"You are still so stubborn. Look at your beard that you always use to show off. It has grown into weeds."

"You are not any better. I didn't know my brother had the habit of going shirtless and showing off."Tony never lost his temper.

Or maybe he enjoyed bickering with Leon.

How should I put it? It made him feel very different, like a family.

After all, he only had Leon as his relative in this world.

"And next time you can consider changing your angle to criticize, hearing my voice in a spaceship in outer space? Ahaha, this is not funny, you forgot the knowledge that sound cannot be transmitted in a vacuum just half a year after graduation?"

Tony said that with his scientific literacy, he could see through Leon's lie in one second.

"So did something unexpected happen to you and you came back early? Or did Pepper contact you? Um, is Pepper... okay?"

"No, she didn't contact me, maybe because she didn't want me to know that you were attacked and in a critical condition." Leon shook his head.

He explained:"But I did hear your voice in the spacecraft - you were calling my name, so I heard it. This is my newly awakened ability."

Tony opened his mouth:"Your ability is really unscientific... Sound is produced by vibration, and the propagation limit of this vibration is generally not too far, not to mention in the vacuum of the universe.……"

"But the fact is, I have awakened a lot of unscientific abilities this time, and I will have to ask you to test them for me again later."

Leon said as he observed Tony.

He could see the shrapnel stuck in Tony's chest aortic valve.

He sighed,"Tony, you don't look well, those terrorists must have tortured you a lot."

He frowned,"The shrapnel pierced the arteries around the heart, and only magnetism can be used to temporarily delay the injury. It's like a sharp knife hanging over your head at any time...those damn bastards!"

Tony was stunned. He saw Leonson's cold eyes, and his heart was moved. His lips moved, and finally he shook his head.

"This minor injury is nothing. But you came just in time. I was planning to break out tomorrow. But now, we can just fight our way out without worrying about Ethan's safety."

"Oh! By the way, Ethan!" He suddenly slapped his forehead and stood up quickly, then he remembered that Ethan had been silent for a long time,"Ethan, are you okay, you are...ah, so you are here?"

Tony showed a slightly embarrassed smile.

A middle-aged man with a slightly bald head, wearing a vest, who looked like an engineer, was standing quietly beside the two of them.

It turned out that Ethan had always been not far away from them.

It's just that Tony's attention was all on Leon just now, and he ignored Ethan.

Ethan spread his hands:"I haven't slept yet. In fact, I came here when this gentleman fell from the top of the cave just now."

Tony nodded awkwardly, smiled awkwardly for a few seconds, and then pulled Leon's shoulder to introduce

"Ethan, this is my brother Leon Stark. Leon, this is Ethan, my...friend, he saved my life." Tony introduced the two to each other.

The two shook hands and said hello.

Leon knew that Ethan was a good person:"I didn't expect Tony to be able to make friends in the cave. You must have been taking care of him during this time, otherwise it would not be easy for him to survive with his injuries."

"No, I just……"Ethan shook his head.

Leon raised his hand to stop him from speaking:"No need to say polite words, Ethan, you saved Tony, so you are my friend."

"What we need to do now is to fight back and send those guys outside to where they should go."Leon's face was as calm as a lake, but his eyes were full of thunder and lightning.

"Maybe we can come up with a plan first? Those guys have strong firepower."Ethan hesitated slightly.

"Plan? No! No need for a plan!" Tony interrupted.

He walked proudly to the armor he had built.

He patted the armor and said,"Look, Leon, this is my masterpiece of the past few months. Even if you didn't come today, Ethan and I would definitely be able to kill those guys tomorrow!"

Leon looked at Tony, who was showing off his toys like a child, and shook his head helplessly.

"Keep your little toys for later use. I'll walk in front and you just follow me." He said briefly,"I haven't been basking in the sun for the past six months in vain."

"Toy? Unbelievable, Leon, I know you are an average student and you may not understand the greatness of my armor."

Tony couldn't accept that his masterpiece was called a toy:"So when you don't understand the situation, you can keep silent and let me show you how great it is!"

Leon held Tony's shoulder:"Tony, maybe your little toy is really better, but I have to tell you that I flew here directly from the spaceship wearing these pants."

Tony's eyes widened slightly.

Flying back from the universe with just the flesh?

And the pants that Leon wore looked like they hadn't been washed for a long time, and there was no damage at all?

Tony knew the meaning of this very well.

"What? You, you……"Tony was speechless.

It was over. Now his suit was really just like a toy.

"So you just need to follow me."Leon smiled.

"But before that, there is one more thing." He glanced around and stopped at Tony's chest,"I have to help you solve the problem first."

""The aftermath?" Tony didn't understand for a moment.

But Leon had already made his move.

His figure didn't shake at all. His right hand pressed on Tony's shoulder, and his left hand suddenly became blurry for a moment.

Then Tony felt his chest stagnate, and the intense pain was about to attack his heart, but it dissipated in an instant.

"One, two, three... There are still a lot of fragments. Tony, you can still survive with such injuries. You can really be said to have a strong vitality."

"What did you say……"Tony touched his chest subconsciously.

When he looked up again, he saw Leon's open palm, with dozens of tiny shrapnel lying quietly on it.

"Look, I just took out the shrapnel from your chest. I'll leave these shrapnel for you to keep, to commemorate the fact that you have suffered a huge change at the age of nearly forty, and finally grew up and learned to take responsibility."

Leon stuffed the shrapnel in his hand to Tony, turned and walked towards the closed door of the cave.

In less than a microsecond, he used the bio-force field to fix the shrapnel in Tony's body, and then the fingertips of his left hand cut tiny wounds on Tony's chest and quickly took out all the shrapnel.

Then he used heat rays to stop the bleeding and heal Tony's wounds.

The set of movements was as smooth as clouds, swift as thunder but calm as water.

Even the scene in Tony's eyes did not change.

But when he reacted, he touched his chest, and the Ark reactor was still there, but there were more than a dozen holes on his clothes.

"This! This!"Tony's eyes moved back and forth between Leon's palm and his chest, and he said no again.

Leon had given him too many shocks today, so much so that he didn't refute the fact that his brother had just mocked him for finally growing up.

"Let's go, it's time to leave." Leon took the lead.

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