He looked up at Leon who was holding him up.

He was amazed:"How did you do it?"

Leon smiled but didn't answer:"Finally calmed down? To be honest, your scream just now was at least three decibels louder than when my brother called for help."

"It was an accident, an accident, I'm not usually like this……"Director Bud realized his own gaffe and wiped the nonexistent sweat from his forehead in shame.

He looked down and saw a few zombies roaming around in the dark streets.

There were also a dozen guys with rotten chins and arms, blocking the door of the police station and banging on it.

"What should we do now? Uh... Mr. Savior?" Bud asked tentatively.

Leon smiled:"Just call me Leon, the next step is to enter the police station."

He began to lower his altitude, exhaling icy breath as he approached the ground.

Layers of frost began to spread rapidly on the street.

All the standing and lying zombies turned into ice sculptures one after another.

The ice layer has been wrapped around the building circle within a range of 300 meters around the police station, turning the entire area into a kingdom of frost.

But the magical thing is that these ice layers only cover the surface of the objects and do not affect their internal structure.

One or two sturdy dim street lamps can still continue to emit light and heat under the ice layer, projecting strange colors through the solid ice.

"It's like the Ice God has waved his scepter!"The frozen street scene reflected in Director Bud's eyes is so dreamy.

"This analogy is not quite appropriate."Leon put Bud on the ground,"After all, I only have you in my hand."

Director Bud felt Leon's friendly attitude towards him and laughed:"It's my honor to be your scepter!"

Leon shook his head and walked to the police station first.

Bud followed closely, turning his head from time to time to observe the frozen zombies or street lights.

He found that the zombies in the ice layer were not dead, but due to lack of oxygen, their bodies were gradually losing activity.

It will not be long before the zombies in this block will die silently.

"How amazing!" He sighed and chased after Leon.

Jarvis was at the back, clanging forward.

After bypassing the cars blocking the street, the two came to the police station.

A closed iron gate blocked the zombies from invading the police station.

A dozen zombies were frozen into an iceberg.

Leon bent his knuckles and knocked, and the iceberg and the zombies inside shattered to the ground.

Standing in front of the frozen iron gate, Leon looked through the gap at the police station behind the door.

Then he asked Jarvis to turn on the built-in PA system of the armor.

""Is anyone inside? All the zombies on the street have been dealt with. Please open the door and let us in!" The frustrated voice spread throughout the block. Presumably, the four people in the police station were woken up even if they were wearing earplugs to sleep.

Besides, they were not sleeping, but resting in the hall.

Leon saw through perspective that the police inside quickly took action.

The broadcast of the Raccoon City Police Department to take in refugees is still being played on some car radios.

As long as they don't break in directly, there will be no conflict with the police.

In a few minutes, the front door of the police station building was opened.

A tall and thin black policeman came out.

He put his right hand on the butt of the gun at his waist and held a flashlight in his left hand. He first looked around, then trotted to the iron gate.

Behind him, two more people came out. They were all police officers in uniform. They were dumbfounded at the frost on the street.

"" Wait a minute! I'll open the door and let you in!"

The black policeman glanced at Leon and the other man's bodies, and after finding no obvious wounds and no guns, he immediately prepared to open the door. He looked around and said,"Oh my God, what happened here? Why is everything suddenly frozen? It's September now!"

He said as he pulled the bolt.

However, the bolt was also frozen, and he tried his best to push and pull it but it didn't move.

"No, this thing is stuck inside, I have to find a flamethrower." The black policeman frowned.

He looked around again and said,"Fortunately, the zombies are frozen and unable to move. Don't make any noise here, I'll be back soon!"

"No need, officer." Leon called out to the black policeman before he turned around.

He grabbed Bud's collar with his right hand, jumped over the iron gate and landed beside the black man.

"Sometimes the most primitive way is the simplest." He raised his eyebrow at the black man.

The black policeman took a step back and praised:"Is this kung fu? It's really an amazing skill!"

"And thank you for saving me the time of going out to find the flamethrower."

He pointed at the other two policemen and said,"Come with me. Let's go inside first. It's freezing cold outside. Maybe I can find you some coats in the police station."

"No need for clothes, I can handle this temperature."

"But I have a friend who has to go in with me."

Leon snapped his fingers,"Jarvis, come in."

The sound of the thrusters immediately sounded outside the police station wall, and the steel armor sprayed flames into the yard.

"Fuck!" The black policeman subconsciously pulled out his gun,"What the hell is this! ?"

"We can go in later and talk slowly." Leon showed a mysterious smile.

He walked into the police station first and glanced back before entering.

In a building a few dozen meters away, he saw a red skirt flash by a window.


A few minutes later, in the police station lobby

"So, he is the savior, you are the director of the virus center, this is a mecha, the ice outside is caused by his breath, and Umbrella is the culprit of this crisis?"

After a few minutes of conversation, the black policeman made a summary.

During the conversation, Leon's statement and Bud's guarantee were carried out alternately.

The three policemen were skeptical at first.

It was not until Leon froze a table with his freezing breath that their attitude finally changed.

Now the two sides have reached a preliminary trust.

"Okay, we believe it for now. The three looked at each other, and the black man stood up and said

"Let me introduce myself. I am Marvin Branagh."

The black policeman pointed to the other middle-aged white policeman and the fat policeman and said,"This is Elliot Edwards. The last one is the fat man. We all call him Old Man.""

"Are there only three of you? There is no one else in the police station?" Chief Bud asked.

He was still wearing a white coat, which made him look very authoritative.

Marvin immediately pointed to the medical partition at the back:"We have another person, but his condition is not right, Mr. Bud, I'm afraid you have to go and see him."

Bud didn't say anything, but looked at Leon first.

After Leon nodded, he agreed:"No problem for me, take me to see him."

The three policemen looked at each other again, and they could see that Leon was the dominant one in this group.

This made them believe the previous words of the two more.

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