, and he growled, "Didn't you hear the final warning?"

"What warning?"

In the picture, Aita's cold voice was broadcast just in time.

"Aita! This is a robot controlled by Aita!"

Manu's eyes were filled with fear.

In this room, except for him who is a technical soldier, everyone else is a big boss.

Only he knows what Aita means.

"Aita is the only super AI in the world! It's useless to snatch it!"

"And if she is willing, she can directly invade our wireless control system just now!"


two days later.

Tesla's new headquarters in Texas.

A silver Tesla slowly drove out of the headquarters building, and then drove into downtown Houston.

Before long, he entered an office.

"Sir, please do support the Future Act."

With his hands on the desk, Musk's expression is extremely serious.

"Now, this country has reached the most critical time, we should abandon all prejudices and differences..."

"Reeve." Mr. Congressman raised his head and looked at him seriously: "You are already the fourth person to come to me this week."

"If I'm late, then I apologize."

"No, I really want to know, is this future bill for the future of this country, or is it a carnival of you... a group of people?"

The congressman flipped through the documents in his hand and slammed on the table: "Five years, five trillion dollars! One trillion dollars every year!"

"Even if you can find allies to share the burden-sorry, I am not optimistic about Europe, they have been messed up by energy blackmail."

"I'm not optimistic about East Asia, let alone Australia."

"You know, this is five trillion! In peacetime, a sudden increase of five trillion!"

"And don't forget, this year is 2024! It's the time when that house changes owners!"

The congressman stared closely at Musk: "Unless you convince me, I will never agree!"

"Well, that house, it doesn't matter who the fuck it is!" Musk cursed, pulled his tie, and stared at the congressman: "You know? Their Aita has been used in the military !"

"If you don't spend any more money, the dollar will become a piece of paper!"

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