"Leon, I hope you can take care of yourself in the future. I don't know if I can successfully break through tomorrow.……"

Another morning.

Leon woke up to the sound of a call from his ear.

At this time, the golden sunlight filled his whole body.

His eyelashes trembled slightly, and suddenly opened. There seemed to be a bright light rising in his black pupils, as dazzling as the sun.

""Tony!" Leon subconsciously called out a name.

Tony Stark, the other son of his adoptive parents, his elder brother, had just called him in a farewell tone, but there was no sign of Tony beside him.

He immediately realized:"Something happened to Tony! How could... Wait, didn't he listen to my advice in the end and went to Afghanistan anyway... Damn, this arrogant guy, I clearly emphasized this to him so many times."

Lyon silently reached out and tapped the electronic display screen beside him.

The intelligent system responded quickly.

With a click, the restraints around Lyon's waist were untied, and the next moment he floated gently in the air.

Not only him.

Around him, sanitary napkins, dinner plates, tapes... all kinds of messy items were floating in the air like him, without any rules, like a group of plankton submerged in a pool of water swimming wantonly.

But this is not a pool. It's the interior of a manned spacecraft.

The bed that Lyon used to sleep on was not a bed, but a titanium alloy plate fixed to the cabin.

He was tied to this board day and night, facing the scorching sun all the time. When he was hungry, he ate bread, when he was thirsty, he drank nutrient solution, and when he needed to go to the toilet, he directly controlled the intelligent system to solve it on the spot. It can be said that there is no difference between growing on a titanium alloy plate.

Such days, calculating the time, he has spent a full six months.

"Although I didn't get the full two and a half years of sun exposure as planned, even if I only got half a year, it was enough."

Lyon clenched his fist in the air, and felt the fullness of strength in his body as never before.

At this moment, every cell and every drop of blood in his body was full of strength.

When the sun's rays spread over his naked body, along his perfect muscle lines, across his chest and arms.

He seemed to be able to hear his cells cheering, and his blood was rushing like a thawed glacier flowing into a river.

"This is... the power of Kryptonians!" Leon sighed as he looked at the huge sun hundreds of millions of kilometers away through the two-meter-high transparent space porthole in front of him. It has been almost nineteen years since he came to this world, and he never thought that he would be able to easily gain the power to subvert the world.

Looking at the deep universe and starry sky outside the window, Leon couldn't help but recall his past.

Leon Stark, a time traveler.

In his previous life, he was called Leon, just an ordinary office worker, and thought he would live a dull life.

Unexpectedly, one day when he was riding the subway home, he was stabbed to death after a mistake because he was brave enough to stop a mentally ill patient with a knife from injuring others.

When he opened his eyes again, he had become a baby who was almost one year old.

——He traveled through time, or was reborn, and did not awaken his memories of his past life until he was one year old.

As for the memories before the age of one, because the brain was not fully developed, it can be said that there were almost none.

In this world, he was originally an abandoned baby, and was adopted by Howard Stark by chance. The first thing he saw in this world after awakening his memory was Tony Stark's crying face.

Poor Tony's face was full of tears, and his eyes were red from crying. He held him in his arms without saying a word.

Later, he learned that on the day he awakened his memory, the Starks died in a car accident, and he was the only survivor in the car.

At that time, he was tightly pressed under a ball of baby wraps and thrown on the side of the road at random. His neck was roughly wrapped twice by the wraps, and a few meters away was the flaming wreckage of the car after the explosion.

The doctors said that it was a miracle that he survived, and it was the last miracle that the Starks left to the world.

Perhaps Tony also agreed with this statement. He regarded Leon as the continuation of his parents' lives, so he really raised Leon like taking care of his own brother.

So, based on the facts, rather than saying that Howard Stark is Leon's adoptive father, it is better to say that Tony is the one who is both a father and a mother.

……Of course, he was not a good father.

After all, what kind of good father would go to a cocktail party with his two-year-old son hanging around his neck to hook up with a cover girl, and then go home at night to put his son on the sofa and spend a long night with the beauty?

Fortunately, Tony later met Pepper Potts.

With Pepper's care, Leon finally got rid of the dilemma of being kept awake every night.

In the sleepless nights before, Leon had secretly made a note of Tony in his heart, thinking that when you go to Afghanistan, you will see if you can still date the cover girl.

Leon knew that according to the original plot, Tony would have to go to Afghanistan sooner or later.

He had basically watched all the Marvel movies in his previous life.

When he heard the names of his adoptive parents and his elder brother, he knew what kind of world he had traveled to.

To be honest, the danger index of the Marvel world is not low.

Not to mention those super villains who would show their faces and get a box lunch at any time, and cause a large number of civilian casualties.

Just to say that if the time of traveling to the Marvel world is wrong, the god of stories, Loki, has not yet ascended the throne of time.

As soon as he landed, he would not even have time to let out a few loud cries before the fully armed Time Management Bureau staff would have to take him away and eliminate him.

Fortunately, although he was terrified, Leon still lived to the age of eighteen.

He guessed that the timeline of the multiverse might have been disrupted and the sacred timeline no longer existed.

This is a good time to travel through time.

However, this still does not affect the fact that the Marvel world is extremely dangerous.

——Especially when he has a close relationship with Tony Stark, one of the protagonists of the story.

And in this world where you have a chance to encounter villains when you go out.

He waited for eighteen years, but he didn't get his golden finger. He didn't have the same IQ as Tony, nor the mutations as Spider-Man, nor the standard system for time travelers.

He could only comfort himself that at least he lived one more life after traveling through time, so it was not a loss.

Besides, this time he traveled through was not a dark and cruel world like the Lord of Mysteries, Daogui, and Perfection, so he was happy.

But even if he was just an ordinary person, he still used his advantage of prophecy to make some changes to the best of his ability.

In 2006, at the age of sixteen, Leon, who didn't wait for the arrival of the Space-Time Administration, chose to change the world experimentally.

He used the prophecy of the plot to guide Tony and try to create advantages.

First, he guided Tony to develop a series of new civilian technology electronic products such as smartphones and tablets that were not available until 2007.

Driven by these high-tech products.

Stark Group is now more than just an arms company.

The group's business scope has greatly expanded.

It is already the world's number one company.

In addition, Leon also tried his best to guide Tony to develop the Ark Reactor.

Unfortunately, Tony never thought about research in this area, and always perfunctorily said,"This technology is not yet possible."

In fact, this guy just didn't want to work hard to study.

After all, in Tony's first half of his life, which technological product was not made by him at the snap of his fingers.

Even for a cross-era product like a smartphone, he heard Leon say,"It would be great if the phone could be turned into a screen and could be clicked directly with his hands." Then he turned his eyes and developed it.

Tony was too lazy to study the Ark Reactor, and Leon had no choice. After all, no one could persuade a stubborn donkey to turn back.

In two years, the changes brought by Leon also stopped there.

He was like a hardworking bee, looking for a destiny that could be changed.

He also tried to find the whereabouts of Bucky and avenge the Starks.

Or expose Obadiah and send him to prison...

Unfortunately, in the end, these goals were not achieved.

Obadiah hid very deeply, and only revealed a little bit of his feet a year ago, and was caught by him and told Tony.

But Tony is too sentimental. Even if he has doubts, he is still willing to believe his uncle.

Just having an in-depth conversation with Obadiah, Tony felt that everything was solved easily.

Faced with this helpless situation, Leon could only emphasize to Tony again and again that he must not relax his vigilance and must not go to war zones like Afghanistan alone.

As for finding Bucky, Leon couldn't put it on the surface.

The power of Hydra is intricate in this world.

He is an ordinary person. If he investigates rashly, he will only expose himself and then face the same ending as Howard.

He can't even tell Tony.

On the one hand, as a junior in the family, he has little say, and Tony may not believe what he says (Tony is 20 years older than the protagonist).

On the other hand, even if he doesn't mention the source of the intelligence, he just guides Tony to think.

With Tony's arrogant temper, he will definitely use Jarvis to invade various confidential agencies as soon as he has doubts.

At that time, it will only lead to Tony and him facing the assassination after Hydra becomes alert.

Maybe the one who came to kill was Bucky, and in the end, this old comrade of Captain America was happy to get Stark's quadruple kill achievement.

In Marvel, ordinary people are so powerless, even if Leon is Stark.

His position in this world is like Justin Hammer of Hammer Industries. He has money, but that's all. At most, he has a genius brother.

Fortunately, all this changed on his 18th birthday.

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