"Oh! No no no!" Tony was startled when he heard that Leon was going to take action, and he stood up immediately.

"They are obviously coming for me, so I will do it if they want to fight!"

He said and waved his hand:"Jarvis, armor!"

The flight cabin standing quietly in the laboratory suddenly disintegrated and attached.

Leon did not stop Tony.

The muscle density of the dozen people above is the level of ordinary people.

Even if they may have some mysterious power, they will not be Tony's opponent.

After Tony put on the armor, he smashed the glass door and rushed upstairs

"You wait for my news downstairs!"

Tony's voice rushed into the corridor.

""Handsome guys with diapers on their heads, here I come!"

It can be seen that he has been a little depressed due to his busyness during this period, and his true nature is exposed immediately after putting on the armor.

Leon shook his head and stepped on the broken glass to go upstairs.

The uninvited guests obviously did not expect the target to suddenly rush out from downstairs.

As soon as Tony went up, he opened fire with full power, and the cluster guns rotated and bombed.

The invaders were killed without any chance to fight back.

Even those who reacted were knocked to the ground by the cluster guns the moment they resisted.

Tony output at full power, and the ceiling of the villa was rumbling.

When Leon walked into the living room, the bodies were already lying on the ground and the wall was cracked in half..

Very good, I can call the decoration company again tomorrow.

The last man in black was cornered by Tony at this time.

It can be seen that these attackers are professional killers.

None of them screamed when they died.

Even if there is only one person left now, they will fight to the end... right?

Leon just thought that the last man would fight to the death.

As a result, the man stepped back and took out a simple envelope from his arms.

He handed over the envelope, and at the same time, the knife in his hand swung back and cut his throat and died on the spot.

When his body fell, he even maintained the posture of handing over the envelope.

"Uh, it seems that he doesn't intend to fight to the death, but chooses to die to prove his loyalty?" Leon walked to Tony's side.

"No, he wanted me to read the letter."


Tony flipped up his visor and the armor separated automatically.

He took a step forward and was about to pick up the envelope, but Leon got there first.

"Be careful of the poison on the letter, Tony. You'd better wear armor next time you come into contact with something given by the enemy."

Tony was shocked:"Poison on the letter? Is there anyone who would do such a sinister thing?"

"Some of the oriental martial arts novels like to write about this kind of plot. This group of people are sneaky and look like people who would do that kind of thing."

Leon put the envelope to his nose and smelled it:"Okay, it's not poisonous. It seems that I thought too much."

"But why did he hand over this letter before committing suicide? He opened the envelope casually.

"Could it be that some organization wants to recruit me? Was that a test for joining the organization just now?"Tony came over to watch. Leon looked disgusted:"Damn... What kind of middle school guess is this? Do you think you are the savior?"

He unfolded the letter.

From the outside, it was a very ordinary letter, probably made of bamboo paper.

People who are used to using this kind of paper are basically from Southeast Asia.

Could the other party be the Hand?

The two read the letter line by line.

【To Mr. Tony Stark:

Congratulations on passing my test

——You killed the outer Ten Rings Gang members who were on the assassination mission. You have successfully proved that you are qualified to be beheaded by me personally.

In recent years, you are the first person to reach this stage.

First of all, let me introduce myself.

I am Wenwu, the leader of the Ten Rings Gang.

The Ten Rings Gang that you wiped out half a month ago was just my poor imitators.

I want to thank you for killing these shoddy counterfeits for me.

But I am sorry to inform you.

Although they are just imitators, they also represent the prestige of the Ten Rings Gang in the world.

Since you have announced to the outside world that you have wiped out the Ten Rings Gang.

Then I have to kill you to maintain the reputation of my Ten Rings Gang.

One month later, I will come to your door in person to take your head.

Signed: Wenwu】

"……"The two of them finished reading silently very quickly.

Tony frowned,"So, the Ten Rings Gang is just the tip of the iceberg? No, the Ten Rings Gang is actually a hidden organization!"

He thought of Hydra and the Red House.

All such organizations hidden in the dark corners of the world.

As far as he knows, none of them are good.

Tony was still trying to figure out the details of the Ten Rings Gang, but Leon next to him exploded!

"What a good man!"Leon's eyes almost immediately glowed red.

The letter in his hand shattered without warning.

He floated up, his clothes moving without wind.

The red light in his eyes became stronger and stronger, like a demon crawling out of hell staring at all living beings.

He was obviously not wearing a superhero uniform, but at this moment, it seemed as if a blood-stained cape was fluttering behind him.

""Tony, you take a rest first, I'll go kill a few people and come back!"

He had no expression on his face.

It was as if he was just saying that he was going to eat a piece of bread later.

But the cold tone was creepy.

Tony turned his head in surprise, and before he saw Leon, he felt as if a mountain was pressing on him, and he took several steps back.

"You, you mean now?" Tony looked at Leon, his heart trembling slightly.

"Ha, if the Ten Rings dare to issue a death notice in a month, I will make sure they never see the sun tomorrow!"

Just floating there, Leon gave people a sense of oppression like mountains in the air and rivers flowing backwards.

It seemed that the whole world would shatter like a mirror falling to the ground in the next moment. This was the first time Tony had seen Leon so angry.

His throat tightened and he felt panic for some reason.

""Leon! Calm down! Calm down!" Tony said hurriedly

"He was the one looking for me, so I should be the one to deal with him!"

"Don't be impulsive, come down first!"

He jumped up and tried to pull Leon down, but Leon didn't move at all, and he fell on Leon instead.

"Forehead……"He hugged Leon's calf and smiled awkwardly,"Listen, Leon, let's not rush to take action."

"You see, the one who issued the challenge was me, Iron Man, and I must respond to this challenge!"

"Otherwise, why did I hold that press conference before? Was it just to show off?"


Leon looked at Tony hanging on his calf in silence.

The anger in his heart was extinguished for a moment because of this funny guy.

"Isn't it?" He landed slowly, and Tony also stood on the ground again.

"Look, you always misunderstand me so deeply."Tony stepped forward and immediately grabbed Leon's shoulder.

"I am Iron Man, this is my responsibility, you also know what I wanted to do from the beginning, right? This is an opportunity!"

He said:"The Ten Rings Gang, just like the Ten Rings Gang, is not a good thing."

"They provoked me, and I just wanted to go after them!"

"None of these dancers hiding in the dark are good people, so let me investigate and then deal with them, okay?"

"Are you serious?" The red light in Leon's eyes gradually faded, turning back to black.

He looked at Tony strangely:"Do you really want to fight that Wenwu?"

"Don't look at me like that, you solved the Red House, so I can't solve the Ten Rings Gang?"

""Am I kidding?" Tony smiled and spread his hands, but he felt relieved in his heart.

For some reason, he felt nervous when he saw Leon's furious look.

This reminded him of seventeen years ago, when he was squatting in front of his parents' tombstone holding Leon and crying.

On that day, the rain in the whole world flowed like a silver waterfall curtain, and he couldn't tell whether it was tears or rain on his face. He couldn't tell whether it was anger, sadness, or confusion in his heart.

He cried so hard that his eyes were blurred.

Suddenly, Leon in his arms babbled and reached out to wipe the water stains on his face.

Leon, who was still a baby at that time, seemed to have concern in his big black eyes, and his tender little hands patted his cheek again and again.

At that moment Tony knew that this child was his only relative left in the world.

He swore that he would never let anything happen to Leon. This little guy must smile every day and be full of energy every day.

In the past seventeen years, he has perfectly fulfilled this oath.

But now Leon has grown up and even become a superman, and even started to protect him in return.

This made Tony very uncomfortable, and he had to admit that he could no longer protect Leon.

However, when he saw Leon's furious look, his heart would still tighten.

It was a vague self-blame.

Blaming himself for being too weak and unable to protect his brother.

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