The remaining people looked at each other in bewilderment.

Marvin gave the order:"Old Man, you stay. Elliot, let's go. The survivors should rest here."

"I'll listen to you, Marvin."The fat policeman obeyed the order.

"Um, is he, is he really the savior?" Father Kendo interrupted hesitantly at this time,"I haven't had time to thank him yet."

"It won’t be too late to thank him when he comes back, and take your daughter who has recovered to thank him together." Marvin helped him put his daughter on the stretcher.

"But... you guys broke into Umbrella's laboratory, are you really okay?" Duncan was doubtful.

Officer Elliot said:"Mr. Lyon is so strong, it's impossible for him to get into trouble."

"But we are not sure whether he is the savior or not. That is incredible."

"But we believe him." The fat police officer interrupted.

Marvin walked out of the medical partition at this time:"Let's go, Elliot, let's follow him."

Two police officers, one black and one white, drew their pistols and followed into the underground passage.

Ada Wang watched silently on the side, waiting for the two police officers to���Lost, then suddenly said:"It seems that you got along well before"

"No, I was really frightened by the incredible mecha and freezing breath as soon as I arrived. Haha."The fat police officer sat on the sofa

"But you don't seem to mind being left alone?" King Ada glanced at the underground passage.

"The police station also needs people to guard it." The fat man frowned,"It sounds like you have a different opinion, ma'am?"

Ada walked to the front of the passage gracefully and slowly:"No opinion, I just have to say goodbye to you for the time being."

She waved her hand, held the passage, lowered her head and went in, and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Hey! You can't go, damn it! She ran in, let's chase her!"Dad Kendo's eyes were wide open.

But the fat policeman next to him was calm.

"Hey, Fatty, aren't you in a hurry?" Duncan stopped halfway through his run.

The fat man shrugged:"Whether she wants to make trouble or conduct an investigation, it is impossible to affect Mr. Lyon, let her be." Are you kidding? Would an ordinary federal agent affect Superman who can easily dig the Statue of Liberty out of the ground?


On the other side, the four men and the armor walked into the elevator in the underground room.

This elevator led to a deeper underground.

However, as soon as the armor entered the elevator, the circuit sounded an alarm, indicating that the overweight

"Jarvis, you are too heavy, you need to fly."Leon complained

"Master, your armor is too heavy. Jarvis controlled the armor to fly in the air, preparing to lower the altitude as the elevator descended.

"Good rebuttal. I won't let you drive my armor next time." Leon pressed the down button again.

The elevator door began to close.

However, at the last moment, a beautiful red figure slid into the elevator and stopped in front of Leon.

"Wow, black." Leon silently retracted his gaze.

Ada stood up and smoothed the hem of her skirt:"Those are safety pants, gentleman."

"Because I am a gentleman, I openly remind the lady that you are exposed."Leon said

"I really want to thank you very much, Mr. Lyon."Ada squeezed in front of Lyon.

This elevator was a relatively spacious multi-person elevator.

But Ada squeezed in front of Lyon and stretched out her neck seductively.

The distance between the two became very close, and they could hear each other's breathing.

Lyon was very familiar with this routine.

Natasha would do this from time to time during their night talks.

He dared to guarantee it.

If he was lustful and confronted her at this time, King Ada would immediately retreat and say with a silky but contemptuous look that this was not very gentlemanly.

At this time At that time, if it were an ordinary person, wouldn't his defense be broken immediately by her, and the fish would bite the hook.

To put it in a more literary way, it was like a deer broke into the heart without any warning.

Playing hard to get is the basic skill of these female agents.

But facing the temptation of Ada Wang at this time, Leon can remain calm.

After all, let alone a safety pants, he even personally operated Ada's bunny girl costume in his previous life.

Don't give more benefits, and still want to seduce him, Leon?

Does he look like the kind of person who can't stand the test?

"You're welcome. I'm more curious about why Ms. Ada followed in. I have to remind you that it's very dangerous down there."

Leon slightly turned away from King Ada.

A little surprise flashed in King Ada's eyes. Leon's behavior really made her believe that he was a gentleman.

"This is my job. If there is danger, dealing with it is also part of my job."Ada Wang pulled out a pistol from his tactical vest.

"Besides, Dr. Bud will go down with you too. Aren't you afraid that something might happen to him?"

Facing Ada's temptation, Director Bud, who had been silent, explained:"I'm fine, Mr. Leon will protect me."

Since following Leon, Bud's sense of security has exploded.

This kind of sense of security, let alone after the outbreak of the biochemical crisis.

Even before the crisis broke out.

He had never experienced it!

There were a few times when Bud kept thinking about how he could stay with Leon and work for him.

Compared to Umbrella, Leon is the best boss!

"So that's how it is. It seems that Mr. Leon is very powerful?" King Ada asked.

She was trying to get information, but it seemed too straightforward.

"Fortunately, you will see."Leon did not answer directly.

Speaking of which.

Ada Wong is also one of the protagonists of the Resident Evil series of games.

She is a free agent who serves the HCF organization on a daily basis and occasionally works for a force called"Family".

Compared with Natasha, Ada Wong can be said to be much freer and more unrestrained.

Of course, while being free, she has also experienced fewer life-and-death crises than Natasha.

Now 23 or 24 years old, Ada Wong is many times more immature than Natasha of the same age.

"Ding!"The elevator also reached the bottom.

The sliding door opened, and five people and one A walked out one by one.

There was a long set of stairs under the elevator.

Leon led the way down, forcing any locked doors open and freezing any zombies blocking the way.

Soon, the group walked into the sewer under the police station.

"Going forward along the sewer, you will reach the Umbrella Research Institute."

Leon flew up directly.

He had no intention of wading through the sewage.

Even his sense of smell was suppressed by him, otherwise the smell here would be enough to make him choke.

"Fly, fly up!"Marvin and his companions were startled at first, and then they kept looking at Leon in amazement.

However, their amazement did not affect their efficiency.

Several people followed Leon and jumped down the stairs one by one.

The sewage from the sewer instantly covered their thighs.

In the end, only Ada Wang was left standing on the stairs.

She looked at the turbid sewage flowing under her feet, and then at the man and armor above her head, and her lips trembled.

Leon looked at her jokingly, waiting for her reaction.

In the end, Ada Wang sighed and jumped into the sewage.

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