"Everyone follow me, and be alert."

Leon called out, and floated"slowly" forward.

To be honest, it is a bit strange for him to fly in this casual outfit.

It feels like a high school student working hard at school and finding time to save the world.

The sewer is very close to Umbrella's laboratory.

Along the way, in the turbid sewage and on the mossy cave walls.

Strange mutant creatures keep jumping out to attack everyone.

Some are infected people with half of their bodies like giant corpses and the other half like giant leeches.

Some are one-meter-long sewer insects, and there are huge mutant crocodiles that are ten to twenty meters long.

God knows how Umbrella made an ordinary sewer more biodiverse than the Rinkai in Japan.

These monsters are not only dangerous, but also numerous.

Normally, even if a small team of special forces came, they would be in danger of being annihilated.

But Leon flew in front of everyone.

He hit monsters when he met them, and destroyed walls when he met them.

No monster could block his punch, and no one could stop him.���A wall could not stop him for one more second.

The group had no problem on the way.

Except for the unacceptable environment, it was like a hike here.

Even Ada Wong, who had been extremely vigilant, only had time to shoot and kill a zombie fish that was pretending to be dead.

Apart from that, she didn't get a single monster.

"Our Mr. Lyon really makes people feel safe. I admit that he is an absolute gentleman."

Wang Ada praised him, but wrung her skirt with disgust.

Everyone came to a sewage treatment pool platform.

There were all water buildings here, and large sewage treatment machines were running continuously, rumbling.

They finally got rid of the sewage for a while.

Marvin used a flashlight to illuminate the surroundings, and stinking corpses could be seen in some corners.

"Look at these people, some are wearing lab coats, some are wearing combat uniforms, Umbrella really has a huge scientific research base here."

Elliot also gritted his teeth:"This city is controlled by them! These termites deserve to die!"

"Capital holds power, isn't that the characteristic of this country?" King Ada followed Leon nonchalantly,"Are you right, gentleman?"

Leon didn't respond, took a few steps, and suddenly said,"Back off!"

"What?"Ada Wang was stunned.

Before she could react, Leon in front of her had already grabbed her arm and pulled her to his side.

The next second, there was a sound of breaking air behind her. Looking back, a giant mutant insect with its mouth wide open flew past her.

The insect failed in its sneak attack and wanted to escape, but was hit by Leon's whip kick, smashed against the wall and exploded into insect juice.

"……"Aida Wang was a little scared

"Thank you." She half leaned on Leon, supported by his arm and backed away, only to find that the arm had a marble touch.

She couldn't help but sigh:"Nice figure!"

Leon raised his eyebrows:"I think so too, but you owe me one."

"Girls don't like conceited men."Ada Wang raised the corner of his mouth.

"That's hard to say."Leon continued to walk forward.

Going along the sewage treatment area, he came to the monitoring room.

Through the glass, everyone could see a large platform at the other end of the monitoring room.

The armored cable car was parked on the platform.

"We are here." Leon said,"Take the cable car to the institute."

"Thank God, we are finally here."Director Bud was the weakest, and he was exhausted.

He took the initiative to open the door, but the iron door of the monitoring room was locked tightly.

"It's locked." Bud said.

Then everyone looked at Leon.

"Let me do it, I can open the lock, please, Leon, you can't always……"Ada Wang walked forward and took out the lock picking tools.

However, before she finished her words, Leon had already pushed the iron door and the surrounding walls to the ground.

The two looked at each other.

Leon spread his hands innocently:"Maybe next time you can tell me in advance that you can open the lock."

"Just ignore what I said."Ada Wong put away the props

"Let's go take the cable car." Leon turned his head and looked at the hidden corner in the monitoring room.

""Lady, if you want to take a ride with us, you can come out now."

Everyone was shocked. There was someone else here?

All guns were raised in unison, aiming at the direction where Leon was looking.

A thin middle-aged woman with sunken eye sockets came out.

She was wearing a white research coat and pointed her pistol at everyone.

"Police? You shouldn't be here. The only people left in the institute are infected. You'd better leave now!"

She stared at everyone and warned them.

""Yani Birkin!" At this time, Ada Wang stepped forward with guns in both hands and confronted her.

"You and your husband are the creators of the virus and the culprits of this disaster!"

"There is no need for hypocrisy."

She warned sternly:"Now, hand over the G virus!"

At the same time, Ada did not forget to explain to Leon:"My purpose here is to destroy Umbrella. The G virus is far more dangerous than the T virus. It must not be left in the hands of this woman."

Everyone looked back and forth at the two of them, feeling that the situation was a bit complicated.

Director Bard had never even heard of the G virus.

When Annie Birkin heard the word G virus, her eyes changed instantly and became sinister.

"So that's why you're here for the G virus too."

She sneered,"Don't even think about it."

Under the cover of the voice, she took the opportunity to throw a grenade and then raised her gun to shoot at Ada.

""No, it's dangerous!"

Marvin and the other policemen rushed to Leon at the first moment, trying to knock him down to block the explosion for him.

However, Leon dodged, grabbed the grenade with his left hand, and pulled Ada Wang with his right hand.

The bullet grazed Ada's arm.

After a few seconds, there was a muffled sound, and Leon spread out his left hand, shaking off a few strands of black ash and debris, and his palm was still clean and fresh.

"This, this! ?"

Everyone was stunned. Who was this person who covered the thunder with his palm and didn't get hurt at all?

On the other side, Annie Birkin, who was about to leave the monitoring room, was also stunned.

She felt that even her husband who had turned into a monster could not do such a thing.

Leon glanced at the stunned Annie, stepped forward a few steps, grabbed her, and threw her to Marvin.

"Control her, and we will go to the research institute."

Several people looked at each other and followed Leon onto the platform.

King Ada hesitated and wanted to say something, but when she remembered how Leon had just extinguished the grenade, she didn't want to say anything.

On the platform, they walked to the cable car.

They found that the operation of the cable car required the staff identity bracelet.

Annie Birkin came back to her senses and smiled triumphantly:"I can't give you the authority bracelet, just give up!"

""Um, Mr. Lyon?" Marvin and the others looked at Lyon out of habit.

It seemed as if they were waiting for him to show off his skills and solve the heavy armored door with one punch.

King Ada was anxious first:"Wait! Wait a minute! And Lyon, calm down first! Opening the cable car violently may cause a malfunction!"

"I think we can interrogate this woman first." She pointed at Annie,"She must have an authority bracelet!" She was shocked and challenged time and time again along the way.

Now the cold temperament on Ada Wang's face collapsed.

Before today, she could never imagine that she would communicate with others in a tentative tone.

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