Director Bud took out a thick stack of documents from the safe and handed them to Leon.

"This is most of the key experimental data, as well as the research process and conclusions. Do you want to use these materials to restart the research?"

Lyon picked up the 30-centimeter-thick bound document and began to read it on the spot.

He said lightly:"No, I plan to finish reading it now and then go to the Umbrella Underground Research Institute for the next step of improvement."

"Finish reading now?"Bud thought to himself that he would read until the end of time.

However, Leon's"reading" action immediately shocked his eyes.

That can't be called reading, not even browsing.

Leon lifted up the corner of the thick document, and his fingers loosened slightly, and the pages fell down like poker cards.

In two or three seconds, the thick stack of documents was"shuffled".

Leon closed his eyes, and after a few seconds, he pushed the document into Bud's arms.

"Okay, burn it."

"Well... ah?" Bud was stunned, his eyes moving back and forth between the documents in his arms and Leon's face with his eyes closed.

"I mean, I've read it and I've memorized it."Leon explained with his eyes closed.

"But, but you turned the pages backwards, didn't you?"

Bud didn't question whether it was reasonable to finish reading and memorizing a 30-centimeter-thick book so quickly.

Because just turning the page from back to front was very shocking!

"Write down all the words, and then reverse the page numbers in your mind. It's very simple."Lyon still closed his eyes.

Director Bud's mouth opened and closed.

He didn't know whether he should believe it or not.

Anyway, he was very skeptical about life at the moment.

Finally, he looked at Lyon, who was unmoved, and still took the document to get gasoline and set it on fire.

He told himself in his heart.

The other party is the savior sent by the world, so it is normal to have some strange things.

Lyon stood there with his eyes closed.

It's not that he was pretending to be cool.

But when he wrote down all the experimental data in the document and began to understand it, he found something unusual.

He found that when he understood the knowledge related to biochemical technology, his thinking became particularly sharp and flexible.

The speed at which the super brain processes information has not changed.

But his research talent in the field of biochemistry has greatly improved.

Just recalling the experimental data he had just written down, countless inspirations kept flashing in his mind.

"So this is the gift... It is indeed a kind of enhancement that I really need."

Lyon understood.

It turns out that the gift given to him by the world consciousness is to strengthen his research talent in the field of biochemistry.

If we make a comparison.

His talent in this area can be said to have reached the top level in the world of Resident Evil.

The corresponding characters are probably William Birkin, Alexia, and Marcus.

It's just that these people only have talents, not super brains.

So even in terms of creativity and inspiration, everyone's talents are roughly the same.

But their actual research level is countless levels lower than that of Leon at this time.

After Director Bud burned all the information, Leon also opened his eyes.

"Is there anything else you need?" Director Bud immediately came to Leon.

"Take all the T virus fluid and vaccine samples in your hands, we should leave."

Leon shouted to the outside of the room:"Jarvis!"

Jarvis has been controlling the armor to kill the infected.

It has killed from the first floor to the top floor.

The zombies in this hospital are almost killed by it.

"Is Jarvis your companion? Director Bud asked carefully.

"We are companions. You will know when you meet him."

Half a minute after Leon finished speaking, the ceiling of the room was suddenly blasted open by a cannon from above.

Super Mark 1 dropped from the sky and knelt on one knee in front of Leon.

Leon's face was dark. Was Tony's squatting posture popularized in the Stark family?

"Exoskeleton mecha!?" Bud, who was standing by, didn't have so many thoughts. He just felt dizzy.

"This is my artificial intelligence Jarvis. You can ask him for help if you have any problem."

After Leon finished explaining, he put the virus stock solution and vaccine that Bud had just taken out into the box and handed it to Jarvis.

He then reached out and lifted Director Bud's collar.

"Let's go to the Raccoon City Police Department."

Amid the scream of the middle-aged Director Bud, Leon and Jarvis flew up into the sky one after another.

A few seconds later, Leon appeared above the police department, and Jarvis was on his way ten kilometers away.

Director Bud, who was held in his hand, still had a look of shock on his face, and his scream was still loud and heroic.

"Stop howling, we are here!" Leon could not help shaking Bud's collar.

Bud's feet were empty, and he screamed even louder.

Even the zombies besieging the police station were attracted.

They turned their heads left and right strangely, looking for the source of the screams.

Leon simply ignored Director Bud.

He turned on the perspective and observed the police station.

In the small police station, corpses and zombies were everywhere.

The police officers of the Raccoon City Police Department, except for the chief, were very competent.

The biochemical crisis broke out in this city on September 25. It was three days ago.

It was the police station that responded quickly, set up shelters, rescued civilians, and installed explosives on the streets.

Most of the zombies in Raccoon City were eliminated, providing a ray of hope for the residents who survived in the early stage.

But the price is that there are only a few police officers left in the police station.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the police officers do not understand the T virus.

The fall of the police station was initially due to the existence of infected people among the refugees.

The infected broke out in the crowd, and the zombies outside the police station continued to attack.

Soon there were a large number of casualties in the police station.

Now under Leon's observation

There are only five people still alive in the entire Raccoon City Police Department. One of them is the scumbag Chief Brian Eslon who always stays in the office. During his tenure, this police chief has been illegally cooperating with Umbrella Corporation. He accepted bribes and concealed evidence for the other party.

He even opened an orphanage next to the police station to adopt orphans as experimental materials for Umbrella. He is a complete scumbag.

Leon couldn't stand this scumbag.

He directly released heat rays through several layers of walls and nailed the chief to death. Lying on the leather sofa.

Poor Chief Eslon.

He was fiddling with the body of the mayor's daughter on the table, intending to make her into a specimen.

But without any warning, two red rays came through the wall and pierced his chest.

He opened his mouth in disbelief, touched the two holes on his chest where blood scabs had formed due to the high temperature, made a gurgling sound, and fell headfirst on the body in front of the table.

On the other side, Jarvis finally rushed to Leon.

Director Bud also recovered.

He looked at the door of the police station below, his mouth wide open:"Raccoon City Police Department, are we here yet!?"

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