Natasha was a bit incoherent.

She was obviously flustered.

After all, Leon had just saved her, but she was so ungrateful and cruel.

This made her feel ashamed for a moment.

"Don't mind it." Leon waved his hand indifferently,"You made an unintentional mistake, and you can't hurt me."

Natasha blinked and suddenly remembered that she was subdued by the man in front of her without any chance of fighting back.

She would never forget the power that crushed all skills.

"Thank you." Natasha glanced at Leon's body without leaving a trace, but shook her head and thanked him again,"Thank you for saving me, thank you for not minding my offense just now."

Leon was about to say something, but Natasha continued

"Maybe it's just a small thing for you, but it means a lot to me……"

Natasha looked very sincere.

She came down from the workbench and looked at Leon.

"You gave me a second chance at life, Mr. Stark"

"And it's not just me," Natasha's expression became solemn,"but also other widows, we all owe you our lives!"

The agents trained in the Red House are called widows.

The best widows who can break the highest records of their predecessors are named black widows.

They are the most ruthless and poisonous spiders in the world.

The agents given this name are also

"The life-saving grace is beyond repayment"

"If you need any help in the future, just ask." Natasha said seriously,"I will do my best."

She gently stroked Leon's cheek, and her warm breath sprayed on his strong jawline.

"But please forgive me for having to leave now.

Her expression became tangled, reluctant and extremely painful.

"If you lose contact with the Red House for too long, they will come after you."

"I can't drag you down, and I need to save others too."

Natasha acted decisively, and as soon as she regained consciousness, she began to plan revenge on the Red House. A flash of determination flashed in her eyes, and she suddenly stood on tiptoe and kissed Leon's cheek.

"Thank you, Leon." Her voice was so gentle, like cotton wool blown by the wind, and like saying goodbye to a lover with full love.

After the kiss, she stepped back slowly, step by step, her jade-like eyes looking at Leon steadily.

It was as if she was a princess in a fairy tale who was awakened from her slumber by the prince's kiss, but had to face the vicious mother alone.

After retreating to a distance of five meters, she turned around, leaving behind a lonely back.

That back was so lonely and resolute, vividly highlighting Natasha's psychological characteristics of being willing to sacrifice heroically for her partner and rush into the sea of fire for her savior.

Leon looked at Natasha and touched the side of his face. His reflection on the laboratory glass was stunned and stupid, like a young boy who suddenly fell in love.

""Wait, Natasha!" he suddenly called.

Natasha's resolute back paused, she turned her head slightly, leaving only half of her sad profile.

"Sorry, Leon, I have to go!"

"No, I mean, we are not that familiar with each other yet, it is quite appropriate for you to call me Mr. Stark."Lyon sighed and pinched his nose.

Then he muttered softly:"This rotten fish smell is really strong.……"

Natasha was completely frozen, standing there like a wooden man.

After a few seconds, she turned back with a hesitant expression:"Call you, Mr. Stark...?"

It seemed that she didn't hear Leon's complaints about her body odor.

"That's right!" Leon leaned against the workbench,"Natasha Romanoff, born in 1984, is the best Black Widow bred by the Red House. She has dozens of alternate identities around the world. She is a master of individual combat and psychological warfare."

"Facing a world-class agent like you, I am flattered to be called by name and kissed goodbye."

Leon raised his eyebrows:"To be honest, I almost rushed up to hug you, and said I would accompany you through the mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead."

Natasha's eyes changed, and her hesitant expression slowly calmed down:"Wow, I didn't expect that the second young master Stark, who was the most mediocre in the information, was so hidden. Are you a CIA agent?"

"Please, now is the Internet age, I have what you call home artificial intelligence, a lot of information is easy to collect"

"Besides, what is the most mediocre? I was admitted to Columbia University."

Leon paused and spread his hands:"Look, Natasha, I know your past."

"And I'm not a rich kid who fantasizes about fairy tales even when he's grown up."

"Therefore, the tactics of playing hard to get are really unnecessary."

"Although you seem to be just acting casually, without any effort"

"But can we talk in a simpler way?"Leon stood up, waved to Benben, and asked for two cups of coffee.

He handed the coffee to Natasha:"Drink something hot. When was the last time you drank coffee consciously? Don't tell me it was ten years ago."

"ha……"Natasha didn't show any embarrassment, and took the coffee with a natural smile,"Thank you, the last time I drank coffee like this was a year and a half ago."

Leon raised his eyebrows:"So you were completely controlled by the Red House more than a year ago?"

"You seem to know a lot, Master Leon."Natasha walked to Leon's side, leaned on the workbench with him, half tilted her head to look at him, looking petite and beautiful.

She was using little tricks to seduce Leon again.

"Come on, is it your habit to get information by seducing others?"

Leon pointed at the coffee cup,"If you have any questions, you can ask directly, which can save a lot of testing costs."

Natasha is indeed a beauty among beauties.

Now she is twenty-four or twenty-five years old, and her every move is naturally charming, and her every frown and smile can be fascinating.

However, Leon has just seen Natasha's bloody internal organs and red and white brain, and smelled the smell of her coming out of the sewer.

Therefore, he has no desire to have any wild thoughts in the short term.

"I didn't expect that as the brother of the most famous playboy in the United States, Master Lyon is still a decent man.���"Natasha put away her charming smile and looked much more serious.

As a master of psychology, she knew best how to please others.

Leon's current demand was to exchange information efficiently, and she was happy to do so.

"That's not necessarily true, but the time is not right now. You can try another occasion next time. I will definitely be fooled."

Leon took two sips of coffee,"By the way, don't play the farewell scene of an ignorant girl just now. Only the second-generation rich will be tempted by such a story. I suggest that when you make a move on me, you should wear black stockings directly, it will be more effective."

"Good suggestion, I will try it next time." Natasha nodded,"Then, Mr. Stark, how do you know so much about me?"

She added:"Don't tell me that it was found by artificial intelligence. Most of that information is confidential and cannot be uploaded to the Internet."

"So that's how it is." Leon made a cross with his hands,"I'm sorry, I can't tell you about this, it's a secret."

Natasha tilted her head:"Is this what you call a direct question?"

"Just because you ask a question doesn't mean I'm going to answer it."

Leon answered irrelevantly.

"Before you ask me, I want to ask, was that your attitude towards your lifesaver just now?"

He raised his finger:"First you woke up and attacked me... Oh, that was an accident, and afterwards you really thanked and apologized sincerely."

"But after recalling the memory of your previous fight with me, you immediately started to seduce me, wanting me to offer to help you, right?"

"The worst thing is that you turned around and secretly observed my reaction from the reflection in the glass."

"What? I just saved you, and you just said you would thank me, and then you turned around and wanted to drag me into a dangerous place?"

Leon slapped his thigh,"The contrast between your behavior is so great that it makes me feel like a sucker!"

"I apologize!" Natasha raised her hands,"I apologize again, it's my fault for treating you like an ordinary rich kid and trying to take advantage of you."

"It's also my fault for trying to involve you!"

"I'm sorry, I just woke up and wanted to find an ally who would make me feel safe."

Natasha's face showed a bit of pity.

"After all, you are so strong and a genius with high IQ. With your help, I will have a better chance of winning."

"But I promise, if you really choose to help me just now, I will definitely tell you all the real information! Although you don't seem to need it,"

"And my previous promise is true. If you encounter any trouble in the future, you can come to me for any request - provided that I am still alive."

Leon touched his chin:"Is it okay to ask you to do some unspeakable things?"

"Sure! Anytime you want!" Natasha's eyes didn't flinch at all, she was serious.

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