Half a month passed quickly.

Nick Fury said he would come again, but he never came.

Tony said that he packed up the Hydra intelligence and sent it to Black Egg's mailbox.

It is estimated that the other party is now facing his own broken SHIELD, cursing his mother a hundred times a day.

However, during this period of time.

Natasha has led the girls to release the control of more than 200 widow agents.

Most of these widows are willing to join the organization that Leon has not yet established.

Only less than a dozen widow agents chose to quit because they were exhausted or wanted to pursue their own future.

Leon destroyed the files of these people as he said.

However, perhaps in a few years, they will regret the decision they made on this day.

Tony, because of Pepper's request, began to return to the company to help.

After all, the deployment of new energy sources really cannot be done without him.

Leon's biggest gain in the past half month is the growth of strength and the end of the upper limit prediction experiment.


Two days ago.

Leon went home after sunbathing and finished the thrust test.

Tony looked at him again as if he were a monster.

"890,000 tons of force, in half a month, your strength has almost doubled!"

Leon nodded calmly:"I can feel that the speed of growth of strength is accelerating, a bit like a geometric progression."

"But in the past two days, I found that the gap in the increase, which was getting bigger and bigger each time, began to narrow."

"Maybe this means I'm approaching my peak growth period."

"So I would rather get an upper limit prediction result. Today is the last day, right?"

"It's time to get the results. Give me five minutes!" Tony walked to the computer and started to calculate quickly on the screen.

As he said, five minutes later, a prediction chart full of dots and lines was printed out.

""Okay, done!"

Leon took out the blueprint and read it carefully.

Tony acted as a narrator on the side.

"The dots record the power of your transition after each sun exposure, and the lines are the increase."

"According to the model we built, your upper limit of strength will be around two million tons, um, two million tons per arm."

Tony looked at Leon's face and found nothing unusual and continued

"And one million tons is your peak period"

"Before the peak period, strength will grow faster and faster like a snowball"

"After that, your strength growth rate will gradually slow down until it reaches the upper limit."

After Tony finished speaking, he carefully observed Leon.

He knew that his brother had always wanted to pursue strength, and suddenly heard that he had an upper limit, he might not be in a good mood.

However, Leon was always very calm.

He even felt strange:"What's that expression on your face? It's like you're afraid that I will cry in the next second, so you took out a tissue in advance to comfort me."

"Don't you feel sad? About your upper limit. Tony pointed at the forecast chart and asked

"Why should I be sad? This is expected. After knowing the result, I have a direction to work hard."Leon said. This is the fact.

He knew that about two million tons with one arm was his upper limit.

Then before reaching the upper limit, he could continue to bask in the sun while looking for other ways to become stronger.

First, he could consider going to Kamar-Taj to study; he could also go to the Daluo Village in Kunlun to learn Qigong.

There are too many crooked ways to become stronger in Kamar-Taj.

For example, using the contract signed with the demon god to become stronger

——Sign the weaker ones first, and then devour them; then sign the stronger ones, and climb all the way to the path of the devil.

This is a feasible path that a certain Doctor Strange has already taken.

Kunlun can seek the power of the dragon.

That is a multi-level power, although the probability of obtaining it is very small... even after exploring these powers in this world.

He can also use the shuttle ability to go to other worlds to pursue the path of becoming stronger.

In the past, Leon was always a little cautious, and felt that it was best not to leave the current world before he became strong enough.

However, now he should be barely qualified to set foot in other worlds.

Tony said at this time:"Speaking of which, I watched a Superman animation a few days ago."

"The Superman in the story suddenly absorbed too much power, reaching a force of two million tons, and his body began to naturally collapse."

"I think, for most ordinary Kryptonians, two million tons may be an unattainable limit."

Leon thought about it and agreed:"Maybe it is true, after all, there is an upper limit to race.……"

So if I want to break through this limit, do I have to stop being a Kryptonian?

He secretly complained in his heart.


Two days later.

After a sumptuous dinner,

Tony continued to retreat to the laboratory to do research.

Leon flew into space.

After the simulation test, he basically stayed in the space capsule for the past few days.

Except for going home for dinner when he was hungry.

He even ignored Natasha's request for salary yesterday.

Entering the space capsule again and returning to the familiar titanium alloy steel plate,

Leon soon fell into a comfortable dream.

This night should have been spent peacefully.

But uninvited guests always come without warning.

Tony Stark didn't know that the wind that announced his identity to the world has now blown to the hidden corners.


The moon was bright and the sky was full of floating clouds.

In the night, a group of masked men in black were hidden in the shadows of the clouds, and they attacked Stark's mansion like a sowbug coming out of a hole.

They looked like some kind of ancient knights, with only their eyes exposed, determined and ruthless.

It seemed that they came here only to rob the rich and help the poor.

But they also looked like ninjas that had been passed down for thousands of years.

Everyone's footsteps would be imprinted on the footprints of the previous person.

No one made any sound, and each one was like a cold sword hidden in a sheath.

They walked in the blind spot of all monitoring equipment.

Sometimes they jumped together, sometimes they crawled, like a group of water spiders jumping on the water.

This group of water spiders finally lurked on the roof of Stark's mansion, found the location of Tony's room, and landed with a hook.

Laser cutters, glass suction cups, silent gloves...

They removed the glass of Tony's bedroom with extreme professionalism.

Then they slid into the house one by one like fish, without any sound.

The leader looked around the house and shook his head, indicating that Tony Stark was not here.

He made a few gestures, signaling everyone to rush out and kill everyone downstairs, leaving no one alive.

Everyone nodded.

The leader raised five fingers and began to count down one by one.


Meanwhile in the lab,

Tony was leaning back in a soft chair, his chin propped up, thinking hard.

On the screen in front of him was Jarvis's defense system.

He had been so busy during this period that half a month had passed and Jarvis' upgrade had not yet been completed.

However, at this moment, an arm stretched out in front of him and waved.

"I was thinking about Tony, but the enemy is here."

Leon reached out and took off Tony's glasses.

He was sleeping in space when he heard the sound of glass cutting and dense footsteps at home.

His dream was suddenly awakened.

He opened his super vision, saw the situation clearly, and hurried back to the laboratory in five seconds.

The improvement in strength during this period has also rapidly increased the strength of the biological force field.

Now, even if he flies at a speed of hundreds of Mach, he can be as silent as a bird flying through the clouds.

"Huh?"Tony was startled, and his expression became more frightened when he saw Leon.

"What enemy? Jarvis didn't even warn me... Damn, it's that black-marinated egg again, right?"

Tony learned the adjective"black-marinated egg" from Leon, which has both taste and color.

"No, it's a group of ninjas, or martial arts masters."

Leon pinched his wrist and said,"I came back to remind you to upgrade Jarvis quickly, and then I will take care of them."

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